2020 Cuomo on CNN: Who said protests have to peaceful?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
"Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful,"

He said that during the George Floyd riots, while hundreds of thousands of rioters nationwide caused hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in damage, sent hundreds of police officers to the hospital, and killed 30-40 people.

I guess 300 right wing monsters listened to him.

ill wait for Twitter, google, and YouTube to take down his videos and suspend his account... but they won't. Media propaganda, protecting their own who call for violence while claiming those who the oppose who called for peace called for violence.

The problem for the media is that I'm not 20 seconds old, nor is the populace.
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This has exposed a lot of hypocrisy out of both sides.

It is just good that the media and Democrats are finally denouncing political violence in America. I wish it hadn't taken them so long. Will they continue to denounce riots if they are by victim class people they support? I doubt it, but all I can do is hope they'll finally be consistent.
For the lefties, the medias ...the supporter of Trump should have gone to the capitol been happy that the election was stole from them. :p
And they were entitled to all the names by CNN, terrorists, mob but the BLM them they are choirchildren.
This has exposed a lot of hypocrisy out of both sides.

It is just good that the media and Democrats are finally denouncing political violence in America. I wish it hadn't taken them so long. Will they continue to denounce riots if they are by victim class people they support? I doubt it, but all I can do is hope they'll finally be consistent.

Funny now how Trump supporters are also supporting it when they used to call for people to get fired simply for kneeling.
Funny now how Trump supporters are also supporting it when they used to call for people to get fired simply for kneeling.

You must be in the wrong thread. This has nothing to do with the topic.
This has exposed a lot of hypocrisy out of both sides.

Let's not try a false equivalency defense mechanism. Conservatives denounced the massive riots throughout 2020, Biden and the Democrats would not. They don't even admit ANTIFA exists, or that BLM can possibly be violent. We saw hundreds of thousands of people across the nation, on video, being violent and committing arson, murder, etc. Now, the left, the media, and Democrats suddenly have a problem with 300 monsters who don't burn down any buildings, kill anyone, fire any shots, etc., and call it "pearl harbor" and represent it as worse than anything that's happened.

It's great that the left is finally denouncing violence, but they are WAY late to the party, and I'm guessing they will not denounce further racial violence, don't you agree?
"Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful,"

He said that during the George Floyd riots, while hundreds of thousands of rioters nationwide caused hundreds of millions to billions of dollars in damage, sent hundreds of police officers to the hospital, and killed 30-40 people.

I guess 300 right wing monsters listened to him.

ill wait for Twitter, google, and YouTube to take down his videos and suspend his account... but they won't. Media propaganda, protecting their own who call for violence while claiming those who the oppose who called for peace called for violence.

The problem for the media is that I'm not 20 seconds old, nor is the populace.
First Trump supporters don't scale walls with ropes, have knee pads, backpacks, 2 ways, and Soviet tats.

This was coordinated. All the signs of ANTIFA violence. You have to be a dumb ass or a supporter of it not to know it.

The left has marginalized violence for a yr when it benefited them.

These people are sick and they have total control on government? God this is awful.

We need to get millions of Magas to Washington for the inaug, and let ANTIFA do the rest. Goanna happen anyway. MAGA hats with Soros face.
This has exposed a lot of hypocrisy out of both sides.

Let's not try a false equivalency defense mechanism. Conservatives denounced the massive riots throughout 2020, Biden and the Democrats would not. They don't even admit ANTIFA exists, or that BLM can possibly be violent. We saw hundreds of thousands of people across the nation, on video, being violent and committing arson, murder, etc. Now, the left, the media, and Democrats suddenly have a problem with 300 monsters who don't burn down any buildings, kill anyone, fire any shots, etc., and call it "pearl harbor" and represent it as worse than anything that's happened.

It's great that the left is finally denouncing violence, but they are WAY late to the party, and I'm guessing they will not denounce further racial violence, don't you agree?

Yes Biden and the Democrats are hypocrites. As are the Trump supporters.
The protest yesterday was entirely justified, little underwhelming given what's been going on if anything.

Look up to how the nation was founded - through a protest.

The problem with the leftist protests is that they are not protesting anything, just a mob doing what mob does. Certainly no American values are to be found there.
This has exposed a lot of hypocrisy out of both sides.

It is just good that the media and Democrats are finally denouncing political violence in America. I wish it hadn't taken them so long. Will they continue to denounce riots if they are by victim class people they support? I doubt it, but all I can do is hope they'll finally be consistent.
Democrats always talk out of both sides of their face so don’t count on it.
Chris Cuomo's words sharply underline the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to protestors
in Washington DC.
The left is ALWAYS hypocritical.
Add to that the fact that Antifa provocateurs were the principal cause of those that stormed the
capitol. Just more of the left's consistent dishonest stances.
I see. Protesting violently is cool while protesting peacefully is evil. LOL

I'm not sure who you're replying to, but it isn't me. You need to go debate people who are saying what you're claiming they said.

Please, stop trolling the thread. Address the topic or just leave.
Cuomo might be right about demonstrations. The criminality of yesterday's invasion of the Republic's seat of a working Congress was a violent revolutionary act against the nation. That is sedition.

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