2014: Reversal of Fortune in the House

Yeah right, let's talk about illegal immigration.... It beats talking about the incredible failure of the ironically named "affordable health care" act.

The Hispanics +black + Asian, etc certainly do as they make up 2% more of the votes per election--->
As the American Enterprise Institute's Henry Olsen pointed out in a recent speech, the nonwhite vote as a share of total voters has increased in every presidential election since 1996 by 2% (much of it Hispanic) while the share of the white vote has dropped by 2% each election.

These people aren't going anywhere. :eusa_whistle:
Dont need comprehensive immigration reform. You just need to seal the border and make legal immigration easier.
The federal governmnet ACA website has numerous flaws. One that probably set back enrollments was the inability to get curious and shop, without doing any enrolling or registration.

State of Washington is high-tech savvy, and their website allows precisely that. The usual federal approach in matters of Civil Rights even--Shoot First, Ask Questions, Later--may have been a bit unsavory, at the start of the federal website.

So the Red States actually forced their people into the fedeal ACA website. That is now shown to have been a bad idea. So with the coming months getting closer to a different November, then maybe the absurdity of the GOP position--right there in the Red State, front and backyards both: Will turn on the Party that actually tried to shut down--not just the website, but the whole federal government included. The clear intent was to maximize aggravations of the ways of life already ongoing, and getting used to a national health plan.

Surely any Democrat will so-state.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now come to Lands of Many Nations--toss dice first, ask questions later! Play slots first, ask questions later! Dress up like Tea Party Indians, even, not even(?)! Beads and Trinkets, White Eyes Now Maybe have too much, compared to having any money(?)!)
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

I'll bet you and all your aliases that the Republicans pick up house and Senate seats in 2014
Underreported news that makes you wrong in an unexpected way.

Without the federal subsidies that Obamacare cut at implementation hospitals and therefore emergency rooms are shutting down in mostly D areas of Red states. Urgent care sites are not required to provide care to all comers.

Supply and demand for Obamacare compliance at truly affordable prices is causing concierge medicine combined with catastrophic care to take off and eliminate the healthy people needed to make Obamacare work anywhere.

The MSM is not reporting this but Bloomberg and CNBC are reporting on the investment opportunities that this is providing. I did a check against election maps vs. where this is happening and seriously the result looks to me like Hillary's hallucinations about a vast right wing conspiracy only launched by the Ds against themselves.
Yeah right, let's talk about illegal immigration.... It beats talking about the incredible failure of the ironically named "affordable health care" act.

The Hispanics +black + Asian, etc certainly do as they make up 2% more of the votes per election--->
As the American Enterprise Institute's Henry Olsen pointed out in a recent speech, the nonwhite vote as a share of total voters has increased in every presidential election since 1996 by 2% (much of it Hispanic) while the share of the white vote has dropped by 2% each election.

These people aren't going anywhere. :eusa_whistle:

Democrats might count on illegal aliens as a voting base but that concept ain't going anywhere either. .

What fucks with the mind is the fact only 10% is Hispanic even so they have 4.4% more of the American population then blacks. Republicans don't want the true size of this population to come out!

Asians = 5.4%
Hispanics = 17%
Blacks 12.6%

Blacks are really coming out big time. 1980 =11.7% and now 12.6%. I did some research and found that they're slowly growing...NOT nearly as fast as Hispanics but with 90% voting democrat. Be scared!


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The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

I'll bet you and all your aliases that the Republicans pick up house and Senate seats in 2014

I hope you are right, Frank, but I don't think we can do it with your lot and how they think.
The ACA rollout debacle gave the GOP the opportunity to overcome its collective stupidity on supporting a shut down and possible debt default.

Boehner just threw that opportunity in the gutter.

We are going to find out just how powerful women and minorities are compared to the far right turnout in an off-presidential election next year.

You actually trust boehner, reid, and O to pass some meaningful law on immigration? Seriously?

Jake trusts Obama. Period.

I trust that if a meaningful bill passes, the GOP can take back seats in both chambers.
The white electorate, particularly the weirdoes on the far reactionary right, is shrinking.

Either the GOP realizes that its once core constituency is not as valuable and play to the minorities, or the GOP will be a losing party.
Dont need comprehensive immigration reform. You just need to seal the border and make legal immigration easier.


Seal borders and give people that are already here a chance at citizenship. We agree with this.

Seal the border, and begin the mass deportations. Give the Border Patrol a shoot-on-sight order. Make hiring, housing, sheltering, or otherwise aiding an illegal alien in any way aside from emergency medical care a felony punishable with 20 years in prison. Put cash bounties on illegals.
Relax everybody no repeal or reform of Obamacare can possibly pass both houses.

Without repeal or reform the Ds lose their base.

The problem of a small minority voting for the Rs while the GOP sticks to the unDs platform assumes that the Ds can survive their unerring streak of self-destruction, that is doubtful.

The Ds may always be wrong but that doesn't mean that the exact opposite is right, it can be, and more often than not is, just another flavor of wrong.
The Hispanic population has grown 4.5-5% since 2000 election.

Whites voted 58% for Bush to 37% Kerry in 2004.

44% of Hispanics voted for Bush ;)

Here is 2008-2012
The Illinois senator won 43 percent of white voters, 4 percentage points below Carter’s performance in 1976 and equal to what Bill Clinton won in the three-man race of 1996. Republican John McCain won 55 percent of the white vote

According to CNN’s interviews, 59 percent of white voters chose Mitt Romney to be their next president. Obama won 93 percent of the African-American vote, along with large majorities of Latino and Asian voters, according to CNN. about 65% of Hispanics voted for Obama....

Most White People Vote for Romney, CNN Exit Polls Find - Truthdig

David C. Wilson: The Elephant in the Exit Poll Results: Most White Women Supported Romney

Hispanics are growing....Think about it for a second 3.17 million=1% growth right now and the white population is also growing but slower. These people are moving into Miami, Co, Nevada, Misr, Va, etc Making it impossible for the grand old party to win.

Considering that Republicans are 90% white. Anyone they vote for is going to get the majority of the white vote.
Relax everybody no repeal or reform of Obamacare can possibly pass both houses.

Without repeal or reform the Ds lose their base.

The problem of a small minority voting for the Rs while the GOP sticks to the unDs platform assumes that the Ds can survive their unerring streak of self-destruction, that is doubtful.

The Ds may always be wrong but that doesn't mean that the exact opposite is right, it can be, and more often than not is, just another flavor of wrong.

Republicans are going to get blindsided with the fact they don't want Americans to have health care.
Get ready to lose about 2/3rds + of the Hispanic votes each election.

17% of this population is now voting nearly 2/3rds against you compared to 45% for you in 2000( 12.5% of population). This population group is growing at 4-6% per decade in percentage of population the past 25 years.

Good luck in getting over 60% white to win elections....You'd have too to win another national election.

The cold hard truth is THESE PEOPLE AREN"T GOING TO BE DEPORTED. Obama Bill of enforcement after legalizion of the people already here is the only way we're going to do anything.

Don't you get it?

Florida--->Miami having a growing Hispanic population is why you lose Florida.
Co--->growing Hispanic population is why you lose.
Nevada-->Growing Hispanic population is why you lose.
Va--->Growing minority population and woman are killing you in the northern part of the state.

I looked at the Hispanic turn out+population growth and how much the shift effected the election.

Turning off 20-25% of the Hispanic population that MAY vote republican are killing the republican party.

Sure Jake


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