Does Anyone (Left or Right) Still Like Obama?


Mar 8, 2012
Chicago, IL
This is not a joke thread; I really just want to get some views here of folks who maybe voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012, as I think it's pretty obvious he's no hero.

Does anyone still support the guy in light of all the creepy NSA stuff, the dishonest pledge of "you can keep your insurance", the backdoor Monsanto deals, the bullying of the "FREE PRESS", the passing of the propaganda bill allowing a partnership between gov't/media, the signing of NDAA and appealing a judge's decision that sections of it was unconstitutional, the selling of US weapons to Al-qaeda rebels in Syria, the war mongering, the drone strikes, the failure to jail Wall Street fraudsters, the failure to end the bailout, the prosecuting of more whistleblowers than any admin in history, the failure to unite Congress and get us on a path to success, etc.

Are there people who still think he's doing a good job? If so, what are some of those reasons?

I feel like I'm extremely cynical when it comes to Obama, and want to see if perhaps someone can change my mind.
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The best way to decide whether Americans support Obama is to compare his popularity with the GOP as a whole, the GOP in Congress, and the TPM.

I voted for Romney.
But our choices were crazy uncle fester from up in the attic and the lying mormon plutocrat.

I understand that viewpoint, and I'm not asking "why did you vote for Obama?".

Just curious to see if you still support him....

Well, I never really supported him. I still think he was the least of the bad options, though Hillary voted for Iraq and supported expanding the Afghan misadventure too, so ..... I didn't see much improvement from the dem side either.

I still think that the way to go is some compromise along the coburn, barrasso, enzi line that woudl let people keep their insurance, provide cheap catastrophic care that people couuld be induced into buying into by penalizing them if they didn't and if they got sick, and giving tax credits to familes that don't make so much ....

but any goper woudl get a TPM primary challange if they did that. So, I'm still not for repealing obamacare.
Obama's boyfriend still likes him. :)

I think he's doing a pretty good job.

Although I wish he would get the heck out of Afghanistan.

Cool - that's why I started this thread, but why do think he's doing a good job (what specifically)?

I like the legislation he got passed before 2010 and the direction the economy is taking.

Jobs are slowly coming back to US shores and we are moving, albeit slowly, to some pretty robust growth.

Personally, I am not surprised at all at the opposition, we saw this during the Clinton administration. I am more surprised by the Media who either have been blindsided by it, or thinks "both" sides are to blame.

But I am glad most people are talking about the need for pragmatists in the Congress.

That's pretty refreshing.
Never did like him and dislike even more for the Division and Hate he's brought on this country

and his growing of more government, OfailCare..... at a time we could LEAST AFFORD IT as taxpayers...I wouldn't vote for him as a dog catcher

I would say more but I better not...:eusa_angel:
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I like the legislation he got passed before 2010 and the direction the economy is taking.

What specifically – the ACA?

Jobs are slowly coming back to US shores and we are moving, albeit slowly, to some pretty robust growth.

But how much do you think of this is directly related to President Obama vs just normal business returning after a giant economic collapse? Is gov’t specifically the reason the economy is growing (ie without it we’d still be losing 700k jobs a month)? I think that's a hard case to make.

I don’t think I ever really was too hard on Obama for the poor economy (because I believe there are way too many factors out of his control), and likewise don’t tend to give him much credit when things begin to turn around.
I personally don't care for him, given that he has continued Bush police state policies. Given the opposition, I would still vote for him.

I sort of agree here, although there has not been any call to end the AUMF or repeal the Patriot Act.

Quite the opposite, it was the Republicans that expanded government powers with the NDAA and Obama that offered opposition, albeit tepid to it.

In terms of the war on terror, very little has changed.
I don't like or dislike Obama. I don't know him personally.

But I, as an American, take strong exception to a President who can look me in the eye through the camera lens and lie so glibly and effortlessly and apparently without conscience.

I take strong exception to a President who considers me as unworthy of any consideration because I share neither his party or his fuzzy vision of what should be and accuses me of bad motives because I hold a different vision.

I take strong exception to a President who uses his powers in inappropriate ways to accomplish his purposes and then denies any responsibility for that and/or blames everybody or anybody else.

I take strong exception to a President who seems unconcerned and oblivious and uncaring about the damage his policies are doing and also the ineffectiveness of his policies to correct unsustainable and unacceptable conditions when he could make a difference.

I did not vote for him in 2008, but was not terribly disappointed when he was elected as I hoped he would be as good as his campaign rhetoric. After five years experience, we now know that almost ALL was a lie and he had no intention of following through on much of anything. And the country has suffered mightily because of his incompetence and/or flawed policies.

By 2012 I was ready to vote for pretty much anybody else no matter who they were.
If Dr. Krauthammer is right, and he generally is, we owe President Obama a great deal---for he has dealt a mortal blow to the Liberalism that was about to destroy this country the same way it destroyed Detroit.
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If Dr. Krautheimer is right, and he generally is, we owe President Obama a great deal---for he has dealt a mortal blow to the Liberalism that was about to destroy this country the same way it destroyed Detroit.

I hope he's right:thup:

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