2012 Presidential Election: My 'Gutsy Call'


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm calling it in advance. At least one of the three recent northern Democratic staples, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan will go for Romney.

And if that happens and Pennsylvania goes for Romney like I believe it will; then it will be possible that Obama could win Ohio and lose the election. That'd be the first time in twelve cycles I believe.
Interesting. I too am seeing some promising signs, and don't think we need to write off Ohio yet. More troubling is that it has been a long LONG time since a President was elected when losing his home state. And it looks like Romney will lose Massachusetts.
i still dont see romney carrying the south....

it will be interesting...the ads here in nc are so negative....

and here comes the democratic convention .....
I'm calling it in advance. At least one of the three recent northern Democratic staples, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan will go for Romney.

And if that happens and Pennsylvania goes for Romney like I believe it will; then it will be possible that Obama could win Ohio and lose the election. That'd be the first time in twelve cycles I believe.

In the latest polls from Minnesota and Wisconsin, Obama wins. Yet Walker wins in Wisconsin.
But, it's really early, anthing can happen between noe and November.
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Actually though. I don't know how much of a gutsy call it is. There are signs that this could be another 1980 and Romney could boot Obama out in a landslide.
Obama Will Not Win Re-election

5/30/12 By Monty Pelerin

It is time to call the 2012 election. President Obama cannot win. He will likely lose big, in a very lopsided election. Pundits will claim to be surprised when the outcome becomes apparent. They should not be, as the signs of such a result are everywhere, despite the mainstream media's attempts to suppress them.

There are numerous reasons why Obama will lose. Incompetence, likeability, and duplicity are a few. Obama has alienated too many in the electorate, including large numbers who supported him the first time. In 2012, many will vote against him or (even better) just stay home.

How Did Obama Get Elected the First Time?

Barack Hussein Obama is a self-created myth, polished further by David Axelrod and a compliant media. He is a chameleon who takes on whatever shape and form best suit his purposes and goals. There is little substance behind the façade other than an Elmer Gantry style of politics. He is completely malleable into whatever form and shape best serve his personal interests.

A few examples of this "flexibility" are the following:

•He changed his name when he believed it served him to do so.
•He is not a religious man, but he joined a Black Liberation Church to sell his bona fides to the black community in his early days in Chicago.
•He said that preacher Jeremiah Wright was like his father yet threw him under the bus when it became convenient (necessary).
•He claimed to have been born in Kenya in order to enhance book sales as a younger man.
•He likely lied on his applications to college to gain foreign student status. At the time, that category provided more favorable admission and funding treatment than afforded domestic blacks.
•He claimed to be a constitutional professor when he was neither a professor nor particularly well-versed in the Constitution.


Obama's track record is abysmal. Floyd and Mary Beth Brown discussed four of Obama's failures:

•Obama's 825 billion dollar stimulus failed to keep unemployment below 8 percent as promised. Since President Obama's stimulus passed, America has lost 1.1 million jobs. If you count people who have become discouraged and are no longer seeking jobs, some economists believe that real unemployment rate is above twenty percent.
•Obama called his health care package one of his major accomplishments. He told CBS' Steve Kroft he was "putting in place a system in which we're going to start lowering health care costs." Yet it has failed to make health insurance more affordable. According to the fact watchdog website FactCheck.org, ObamaCare is actually making health care "less affordable." Workers paid an average of $132 more for family coverage just this year.
•Obama predicted his investments in green energy would create 5 million jobs, but the Wall Street Journal reports: "The green jobs subsidy story gets more embarrassing by the day. Three years ago President Obama promised that by the end of the decade, America would have five million green jobs, but so far, some $90 billion in government spending has delivered very few."
•Obama pledged to cut the deficit in half, saying: "And that's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office." Even if every part of Obama's deficit reduction proposal was enacted, the deficit at the end of his first term would still be $1.33 trillion, more than twice what he promised.

In addition:


Read more: Articles: Obama Will Not Win Re-election
Actually though. I don't know how much of a gutsy call it is. There are signs that this could be another 1980 and Romney could boot Obama out in a landslide.

There is more than one professional pundit who pretty much have stuck their necks out and predicted that. And there are those who say there is no way in hell that Romney can win.

I would give a good steak dinner for somebody who could give me a feel for say which way the leftists on just USMB are really hoping it will go. We are getting at least 10 calls a week from folks polling on our upcoming Primary election in early June and also for the November election. I'm not convinced that anybody is sure of anything yet.
I'm calling it in advance. At least one of the three recent northern Democratic staples, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan will go for Romney.

And if that happens and Pennsylvania goes for Romney like I believe it will; then it will be possible that Obama could win Ohio and lose the election. That'd be the first time in twelve cycles I believe.

That's interesting. VA, NC, and FL in the South, and CO and NM in the West, and your scenario could work.
Actually though. I don't know how much of a gutsy call it is. There are signs that this could be another 1980 and Romney could boot Obama out in a landslide.

There is more than one professional pundit who pretty much have stuck their necks out and predicted that. And there are those who say there is no way in hell that Romney can win.

I would give a good steak dinner for somebody who could give me a feel for say which way the leftists on just USMB are really hoping it will go. We are getting at least 10 calls a week from folks polling on our upcoming Primary election in early June and also for the November election. I'm not convinced that anybody is sure of anything yet.

I am thinking either one by one state's difference. Just which one, I am not sure, but hoping it is Romney.

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