2012 election the year that proved the TEA party is a sham


If you think madcow was promoting anything. Just watch the video.

I don't.

And I watched the video, very closely.

Notice they cut Maddow off as she's about to go into how the new Tea Party is just conservatives trying to hijack the Paul moniker.

And notice her later use of the words "dubious claims".

That video is just filled with creative editing, taking her out of context.

Sorry nothing you can say will change one fact without george bush there would not have been a tea party.
Newt is your guy? Since when? The TPM is bust. The mainstream GOP co-opted it. Boehner has been pushing for at least a dozen primary races to send the first-termers home for good.
Newt is your guy? Since when? The TPM is bust. The mainstream GOP co-opted it. Boehner has been pushing for at least a dozen primary races to send the first-termers home for good.

Damn you got mental issues, this is what I said
I read some where that newt said he was the father of the tea party?:lol:
No where did I say that.
OK. Honestly Reb, I've just been playing devil's advocate this entire time to mess with you.

You may actually be right about the Tea Party, hell, you may be wrong.

But it was fun arguing the point.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

As an Independent I don't get to Vote in the Primary. I will most likely vote for the best Candidate to defeat Obama in the General Election. I am Tea Party. Most Conservatives have been already cut from the running, short of a Miracle when it comes to counting Delegates at the Convention, it's going to be Romney or Newt.

The Tea Party Strength is in choosing Congressmen and Senators. That is where the Votes will count most.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

As an Independent I don't get to Vote in the Primary. I will most likely vote for the best Candidate to defeat Obama in the General Election. I am Tea Party. Most Conservatives have been already cut from the running, short of a Miracle when it comes to counting Delegates at the Convention, it's going to be Romney or Newt.

The Tea Party Strength is in choosing Congressmen and Senators. That is where the Votes will count most.
I can't do it I cannot be a hypocrite and vote for either romney or Newt i'LL JUST DO A WRITE IN
OH and I plan on doing what I can to make sure regardless of party that any North Carolina politician who voted for the passage of the NDAA does not get re-elected.
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The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

As an Independent I don't get to Vote in the Primary. I will most likely vote for the best Candidate to defeat Obama in the General Election. I am Tea Party. Most Conservatives have been already cut from the running, short of a Miracle when it comes to counting Delegates at the Convention, it's going to be Romney or Newt.

The Tea Party Strength is in choosing Congressmen and Senators. That is where the Votes will count most.
I can't do it I cannot be a hypocrite and vote for either romney or Newt i'LL JUST DO A WRITE IN

The weight of that is only relevant if it contributes to Obama winning your State. I've done dozens of write in's over the Years, so, I get it. My Vote in NYC isn't worth much. Going to the Poll at all is like "Night Of The Living Dead". :eek:
As an Independent I don't get to Vote in the Primary. I will most likely vote for the best Candidate to defeat Obama in the General Election. I am Tea Party. Most Conservatives have been already cut from the running, short of a Miracle when it comes to counting Delegates at the Convention, it's going to be Romney or Newt.

The Tea Party Strength is in choosing Congressmen and Senators. That is where the Votes will count most.
I can't do it I cannot be a hypocrite and vote for either romney or Newt i'LL JUST DO A WRITE IN

The weight of that is only relevant if it contributes to Obama winning your State. I've done dozens of write in's over the Years, so, I get it. My Vote in NYC isn't worth much. Going to the Poll at all is like "Night Of The Living Dead". :eek:

North Carolina is getting just a little bit to liberal if you ask my opinion I feel for you.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

How odd...no Tea Party members are interesting in voting Democrat?
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.

So, that is what you would get....anyone but Obama. Anyone.
The TEA party has grown into something totally different than what it was when it was in it grassroots movement stage. The TEA party has compromised it's values for political expedience. The anyone but obama syndrome has killed what the TEA party once stood for.


How can any member of the TEA party support Romney or Newt and claim they have the views the TEA party is supposed to have or at least what they claimed was the reason the TEA party came to be.

If the toilet is overflowing, the first action should be to shut off the water. Before anything can be done to improve our situation, obama has to be voted out of office. Anybody but obama makes sense.

So, that is what you would get....anyone but Obama. Anyone.

Its the mindless, BRAINLESS, vote-them-all-out attitude that got us such losers as Joe (dead beat dad) Walsh and Alan (fruitier than a nut cake) West.

If you vote for (what you consider to be) the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.
We are 25 days into 2012...are you clairvoyant???? I don't see any reason why the Tea Party would get behind any candidate at this point...it will only be used later down the road by the media if the person they get behind does not win the nomination...I wish for a 3rd party...it won't be this year..Obama has to go and a 3rd party would kill that chance. We, as a nation cannot handle 4 more years of hope and change. Either way the election goes our our world will end as we know it. By 12/12/12, I believe we will be surprised if we are not Greece.
I liked the idea of the Tea party until I attended my first rally. They seemed so against working class people and for big business. There is a war against workers out there, especially the good workers.

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