2009 air to ground assault against Taliban called weak / 2019 invite Taliban to USA is STRONG. Why?

Pilot1, post: 23141667
You said Obama never called ISIS the JV.

That’s not true, not even close idiot.


My response to you was:

When he did they were JV numbnutz.

You need not apologize for your inability to read. You love Trump. He rotted your brain.

My point stands. When Obama did actually and in fact call ISIS “JV” - they were “JV”- they never hit the US like al qaeda Varsity did when Bush was President.

Come to think of it ISIS has not hit the US at all in any kind of organized attack,

So why must you build them up to something they are not.

Obama was never President of Iraq or Syria.

You need to be reminded of that for some reason,
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Grampa Murked U, post: 23140298,
ISIS grew in strength because Obama sat by as they formed UNDER HIS WATCH.

Why did you expect Obama to ‘watch’ what happens in Iraq and Syria? That is not American soil or territory. As an American rightwinger it is not plausible that you have heartfelt concerns over the plight of innocents civilians on lands that predominantly are adherents to the religion of Islam.

Obama’s ‘sitting by’ can only mean that you wish he would have put US troops back in harms way on the ground in Iraq to fight for the Muslims over there that you hold so dearly in your heart.
Grampa Murked U, post: 23140298,
ISIS grew in strength because Obama sat by as they formed UNDER HIS WATCH.

Why did you expect Obama to ‘watch’ what happens in Iraq and Syria? That is not American soil or territory. As an American rightwinger it is not plausible that you have heartfelt concerns over the plight of innocents civilians on lands that predominantly are adherents to the religion of Islam.

Obama’s ‘sitting by’ can only mean that you wish he would have put US troops back in harms way on the ground in Iraq to fight for the Muslims over there that you hold so dearly in your heart.
No troops were necessary dumbass. A convoy in the middle of nowhere could have easily been obliterated without a single troop going anywhere near them.

Or we just sit and watch Americas biggest enemy drive away with our weapons of war.

Grampa Murked U, post: 23145094
A convoy in the middle of nowhere could have easily been obliterated without a single

So your ignorant brain has it resolved that ISIS grew from nothing into a formidable terrorist force by driving around in convoys in the middle of nowhere.

You are indeed a fool. There were ISIS sleeper cells entrenched in Mosul many years before the assault that began in June 2014

How does the USAF bomb sleeper cells in a city of 2.000.000 to kill only the terrorists.

Maybe you think those convoys full of terrorists rolled around in the middle of nowhere with bright red and black targets oaibted on the roofs with a message ‘bomb me Obama’ I’m a terrorist.

You have got to be one of the dumbest TrumpO cult members on record here. Bomb the convoys Obama, that’s all you had to do,
Maybe you think those convoys full of terrorists rolled around in the middle of nowhere with bright red and black targets oaibted on the roofs with a message ‘bomb me Obama’ I’m a terrorist.

The dust clouds were visible from satellites ya moron.

This is what exposed dickheads like you. You specifically asked for differences between the two and when one HUGE GLARING DIFFERENCE is pointed out you play stupid. You were never interested in an answer to begin with.
Grampa Murked U, post: 23145094
Or we just sit and watch Americas biggest enemy drive away with our weapons of war.

ISIS took Mosul you Moron, they captured the city in a few days. Those were not ‘our’ weapons they seized - they were Iraq’s.

Just a reminder Obama was never the President of Iraq.

What makes you think ISIS siezed Iraq’s armored vehicals in Mosul and then drove them out in a big long convoy to the middle of nowhere so Obama’s couid bomb them if Obama wanted to?
Grampa Murked U, post: 23145202
The dust clouds were visible from satellites ya moron.

What is the date that these “dust clouds” were visible from satellites. And where was it? If you have no clue as to the exact date - did it occur prior to or after the fall of Mosul in June 2014.

Did it have any connection to the fall of Mosul or not.
This is what exposed dickheads like you. You specifically asked for differences between the two and when one HUGE GLARING DIFFERENCE is pointed out you play stupid. You were never interested in an answer to begin with.

You are not pointing out a difference between Obama and Trump. You have only pointed to how huge an idiot you are to believe that Obama could have prevented the rise of ISIS by bombing a convoy in the middje of nowhere on a date that you don’t know when that convoy was out there.

TrumpO invited the Taliban to Camp David. They are terrorists who kill innocent men women and children and our troops who have fought and died for two decades trying to protect those innocent men women and children

Not a peep from you about that.

Just Obama didn’t bomb a convoy in the middle of nowhere.

Maybe Obama should have invited Al Baghdadi to Camp David so you could then believe Obama was strong like Trump.,
Won't comment on Obama being 'weak' other than weak and strong are massively shitty ways to describe FP in the first place.

What I fail to understand is why the idea of negotiating for peace has suddenly become such a terrible thing. The idea that we are looking to finally bring the Afghanistan disaster to a close is the most asinine criticism of Trump thus far and there has been some pretty outrageous criticism before.

I’m all for negotiation for peace if the Taliban intend to make peace.

What TrumpO tried to do was get a photo op at Camp David and a fake peace because TrumpO has failed to negotiate real peace with the terrorists that keep on killing our side, our allies .

If TrumpO is ready to surrender and not give a shit if the Taliban rule Afghanistan again and the whole situation of nuclear armed Pakistan having Terror sponsoring nation next door then have at it.

TrumpO doesn’t and shouldn’t use Camp David for a US SURRENDER.
Clearly you are not if Trump seeks it.
Grampa Murked U, post: 23145202
The dust clouds were visible from satellites ya moron.

I have no doubt we have capability to see and target a convoy of vehicles out in the middle of nowhere. Dust clouds or no dust clouds.

So when was it? where was it? And in what direction was the convoy going that Obama was supposed to bomb in order to stop ISIS. In its tracks.
FA_Q2, post: 23145324
Clearly you are not if Trump seeks it.

That’s not clear at all.
Quite the cop out there FQ.

One requirement is that the Taliban stop the attacks.

This report is from yesterday:

  • Taliban insurgents continued with their nearly daily attacks in Afghanistan early Thursday morning when a suicide truck bomb detonated at a hospital in the southern region of the country, killing as many as 20 people and wounding nearly 100 others.

    The massive explosion destroyed part of the hospital in Qalat, the capital of southern Zabul province, and left a fleet of ambulances broken and battered.

    The provincial governor, Rahmatullah Yarmal, said that many of the causalities were women and children who were probably visiting loved ones at the hospital. Taliban violence in Afghanistan ramps up as suicide bomb kills at least 20

many of the causalities were women and children who were probably visiting loved ones at the hospital.

You want these terrorist killers in a photo op with TrumpO at Camp David on a 9/11 anniversary weekend?

What has Republicanism become in this country for the love of the Deplorable Donald?

You are deplorable. Hillary was right.,

Our side is not blowing up hospitals - Somebody tell Trump.
FA_Q2, post: 23145324
Clearly you are not if Trump seeks it.

That’s not clear at all.
Quite the cop out there FQ.

One requirement is that the Taliban stop the attacks.

This report is from yesterday:

  • Taliban insurgents continued with their nearly daily attacks in Afghanistan early Thursday morning when a suicide truck bomb detonated at a hospital in the southern region of the country, killing as many as 20 people and wounding nearly 100 others.

    The massive explosion destroyed part of the hospital in Qalat, the capital of southern Zabul province, and left a fleet of ambulances broken and battered.

    The provincial governor, Rahmatullah Yarmal, said that many of the causalities were women and children who were probably visiting loved ones at the hospital. Taliban violence in Afghanistan ramps up as suicide bomb kills at least 20

many of the causalities were women and children who were probably visiting loved ones at the hospital.

You want these terrorist killers in a photo op with TrumpO at Camp David on a 9/11 anniversary weekend?

What has Republicanism become in this country for the love of the Deplorable Donald?

You are deplorable. Hillary was right.,

Our side is not blowing up hospitals - Somebody tell Trump.
No, and that is why Trump cancelled the talks. You agree with him.
FA_Q2, post: 23145449
No, and that is why Trump cancelled the talks. You agree with him.

I don’t agree with inviting them to Camp David ever.

Why is TrumpO strong for making such a deplorable and despicable offer.

TrumpO announces he reached a deal in Afghanistan wherein the terrorists stop all the killing for at least year and when they do then he will BEGIN to withdraw troops slowly and cautiously while upholding the security agreement that Obama entered into through 2024 with the government there, I will praise TrumpO for getting that done.

What TrumpO is doing right now is agreeing to surrender to the Taliban and abandon our security agreement with Kabul and try to get a photo where he makes his fake unreality tv peace deal.

Sorry you are offended for my criticizing such a phony lying asshole. If you had some decency you wouid too - but nary a perp from the TrumpO cult is to be heard.
LordBrownTrout, post: 23142281
Can you explain why O was such a war loving neocon?

He was never that but he was not weak as the nationalist white party in the US still claims.

He was protecting the United States of America from the very real threat that existed in Afghanistan/Pakistan from which the terrorist attacks on September 11 2001 were planned and launched. The potential threat continues to this day and there is no need for surrender as TrumpO is wont to do.

Obama opposed invading Iraq before it was launched. You can’t make him a warmonger there since he is on record prior to the disastrous move by the true neocon warmongers in the Bush Administration saying that he was against stupid wars.

He was never opposed to justified war such as the inherent right to self defense as wax and still is the case in Afghanistan. And we have NATO allies Afghanistan to consider there.

Can you address the OP or your interest is in Trashing Obama’s and defending Trump - the Republican surrender monkey - who will talk tough while waving the white flag.

No, w and o were neocons who loved warring it up. Trump is trying to stay out of them.

Libya Exposes Obama as Our Latest Neocon President
FA_Q2, post: 23147906,
No, you wont and that is the problem.

Sure I will. So there is no problem but for TrumpO having already invited the Taliban scum to Camp David. And the problem still is not a peep from all the ignorantly duped Trumpers still clinging to the orange buffoon.
LordBrownTrout, post: 23146380
No, w and o were neocons who loved warring it up. Trump is trying to stay out of them.

Libya???? Wtf?

You idiot. The Republican neocon BillyBibKristol tagged Obama for leading from behind on that limited operation.


No US ground troops. Sanctioned by the UN and Arab League. No US occupation.

True neocons would never settle for such bullshit as that.

Are you saying TrumpO as a Republucan wouid not have joined the United Nations and Arab League from stopping Gadaffi from committing genocide against half a million civilians in the city of Benghazi?

Are you saying TrumpO sits by as a Republican to watch the French take the lead with no US logistical support to stop Gadaffi genocide right before his eyes?
LordBrownTrout, post: 23146380
No, w and o were neocons who loved warring it up. Trump is trying to stay out of them.

Libya Exposes Obama as Our Latest Neocon President

Why are you citing a capitalist stock market forecaster war monger and wannabe Iraq oil thief like TrumpO who has the audacity to call Obama a neocon.

Obama opposed invading Iraq before its launch.

Not so your Forbes dude.

These are his words in April 2003 when the invasion of Iraq still had some glory to it.

American troops are starting to die by the thousands in Iraq and Richard Salsman is starting to bitch already about the common theme that Iraq’s oil belongs to the Iraqi people not to capitalists like him.

  • Many commentators have remarked recently that the U.S. stock market has not rebounded by as much as they expected, especially given the recent, rapid U.S. military success in Iraq. But these observers fail to recognize that the market is forward-looking — and fail to see that the market accurately anticipated a quick U.S. victory in Iraq. The market also has performed better, since military action began in Iraq on March 19th, than is commonly believed.
  • . We can be glad that the Pentagon (and not the U.S. State Department or the U.N.) has been taking the lead in constructing and organizing a post-war Iraqi government. Retired General Jay Garner is in charge (for now). But so is the White House — and its disastrous goal in recent months has been “democracy” in Iraq and local oil fields that “belong to the Iraqi people.”
Turning Iraq Into Another Iran - Capitalism Magazine

You need to know who in the hell you are citing. Richard Salsman was pro-GROUND invasion of Iraq in 2003,

HE is Dick - war mongering fucking - Cheney on steroids. KMA.

You and him can STF up about the minor air campaign over Libya conducted by Obama and the multitude of allies.

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