2 White Kids Beat Black Kid on Bus in what Appears to he a "Hate Crime"

Unfortunately for you and your bullshittery, the video does not show the two assailants even talking to each other, let alone yucking it up like you assume they did. Therefore it's value as evidence is to prove your MASSIVE FAIL. :rofl:

Quote replaced with commentary:

{A bunch of typical Shogun bullshit spewed when he get's pwned by being held to the same standard of evidence he demands from others.}

Got hypocrisy? :thup:

Got a Bus Seat that, apparently, was unfit for the ass of a white kid?

And again...

The Racial Reversal of that Video would have gotten "Racism" Coverage from the "Free Press" not unlike the Duke NON-INCIDENT...

I would Love to see the Archives here @ USMB on that Story and how some of these Fucking Apologists for Assualt on this White Kid by (2) Blacks while other Blacks Cheered were on that Story of a Lying Whore...



^Cause we Know how the Left was when the Duke Case broke, and the following Period leading up to the Exposure of that Lying Whore...


Concession accepted.

Make sure you relay that to the white kids in Alabama who would rather whip a black kids ass that let him sit next to them on a bus.


I'm sure the element of racism would be similarly shucked.
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Yeah, what pussies we were for fighting back after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Would've been much more courageous to turn the other cheek.

If you don't see the difference between the 2 issues it's pointless trying to explain it.

The differences are obvious, any retard can see them. But apparently it takes a little more insight to see the similarities.

One person's "insight" is another's "stretch".
If you don't see the difference between the 2 issues it's pointless trying to explain it.

The differences are obvious, any retard can see them. But apparently it takes a little more insight to see the similarities.

One person's "insight" is another's "stretch".

So I can mark you down as believing that when Jesus Christ preached turning the other cheek he didn't mean for it to apply to nations going to war. How convenient.
The differences are obvious, any retard can see them. But apparently it takes a little more insight to see the similarities.

One person's "insight" is another's "stretch".

So I can mark you down as believing that when Jesus Christ preached turning the other cheek he didn't mean for it to apply to nations going to war. How convenient.

You can mark me down as whatever you like Mani.
One person's "insight" is another's "stretch".

So I can mark you down as believing that when Jesus Christ preached turning the other cheek he didn't mean for it to apply to nations going to war. How convenient.

You can mark me down as whatever you like Mani.

I know that.

But I had always, apparently mistakenly, taken you for a sincere and honest person with whom to exchange ideas and opinions. If you would rather ignore the core similarity and focus on the largely irrelevent difference in scale, that is your ignorance to bear.
Tape shows beating on bus of Belleville West student - STLtoday.com

^Oops... I had that wrong... And that is why it won't get Duke Coverage...

To the Credit of some on that Bus, it Appeared that some were Appauled by the Violence.

And others Tried to Stop it.

Can you Imagine Whites NOT Giving up a Seat on a Bus to a Black Kid, and then Beating him Repeatedly?...

And say, the White Bus Driver does nothing to Stop it...

There are so many ways this Story WOULD have gone, but the Races were Right for the Media with all of the Misplaced White Guilt.


You know, I don't make this charge often, but from reading your posts I've come to the conclusion that you have problems with black people.

Why is that...were you constantly gang raped as a child?
When I see shit like this, all I can say is that I understand why so many Whites refer to them as *******.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9kj_jUitBY]YouTube - Racism or Bullying: BLACK KIDS Beat Up Lone WHITE KID On Belleville West SCHOOL BUS[/ame]

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/q9kj_jUitBY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/q9kj_jUitBY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Yep, that's what I said.

Anybody that's just gonna take that without fighting back is a pussy.

Or maybe it's because under some zero tolerance policies fighting back or defending yourself can land you in trouble as well (I kid you not).

That would be pretty lame. But point taken. I concede that he may have had good reason, but without knowing anything other that what I see on the video, my money is on huge pussy.
But it's no big deal... it's only a gang of african Americans beating up a cracker. There's no racism there... :eusa_eh:
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When I see shit like this, all I can say is that I understand why so many Whites refer to them as *******.

YouTube - Racism or Bullying: BLACK KIDS Beat Up Lone WHITE KID On Belleville West SCHOOL BUS

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/q9kj_jUitBY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/q9kj_jUitBY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I can call this a hate crime. I have no idea what the motive was for the beating, but hate is the emotion behind it. Period!!!

Oh, but it is only racist if it is white beating up blacks, right? I hope they throw the book at both of the guys who comitted Aggravited assault. Both need to be locked up for a long time, and alone in their cells. They are not humans, they are animals.
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That poor kid and I hope the parents of that kid sues the school, bus company and parent of the bully.
That poor kid and I hope the parents of that kid sues the school, bus company and parent of the bully.

There's more than one ****** that did the beating... more like three, and the whole crowd of ******* laughing and egging them on.

And that's just the kind of racist trash that always gets defended by the loony left liberal rectum lickers.

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