2 Scoops Of Ice Cream CNN Focuses On The Most Petty Details Imaginable In Time Article


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
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This is part of a daily flow of useless information media tosses to the masses to wear them down and turn them out of the process by producing Trump fatigue.

It's an old MO.
The general rule for the media is if you have nothing of negative substance to report, find something else no matter how trivial.
So....looks like this is the third thread by cons about the report on Trumps ice cream habit
They have been told it shows pettiness from the left

What it does reveal is more of the basic insecurity of our President. That he HAS to win. He HAS to be aknowleged as the boss

Seems like the actions of a two bit puppet dictator.......not the President of the U.S.
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CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
/---- Oh drat. I had to update my Liberal meme again.

dead horse.png

CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
2 scoops.jpg
Two scoops for Trumo, one scoop for everyone else is a great analogy of Trump's one page tax plan.
Thanks Donny for clearing things up. Unfortunately, your butt kissers seem to miss the point or they are just satisfied getting the left over crumbs of your seven course meal.
Two scoops for Trumo, one scoop for everyone else is a great analogy of Trump's one page tax plan.
Thanks Donny for clearing things up. Unfortunately, your butt kissers seem to miss the point or they are just satisfied getting the left over crumbs of your seven course meal.
I think that's the goal of the left.

Play upon your worst human traits.
The left wants to massage your hatred and your envy.
Two scoops for Trumo, one scoop for everyone else is a great analogy of Trump's one page tax plan.
Thanks Donny for clearing things up. Unfortunately, your butt kissers seem to miss the point or they are just satisfied getting the left over crumbs of your seven course meal.
Your man boy Obama was eating Colby steaks and traveling the world like a long during the worst economic times in our history, remember? Liberals were saying the worst in our history and your guy is jet setting around the world. Did Obama even give you crumbs?

CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
At least it's not as serious as MustardGate!

CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
At least it's not as serious as MustardGate!
Never heard of MustardGate.

I think every journalist dreams of being the one to bring down a Republican president, so they must toss off to pictures of Woodward and Bernstein.

I'm pretty sure that Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman get a tingle whenever they see one.

CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
At least it's not as serious as MustardGate!
Never heard of MustardGate.

I think every journalist dreams of being the one to bring down a Republican president, so they must toss off to pictures of Woodward and Bernstein.

I'm pretty sure that Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman get a tingle whenever they see one.
Of course you haven't.....:rofl:

CNN is trying to regain relevance by focusing on trashing Trump. This week it got silly. (If it wasn't already ridiculous enough)

This is an internet article that CNN produced, video included, of little known CNN pundit Jeanne Moos, who we now should call "Vanilla Moos", lambasting the president using a revelation she discovered in a Time entitled "Donald Trump After Hours". Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com

Apparently they're trying to chip away at Trump's image of being in touch with the people. They want to make him look like he thinks he's better than everyone else. After 8 years of a president that actually was raised to think he was better than everyone else and showed it all of the time, they think they can make Trump look like a self-centered egomaniac.

According to CNN Trump demands 2 scoops of Ice Cream while allowing everyone else only One Scoop. OMG!!!!!

Here's the skinny.

What is the major difference between Donald Trump and Barack Obama?
An interview with Barack Obama was like sitting through a lecture on molecular chemistry. If you interrupt him the chances of getting another interview are zero. So you sit there and wait thru his long-winded answers. With Trump it's like talking to a guy in your office or on the street. You don't get the feeling that he's offended when you argue with him. He listens but he interacts with you. He doesn't put you in your place and demand respect. He communicates with you. This is why what CNN is trying to do with this stupid story is bogus. This is why Trump is in touch with the public. He communicates with them. He doesn't lecture to them. This is his gift. This is why he won the election.


They also claim Trump likes a Diet soda while everyone else is forced to drink water.

This is grounds for impeachment.
Where's Crazy Aunt Maxine when you need her?


President Trump After Hours
Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics.com
Professor Obama: The Lecturer-in-Chief
At least it's not as serious as MustardGate!
Never heard of MustardGate.

I think every journalist dreams of being the one to bring down a Republican president, so they must toss off to pictures of Woodward and Bernstein.

I'm pretty sure that Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman get a tingle whenever they see one.
Of course you haven't.....:rofl:
You might want to spend less time on Democratic Underground
It'll rot your brain.....if it isn't rotten already.
I'm surprised that the Democratic National Committee hasn't pointed out that at no time during Trump's consumption of either scoop was he ever in danger of brain freeze.
I hear Bernie is giving every citizen equal scoops of ice cream.
Democrats want federal government to control the flow of ice cream to the people. Vanilla will be banned because it is racist. New group, Chocolate Eaters matter will be formed because police are eating chocolate ice cream.

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