2 questions about this impeachment thingy


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Let's say trump did what he is accused of.
What law would be break to be even be impeached over?

If he did do bad stuff and got impeached, why dont we hold all politicians accountable instead of just when parties have a majority in the house like in 98?
Why do you hacks have to be so goddamn disingenuous?
You fuckers wouldnt care if the other side did it. Hell, democratic congressmen did the same thing to the same govt and none of you dems give a shit.
You republicans wont care if trump did it but are enamored with Biden and the dem congressman doing it.
Party over country SMH
Presidents do bad shit all the time and the only time you care is when the other side does it. Way worse shit then asking a foreign govt to see if a politician abused his powers to stop possible criminal charges, BTW.
You are the duopolies bitch
Of course that fake Indian faggot Lakhota laughs. It is one of the biggest hacks on the board.
Presidents do bad shit all the time and the only time you care is when the other side does it. Way worse shit then asking a foreign govt to see if a politician abused his powers to stop possible criminal charges, BTW.
You are the duopolies bitch
I wish the Rs wouldn't have impeached Boogie Nights Bill for lying about a blow job, but they were stupid and did it anyway. I guess this is payback.

Presidents do bad shit all the time and the only time you care is when the other side does it. Way worse shit then asking a foreign govt to see if a politician abused his powers to stop possible criminal charges, BTW.
You are the duopolies bitch
I wish the Rs wouldn't have impeached Boogie Nights Bill for lying about a blow job, but they were stupid and did it anyway. I guess this is payback.

Maybe so but it seems their hatred for trump is deeper than their disdain for Bill's impeachment.
Let's say trump did what he is accused of.
What law would be break to be even be impeached over?

If he did do bad stuff and got impeached, why dont we hold all politicians accountable instead of just when parties have a majority in the house like in 98?
Why do you hacks have to be so goddamn disingenuous?
You fuckers wouldnt care if the other side did it. Hell, democratic congressmen did the same thing to the same govt and none of you dems give a shit.
You republicans wont care if trump did it but are enamored with Biden and the dem congressman doing it.
Party over country SMH
The phone call wasn’t bad at all. He asked to look into corruption. Haven’t the dems been asking for that for three years?

So let’s say they impeach him over asking for that. So no president from now on can ask a foreign country for anything? Isn’t that what they do? It’s called negotiating.

In Bidens case he crossed the line because it went from a national ask to a personal demand. That isn’t acceptable. Trump didn’t do that.
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Trump has a duty, and took an oath, to protect the integrity of elections. If he used his office to use the DOJ and/or State Dept or any intelligence agency to get a for country to hinder a political opponent, it's impeachable.

You fucking trump cum sucker. (watch with the name calling asshole, cause two can play)
Is it impeachable to lie about the content of the call?

Like Schiff:

Let's say trump did what he is accused of.
What law would be break to be even be impeached over?

If he did do bad stuff and got impeached, why dont we hold all politicians accountable instead of just when parties have a majority in the house like in 98?
Why do you hacks have to be so goddamn disingenuous?
You fuckers wouldnt care if the other side did it. Hell, democratic congressmen did the same thing to the same govt and none of you dems give a shit.
You republicans wont care if trump did it but are enamored with Biden and the dem congressman doing it.
Party over country SMH

pretend and think you're smart enough to know the difference between an inquiry and proceedings ...
First of all he did not.

But if he did, then nothing, and by nothing I mean Trumpslide 2020, because it is still a nothing burger. Only Democrats are this desperate.
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.
Let's say trump did what he is accused of.
What law would be break to be even be impeached over?

If he did do bad stuff and got impeached, why dont we hold all politicians accountable instead of just when parties have a majority in the house like in 98?
Why do you hacks have to be so goddamn disingenuous?
You fuckers wouldnt care if the other side did it. Hell, democratic congressmen did the same thing to the same govt and none of you dems give a shit.
You republicans wont care if trump did it but are enamored with Biden and the dem congressman doing it.
Party over country SMH
The phone call wasn’t bad at all. He asked to look into corruption. Haven’t the dems been asking for that for three years?

So let’s say they impeach him over asking for that. So no president from now on can ask a foreign country for anything? Isn’t that what they do? It’s called negotiating.

In Bidens case he crossed the line because it went from a national ask to a personal demand. That isn’t acceptable. Trump didn’t do that.
The only problem is, presidents can't "negotiate" with money that Congress has already approved and is ready to send. The unspoken (or at least untranscribed) threat here is that Ukraine was not going to get its millions.

The other problem is, since when is the President concerned about corruption? He told us that he was holding back the aid because he wanted other countries to pay more. Well, (1) that was an odd way to try and get $$ from other countries and (2) what would be the benefit to reopening an investigation into Burisma? He specifically mentioned Biden and son.

You aren't a dummy, TN. Trump was definitely pushing for dirt on Biden and using military aid to get it. Biden used military aid to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor who wasn't helping clean out the corruption in the Ukraine government; Biden had the backing of the President and the Western world. It was no secret. People now are reading into it that Biden did it to protect Burisma and his son, but there is no evidence of that.
If we are going to say there is no "evidence" Trump did anything improper here, then I think we will also have to give the same credit to Biden. For there is certainly no evidence there, either.
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.

Goldilocks is passing the blame just like the fat bastard always does.
Well, lets look at what happened.

First, Trump made a phone call to the president of the Ukraine. In that phone call, it was alleged that he was using his position to hold up military aid unless the Ukraine dug up dirt on Biden's son.

Next, someone got knowledge of the conversation, as well as found out that it wasn't being stored on a regular server, but rather was stored on a super secret stand alone server that is used for code word top secret storage. Interestingly enough, nothing in the copy of the transcript Trump released showed anything that could compromise national security.

The whistleblower brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated. Funny part was, that when Trump heard about this, he declassified the conversation and released it before the whistleblower complaint came out. Only problem is, when the whistleblower complaint came out the next day, the Trump transcript simply verified what the whistleblower was saying.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but the only problem is, apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word. If someone is a spy or a traitor working for another government, they give the information to the other government. This was a US employee who brought the information to the attention of the US government.

Sorry, but if there is any treason, it's been done by Trump, he's the one that reached out to a foreign government.
First, Schiff made up a bunch of bullshit about the content of the call:

Then, someone got knowledge of the conversation, by complete fucking hearsay and total lack of personal knowledge.

The whistleblower, with the "help" of his DNC lawyer (the lawyer wrote the entire report) brought this to the DNI, and now it is being investigated.

Trump is trying to call this person a traitor, but he should be calling this person a DNC hack who, with the help of Hillary's lawyer, wrote the report based on ZERO personal knowledge.

There. Fixed it for you.

Let's say trump did what he is accused of.
What law would be break to be even be impeached over?

If he did do bad stuff and got impeached, why dont we hold all politicians accountable instead of just when parties have a majority in the house like in 98?
Why do you hacks have to be so goddamn disingenuous?
You fuckers wouldnt care if the other side did it. Hell, democratic congressmen did the same thing to the same govt and none of you dems give a shit.
You republicans wont care if trump did it but are enamored with Biden and the dem congressman doing it.
Party over country SMH

I guess you didn't see Lindsay Grahams quote from 1999. You don't need a law to cleanse the office of the Presidency.
Presidents do bad shit all the time and the only time you care is when the other side does it. Way worse shit then asking a foreign govt to see if a politician abused his powers to stop possible criminal charges, BTW.
You are the duopolies bitch
I wish the Rs wouldn't have impeached Boogie Nights Bill for lying about a blow job, but they were stupid and did it anyway. I guess this is payback.


Clinton was so popular, he could have admitted it and his numbers would have ultimately gone up.
All Congress needs is votes, not proof or even a crime.

And all the American People need is votes. And they will. Hard.
Democrats think that voters are as big of assholes as they are. They think voters are too stupid to figure out they're being lied to. They think that voters will let them get away with doing this.....even though they paid an extremely heavy price for Obamacare.

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