CDZ 2 of the officers at the scene of George Floyd's death should be re-hired.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If my information is correct, two of the officers at the scene of the George Floyd death were officers who were on the force for 4 weeks....they were on their probationary period.....and shouldn't be held to the same standard as the two senior officers on the scene. They should be re-hired and allowed to continue in their jobs. If you don't understand the probationary period, the officers have no power.....they are subject to firing without reason or recourse.........the two senior officers should take the full weight of the consequences of their callous and stupid disregard for the safety of their prisoner.
If my information is correct, two of the officers at the scene of the George Floyd death were officers who were on the force for 4 weeks....they were on their probationary period.....and shouldn't be held to the same standard as the two senior officers on the scene. They should be re-hired and allowed to continue in their jobs. If you don't understand the probationary period, the officers have no power.....they are subject to firing without reason or recourse.........the two senior officers should take the full weight of the consequences of their callous and stupid disregard for the safety of their prisoner.

I disagree. I don't know if the charges they have been brought up on are appropriate, but anyone who is so stupid as to allow a man to be strangled to death right in front of their eyes, should NOT be a cop.
8 mins goes by fast for a rookie cop on his or her 4th week of street patrol...I feel bad for the two rookies because telling your training officer to get off of a suspect is just not going to happen....and now those two rookies are out of police work forever....
If my information is correct, two of the officers at the scene of the George Floyd death were officers who were on the force for 4 weeks....they were on their probationary period.....and shouldn't be held to the same standard as the two senior officers on the scene. They should be re-hired and allowed to continue in their jobs. If you don't understand the probationary period, the officers have no power.....they are subject to firing without reason or recourse.........the two senior officers should take the full weight of the consequences of their callous and stupid disregard for the safety of their prisoner.

I disagree. I don't know if the charges they have been brought up on are appropriate, but anyone who is so stupid as to allow a man to be strangled to death right in front of their eyes, should NOT be a cop.
he wasnt strangled to death,,,
They were an accessory to murder. Their weight on his back while cuffed prone on the ground restricted his breathing. They did not stand up & refuse to continue murdering Floyd & lied to cover it up. They are now properly charged with accessory to murder.
We don't need cops who let other cops, get away with wrong doings, murder in this case, just because it is a superior doing it. We need cops, that do the right thing, and speak out against wrong doers, even if it risks their job.....
8 mins goes by fast for a rookie cop on his or her 4th week of street patrol...I feel bad for the two rookies because telling your training officer to get off of a suspect is just not going to happen....and now those two rookies are out of police work forever....

That doesn't matter. Cops are trained to be observant. Watching a man strangle to death is so fucking stupid as to beggar belief.
If my information is correct, two of the officers at the scene of the George Floyd death were officers who were on the force for 4 weeks....they were on their probationary period.....and shouldn't be held to the same standard as the two senior officers on the scene. They should be re-hired and allowed to continue in their jobs. If you don't understand the probationary period, the officers have no power.....they are subject to firing without reason or recourse.........the two senior officers should take the full weight of the consequences of their callous and stupid disregard for the safety of their prisoner.

I disagree. I don't know if the charges they have been brought up on are appropriate, but anyone who is so stupid as to allow a man to be strangled to death right in front of their eyes, should NOT be a cop.
he wasnt strangled to death,,,

Yeah, he was.
8 mins goes by fast for a rookie cop on his or her 4th week of street patrol...I feel bad for the two rookies because telling your training officer to get off of a suspect is just not going to happen....and now those two rookies are out of police work forever....

That doesn't matter. Cops are trained to be observant. Watching a man strangle to death is so fucking stupid as to beggar belief.
A rookie cop is still IN training....
How are rookie cops supposed to know murder or manslaughter are against the law or wrong?
If my information is correct, two of the officers at the scene of the George Floyd death were officers who were on the force for 4 weeks....they were on their probationary period.....and shouldn't be held to the same standard as the two senior officers on the scene. They should be re-hired and allowed to continue in their jobs. If you don't understand the probationary period, the officers have no power.....they are subject to firing without reason or recourse.........the two senior officers should take the full weight of the consequences of their callous and stupid disregard for the safety of their prisoner.

I disagree. I don't know if the charges they have been brought up on are appropriate, but anyone who is so stupid as to allow a man to be strangled to death right in front of their eyes, should NOT be a cop.
he wasnt strangled to death,,,

Yeah, he was.
it was more a suffocation than strangulation,,,
How are rookie cops supposed to know murder or manslaughter are against the law or wrong?
I'm sure they didn't think the guy was going to die....or they would have said something.....
They were an accessory to murder. Their weight on his back while cuffed prone on the ground restricted his breathing. They did not stand up & refuse to continue murdering Floyd & lied to cover it up. They are now properly charged with accessory to murder.

It wasn't murder, it was manslaughter........I think antifa fan boy AG Keith Ellison has purposely overcharged the cops in order to make it likely they won't get convicted....allowing more race riots and more power grabs by the democrats.
They were an accessory to murder. Their weight on his back while cuffed prone on the ground restricted his breathing. They did not stand up & refuse to continue murdering Floyd & lied to cover it up. They are now properly charged with accessory to murder.

They were probationary officers with no power at the scene. They should not carry the weight of the two senior officers.
How are rookie cops supposed to know murder or manslaughter are against the law or wrong?

They didn't know the guy was dying........they had 4 weeks on the job and were under the supervision of the other two officers. I will bet a million bucks they were trained that suspects routinely complain about not being able to breath in order to continue the fight........those guys need to be released. The two senior guys need to pay for what they did, but not the guys on the job for 4 weeks.
I'm not sure they should be re-hired, but i do think they will be acquitted of any charges.

They don't deserve to carry this killing ............. it would be wrong to do that to these two guys....
They were an accessory to murder. Their weight on his back while cuffed prone on the ground restricted his breathing. They did not stand up & refuse to continue murdering Floyd & lied to cover it up. They are now properly charged with accessory to murder.

They were probationary officers with no power at the scene. They should not carry the weight of the two senior officers.
Would you feel the same urge to say new gang members should not be charged for holding the cashier as their leader gutted her?
If my information is correct, two of the officers at the scene of the George Floyd death were officers who were on the force for 4 weeks....they were on their probationary period.....and shouldn't be held to the same standard as the two senior officers on the scene. They should be re-hired and allowed to continue in their jobs. If you don't understand the probationary period, the officers have no power.....they are subject to firing without reason or recourse.........the two senior officers should take the full weight of the consequences of their callous and stupid disregard for the safety of their prisoner.

Only the cop with the knee on his throat should have been arrested and charged. Beyond that, it really depends on the department to judge. The reality is those other three's lives would be in danger if they remained on the force. They would be lured into an ambush at some point.
They were an accessory to murder. Their weight on his back while cuffed prone on the ground restricted his breathing. They did not stand up & refuse to continue murdering Floyd & lied to cover it up. They are now properly charged with accessory to murder.

They were probationary officers with no power at the scene. They should not carry the weight of the two senior officers.
Would you feel the same urge to say new gang members should not be charged for holding the cashier as their leader gutted her?

Yeah...not the same thing, and if this wasn't the clean debate zone I would describe exactly what your post is..............

The cop with his knee on the neck heard the guy he assumed the guy was breathing, it wasn't murder.....gutting a store clerk is murder......and this is where I would again describe your post....................they were holding the guy down not murdering him....and the two younger officers were only on the job 4 weeks..........their training officers were the ones in control of the situation...they do not share the blame for this killing......they didn't know better......the senior officers did.

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