Zone1 2 Commercial DNA Tests Almost Never See 100% African Lineage - Lavar Burton Shocked


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
This information is interesting. This doesn't negate that racism exits or that this country/world still has inbred racists. This information doesn't negate previous racial divides, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc. But maybe this information points to the idea that many whites viewed Africans as equal humans long before some of the racial divide gained momentum. Perhaps, historical truth, is a tool by which we can realize how intertwined our races are in this country and bring about more harmony.

Of course, we will never rid ourselves of racist inbred assholes, but, through information and truth, perhaps we can take more productive steps.

Watch the following clip. The information I present is within the first 3 mins. Do with what you will with the information.
This information is interesting. This doesn't negate that racism exits or that this country/world still has inbred racists. This information doesn't negate previous racial divides, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc. But maybe this information points to the idea that many whites viewed Africans as equal humans long before some of the racial divide gained momentum. Perhaps, historical truth, is a tool by which we can realize how intertwined our races are in this country and bring about more harmony.

Of course, we will never rid ourselves of racist inbred assholes, but, through information and truth, perhaps we can take more productive steps.

Watch the following clip. The information I present is within the first 3 mins. Do with what you will with the information.

If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
This response really does brings nothing to convo and only boosts your post count. Thanks for a net gain of nothing towards this thread.
This information is interesting. This doesn't negate that racism exits or that this country/world still has inbred racists. This information doesn't negate previous racial divides, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc. But maybe this information points to the idea that many whites viewed Africans as equal humans long before some of the racial divide gained momentum. Perhaps, historical truth, is a tool by which we can realize how intertwined our races are in this country and bring about more harmony.

Of course, we will never rid ourselves of racist inbred assholes, but, through information and truth, perhaps we can take more productive steps.

Watch the following clip. The information I present is within the first 3 mins. Do with what you will with the information.

Bullshit. The was the one drop rule and furthermore you can check white lineage and find African.

Stop posting videos from black sellouts.

Because you miss one thing about this matter and it involves whites and blacks.

Rape was commonplace in slavery and both whites and blacks are mixed primarily due to rape. This "black conservative" doesn't mention this. And finding this out, knowing what all went down to make this happen can be unsettling. This guy talks about race mixing, but he ignores the abuse. Confederates RAPED their slaves. White descend from confederate slave owners who RAPED their slaves. This idiot doesn't mention this reality. That is soft.

It's time whites stopped subscribing to these dumb ass black right wing dunce caps.
Bullshit. The was the one drop rule...
...and furthermore you can check white lineage and find African.
No denying that.

Stop posting videos from black sellouts.

First, I don't have to stop doing anything.

Second, the video you post proves my point even further that this country and our heritage is a melting pot, that racism at its core is pure hatred and evil. I think we can agree on that?

But you claim that any African American that speaks counter to your belief is a "Sell Out" is illogical. A sign of intelligence and emotional intelligence is the ability to absorb information, factual, experienced base, and formulate coherent discussion and or arguments to counter. However, you, only hear what you want to hear as long as it supports your inherent bias. You can be presented with absolute facts and data and dismiss it with red herrings, strawmen, and even worse ad hominem responses.
Because you miss one thing about this matter and it involves whites and blacks.

Rape was commonplace in slavery and both whites and blacks are mixed primarily due to rape. This "black conservative" doesn't mention this. And finding this out, knowing what all went down to make this happen can be unsettling. This guy talks about race mixing, but he ignores the abuse. Confederates RAPED their slaves. White descend from confederate slave owners who RAPED their slaves. This idiot doesn't mention this reality. That is soft.

It's time whites stopped subscribing to these dumb ass black right wing dunce caps.

The point of the video wasn't to remind everyone that rape was a terrible and evil practice among slave owners. The point of the video is to show that our heritage, that many clutch on to as if it were our last breath, has as many ingredients as a Christmas fruit cake.
Best reaction video evah!!!

People are clearly overthinking this shit. We all are humans stuck on the same puny rock in an insignificant part of the galaxy.

Guess we need an outside threat from reptilian aliens to finally see that and come together as human beings.
This information is interesting. This doesn't negate that racism exits or that this country/world still has inbred racists. This information doesn't negate previous racial divides, Jim Crow laws, segregation, etc. But maybe this information points to the idea that many whites viewed Africans as equal humans long before some of the racial divide gained momentum. Perhaps, historical truth, is a tool by which we can realize how intertwined our races are in this country and bring about more harmony.

Of course, we will never rid ourselves of racist inbred assholes, but, through information and truth, perhaps we can take more productive steps.

Watch the following clip. The information I present is within the first 3 mins. Do with what you will with the information.

Um, you don't have to see someone as an equal to have sex with them.

The reality of Slavery and Jim Crow is that black women were often seen as playthings for white men, whether they wanted to be or not.
As an example..Sally Hemmings was Thomas Jeffeson's sex slave. She was a slave, and she had no say in the matter. It really didn't matter that she was, in fact, 3/4 white and was the half-sister of Jefferson's late wife, Martha.

Only recently did the Jefferson foundation finally admit that Jefferson's descendants through Sally were just as valid as his descendants through Martha.
Um, you don't have to see someone as an equal to have sex with them.

The reality of Slavery and Jim Crow is that black women were often seen as playthings for white men, whether they wanted to be or not.
I hate to break unpleasant news to you, but they treated white women the same way. Poor people couldn’t say no to rich and powerful people. And that was all over the world, not just in the USA.

No denying that.

First, I don't have to stop doing anything.

Second, the video you post proves my point even further that this country and our heritage is a melting pot, that racism at its core is pure hatred and evil. I think we can agree on that?

But you claim that any African American that speaks counter to your belief is a "Sell Out" is illogical. A sign of intelligence and emotional intelligence is the ability to absorb information, factual, experienced base, and formulate coherent discussion and or arguments to counter. However, you, only hear what you want to hear as long as it supports your inherent bias. You can be presented with absolute facts and data and dismiss it with red herrings, strawmen, and even worse ad hominem responses.

The point of the video wasn't to remind everyone that rape was a terrible and evil practice among slave owners. The point of the video is to show that our heritage, that many clutch on to as if it were our last breath, has as many ingredients as a Christmas fruit cake.
It shows that whites raped slaves. You want to ignore that, but you will talk about blacks enslaving blacks in Africa or black slaveowners here. What is illogical is your claim that I only call blacks sellouts because they don't agree with me. The ability to do all what you talk about pertaining to factual information includes the ability to speak truth to your reality and the blacks who are called sellouts are not doing that. I present facts, you cannot deal with them, this is why you're dismissing rape and trying to gaslight. It's a classic white racist tactic and it is laughable.
Best reaction video evah!!!

People are clearly overthinking this shit. We all are humans stuck on the same puny rock in an insignificant part of the galaxy.

Guess we need an outside threat from reptilian aliens to finally see that and come together as human beings.
Yeah right. You guys want to lie to yourselves.
Makes sense when you consider that female slaves were regularly raped by White men
It shows that whites raped slaves. You want to ignore that, but you will talk about blacks enslaving blacks in Africa or black slaveowners here.
I don't ignore and even stated how terrible it was. It was terrible. I don't think I have ever brought up or mentioned in any post how the slave trade was initiated by Africans. Plenty of posters on here have covered the truth in that topic.
What is illogical is your claim that I only call blacks sellouts because they don't agree with me.
It's true. A black person can say something very logical, contains truth, and you will dismiss the entirety of that person, or the content of their position and opinion. You do that to me and other posters as well. I hate racism just as much as YOU do. But you ignore a lot of the facts and data that surround your community. You ignore the harmful sub culture in your community. You fail to recognize that the black community has as much work and responsibility to help heal our country from racism as whites. There is plenty of work on both sides of the fence.
The ability to do all what you talk about pertaining to factual information includes the ability to speak truth to your reality and the blacks who are called sellouts are not doing that.
What are they doing then? Thomas Sowell, what's he doing wrong. What don't you agree with.
I present facts, you cannot deal with them, this is why you're dismissing rape and trying to gaslight. It's a classic white racist tactic and it is laughable.
I never once dismissed rape. And this last statement of yours proves that you have blinders on. You read what you want read. You hear what you want to hear because you assume anyone that wants to have a conversation with you that either doesn't agree with you 100% or is white, or is a black sell out, has nothing of value to say. You absolutely throw the baby out with the bath water, time and time again. You're illogical comprehension is boarder line psychosis of some type.

Here are two more sellouts pointing out the atrocity of the black community:

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