2/3rds of Americans want Scotus to overturn Ocare

So a state can force people, against their will, to buy a product from a private company, even if they do not intend to use it, but the federal government cannot?

Does Romney have a Constitutional argument for that?

The Citizens of that Commonwealth can ALWAYS sign a petition drive to get rid of laws that don't work...but that isn't the point...the POINT is:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Look Familiar? If not it should. NO WHERE in the US Constitution does it give the FED power over healthcare...but DOES give States that authority IF the people wish it.

YOU need to go back to Civics 101...BASIC American History and the Constitution.

So you are in favor of states forcing people to buy a product from a private company?

You just don't READ too well, do you?
The party of no would love to see this overturned while offering very little in terms of an alternate plan. They don't care about the country, they just care about ensuring that anything that democrats stand behind is shot down. Party over country, be proud you are true patriots.

It should be replaced with individual responsibility and a few reforms to the insurance industry. Nothing more.
Well, from the political standpoint; it crystalizes the difference in the two major parties. One that wants to insure persons without healthcare, make it to where insurance companies cannot reject you because of PECs, and one who wants to lessen the public outlay of monies to combat acute care and the GOP who doesn't want those to have insurance, doesn't mind if insurance companies reject you and want to keep hospital emergency rooms apparently as full as possible.

Whether this "helps" or "hurts" President Obama or Governor Romney remains to be seen. I don't think it will move the needle much either way unless the Governor can marry the overturning of the ACA with the opportunity costs associated with it's passing. I think there is ground to be gained there.

"Instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, President Obama chose to focus on healthcare that, while important, wasn't the most pressing priority in the nation." I can see the argument gaining some traction. Probably not enough red meat in the statement for the GOP and probably too complex an argument for the republican rank and file but it would shine a light on the wasted opportunity and the President's priorities.


The GOP has been saying all along that he ignored the elephant in the room to pursue this. Complex my ass.

Not complex for the politically sophisticated like yourself. For the rank and file...I wouldn't want to use terms like "opportunity costs".

If the GOP has been saying this; they haven't made it a focal point.
The party of no would love to see this overturned while offering very little in terms of an alternate plan. They don't care about the country, they just care about ensuring that anything that democrats stand behind is shot down. Party over country, be proud you are true patriots.

It should be replaced with individual responsibility and a few reforms to the insurance industry. Nothing more.

You cant replace individual responsibility nor can you enforce or promote it. The individual responsibility route can be summed up by saying "do nothing"

where did Obama get that socialist mandate from anyway? Any true freedom loving American would know this is Marxi...wait what? He got it from where?
More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just 24 percent said they hoped the court “would keep the entire health care law in place.”

This is an excellent example of "low-effort thought." See: Low-Effort Thought Promotes Political Conservatism

Essentially, the less effort someone puts into considering a question, the more conservative the answer will be. That's why most polls show significant opposition to PPACA. It's complicated and most poll-responders have neither the competence nor the time to give it adequate consideration.
The party of no would love to see this overturned while offering very little in terms of an alternate plan. They don't care about the country, they just care about ensuring that anything that democrats stand behind is shot down. Party over country, be proud you are true patriots.

It should be replaced with individual responsibility and a few reforms to the insurance industry. Nothing more.

You cant replace individual responsibility nor can you enforce or promote it. The individual responsibility route can be summed up by saying "do nothing"

where did Obama get that socialist mandate from anyway? Any true freedom loving American would know this is Marxi...wait what? He got it from where?

The idea was aspoused by the Heritage Foundation. I have never promoted nor quoted them. What's your point?

And I didn't say do nothing did I?

I'm guessing a rational discussion isn't gonna happen huh?
Romney said he'd make sure it was GONE. But it may be gone or damaged by the SCOTUS before he gets there.

Why would Romney be opposed to RomneyCare?

Is he a flip flopper?

A douchebag?

A waffler?

Is 3 years too long at Harvard? What about 4?

RomneyCare was in the Commonwealth NOT imposed Federally.

Big Difference. Pay attention.

How is an individual mandate on the federal level any less constitutional than one on the state level? Both of them force you to buy a product against your will.
New Poll: The Supreme Court and the Health Care Law - NYTimes.com

More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just 24 percent said they hoped the court “would keep the entire health care law in place.”

The Supreme Court is expected to decide a challenge to the law by the end of this month.

Forty-one percent of those surveyed said the court should strike down the entire law, and another 27 percent said the justices should overturn only the individual mandate, which requires most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty.

24% like it? What's our USMB population?

Dont get me wrong here, I dont like the healthcare law anymore than any other Liberty loving American. But the people's popular opinion is not what our laws are based off of. It is up to the judges to decide, not popular opinion. We are a constitutional republic, not a majority rules democracy.
If I misunderstood your thread I apologize.

You don't really understand the Justices role. They do not decide whether the bill itself is good or bad. It could be horrible, would bankrupt or ruin the country. That's not their decision. All they will decide is whether it meets Constitutional guidelines. Some terrible laws still met Constitutional guidelines, or were at least interpreted to meet Constitutional guidelines.
Apparently 2/3rds of Americans disagree with you. Unless you're saying they are too stupid to realize the consequences of their position.

You need to learn how to read poll numbers.

Only 41% want the entire law tossed out while 51% want to keep it or just toss out the mandate. If the ENTIRE law goes away, 41% cheer while at least 51% are pissed off. Since the 41% represents the GOP position and the 51% represents the Dem position, who comes out ahead?

Hint: not the GOP.

Liberty and freedom. And I didn't need a poll to tell me that.

Yes. Freedom. Freedom from being healthy.
The Citizens of that Commonwealth can ALWAYS sign a petition drive to get rid of laws that don't work...but that isn't the point...the POINT is:

Look Familiar? If not it should. NO WHERE in the US Constitution does it give the FED power over healthcare...but DOES give States that authority IF the people wish it.

YOU need to go back to Civics 101...BASIC American History and the Constitution.

So you are in favor of states forcing people to buy a product from a private company?

You just don't READ too well, do you?

You have no understanding of the Constitution.

The 10th Amendment does not grant states unlimited power. You think "states rights" is some kind of answer to everything. People like you forget individual rights trump all.

You cannot show any evidence that a state can force you to buy a product.
New Poll: The Supreme Court and the Health Care Law - NYTimes.com

More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just 24 percent said they hoped the court “would keep the entire health care law in place.”

The Supreme Court is expected to decide a challenge to the law by the end of this month.

Forty-one percent of those surveyed said the court should strike down the entire law, and another 27 percent said the justices should overturn only the individual mandate, which requires most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty.

24% like it? What's our USMB population?

Dont get me wrong here, I dont like the healthcare law anymore than any other Liberty loving American. But the people's popular opinion is not what our laws are based off of. It is up to the judges to decide, not popular opinion. We are a constitutional republic, not a majority rules democracy.
If I misunderstood your thread I apologize.

You don't really understand the Justices role. They do not decide whether the bill itself is good or bad. It could be horrible, would bankrupt or ruin the country. That's not their decision. All they will decide is whether it meets Constitutional guidelines. Some terrible laws still met Constitutional guidelines, or were at least interpreted to meet Constitutional guidelines.

Like Voter ID laws. As long as they don't violate an individual's voting rights, they are perfectly legal, even though they are as necessary as tits on a bull.
The Citizens of that Commonwealth can ALWAYS sign a petition drive to get rid of laws that don't work...but that isn't the point...the POINT is:

Look Familiar? If not it should. NO WHERE in the US Constitution does it give the FED power over healthcare...but DOES give States that authority IF the people wish it.

YOU need to go back to Civics 101...BASIC American History and the Constitution.

So you are in favor of states forcing people to buy a product from a private company?

You just don't READ too well, do you?
Pretend I can only read yes or no and answer accordingly.
So why are you against it, shyttehead? LOL

Because it's unamerican, unconstitutional, socialist and we can't afford it.

Lol I love how this kid pretends he's an old retired teacher, but uses insults that my classmates were too mature to use in middle school.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong, brainwashed Pubtroll LOL.
I can see you are clueless from your Talking point reply and your thousand of circle jerk Rep total lol. I'm 61, and just sick of dittohead ignorami like yourself ruining the country for the last 30 years. see sig pp1. Later much.
New Poll: The Supreme Court and the Health Care Law - NYTimes.com

More than two-thirds of Americans hope the Supreme Court will overturn some or all of the 2010 health care law, according to a new poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. Just 24 percent said they hoped the court “would keep the entire health care law in place.”

The Supreme Court is expected to decide a challenge to the law by the end of this month.

Forty-one percent of those surveyed said the court should strike down the entire law, and another 27 percent said the justices should overturn only the individual mandate, which requires most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty.

24% like it? What's our USMB population?

It could mean that 33% believe freedom is freedom from responsibility. Plus.. free stuff (?) gets votes.
Evolve means evolve, not a 180 turnaround. How dumb dittohead can you get?

Obamacare is not un-American (it's the Nixon, Dole, Heritage plan, and makes perfect sense), unconstitutional (except possibly to the most partisan supremes EVER, a totally new interstate commerce ruling), socialist (private insurance as much as possible, NIXON etc), and only the BULLSHYTTE Pub propaganda machine says it won't save money. The CBO's small cost estimate doesn't take into account savings that haven't been PROVED yet. Not much imagination there.

Romneycare is very popular, and doesn't include many of the cost cutting measures of ACA- but is saving 15% and has the lowest estimated cost rises into the future- 2%/year. (Frontline)
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It should be replaced with individual responsibility and a few reforms to the insurance industry. Nothing more.

You cant replace individual responsibility nor can you enforce or promote it. The individual responsibility route can be summed up by saying "do nothing"

where did Obama get that socialist mandate from anyway? Any true freedom loving American would know this is Marxi...wait what? He got it from where?

The idea was aspoused by the Heritage Foundation. I have never promoted nor quoted them. What's your point?

And I didn't say do nothing did I?

I'm guessing a rational discussion isn't gonna happen huh?

No we cant as long as you play the "I didnt say" game. What you did say is that the healthcare law should be replaced with personal responsibility.

What does that mean?

Saying "If you dont know, I cant help you" isnt an answer. Wanna play?
whats so wrong with kids staying on there parents health care while in school. or being able to buy ins with preexisting cond. i luv republicans they make me look smart
This is why democracy is a two sided sword. Majorities often want the wrong thing, or the thing that affects others but not them. Consider welfare, slavery, separate but equal, civil rights or any number of tough topics. It is why money today has too much power, money wants more, and their willing followers fail to realize every right and every privilege was once a fight. Americans no longer fight for America, they fight for narrow interests that manage the narrative. Money controls the minds of too many.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average [right wing, ideological, money bought, American] voter." Winston Churchill

Great book. "Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

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