$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!

And he can't say he wasn't warned. Well, he could, because obviously he wasn't paying attention. Typical low-information Obama voter.

It’s been called “Organizing for Action” since January, so they go back a ways. Henderson’s bio on the page also lists some of his activities within the Democratic Party in Tennessee. None of those things are mentioned in articles such as this one in the Washington Post. Ditto for this HuffPo article about Henderson. “Reporters” can be incredibly incurious when they apply themselves.

You’d think these things might warrant at least a tiny “full disclosure” kind of mention in some of the many profiles of Henderson. If the Republicans were passing this guy off as a “Joe Sixpack” type who was being helped by one of their programs, and his bio mentioned an affiliation with, say, Crossroads GPS, not only would that get mentioned in MSM stories, it would be the story.

But let’s wipe all that off the table for a moment. Using Henderson as an Obamacare “success story” is a joke in and of itself regardless of his background, according to Michael Cannon at Cato:

Comment from poster named "Hangfire" to this article: :lmao:

vThe guy is obviously carefully chosen.
* * *
Hot to the chicks.
Non-threatening to real men.
Absolutely gorgeous for the gays.
Okay, he's white but not White-White.
Fresh-scrubbed but not religious-right.....


Michelle Malkin | The MSM?s not-so-surprising lack of curiosity about the new poster boy for Obamacare; Updated «
If Rod Stewart had a son.....

There's enough of them out there.. Could BE !!!!!!! :lol:
Greg Hovey So after 5 days of trying to set up an account and log in to healthcare.gov to look at plans, rates and a subsidy calculator, I broke down and called their tollfree number 1-800-F1UCKYO (not kidding, that is the number). The "Navigator" would not proceed until I gave her all my contact information. Once I gave it to her, and asked for information, she said she would mail me an application. That was my only option. I asked her to send me information on plans, rates and subsidies, and she said she could not. So get this, you have to actually apply for coverage, giving them your SSN, bank information--everything confidential, before you can even see what's in the plans, what it costs, and whether you will qualify for a subsidy. On what planet would this make any sense? What product would you buy--what service would you purchase, under these circumstances? I can only guess what they are going to do with all my personal info if I decide not to go through with buying a plan. Obviously one major reason they have set things up this way is that so that can claim "Look how many people have applied for Obamacare" when the fact is that people just want to see what's in it. I choose not to participate in this mess.


You need to worry a bit here. I heard a report (that I did not verify) of a woman who did exactly what you did and declined to select coverage at the "enrollment".

Story is that within 36 hours she got an email from the IRS warning her of her TAX PENALTY and listing all the things that the IRS would do to her if it was not properly filed and paid.. INCLUDING the threat of confiscating her STATE ISSUED drivers license..

You've pounded on a hornet's nest.. Hope you don't look like your AVI in a month or so...

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