144 Democrats refuse to vote yes on resolution condemning illegal immigrants voting in U.S. election


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie


Reason #4,532,739 why I don't trust Democrats.
And why wouldn't they (The Dems) not vote "Yes" on the resolution in the first place? They need them for their votes in the midterm. So if they can get as many people (including illegal immigrants), that's more votes for them.

I thought every American citizen knew this?
How the F*** could 72 citizens of this country (NO MATTER THE POLITICAL AFFILIATION) vote against "recognizing that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of the United States citizens"?


And how could the rest of them just take a pass?



Reason #4,532,739 why I don't trust Democrats.
Sure they want the to vote, they also want the counted on the US census because the more people who live in a state the more political seats you get in the House. Therefore the more Progressives you get. Why would they want to stop any of that from happening.

Problem with that is Congress capped the number of House seats. No longer based upon population as was intended by the constitution.
Ummm,.....Illegal immigrants don’t vote in US elections

Why don’t we vote to condemn Space Aliens who vote in US elections
Isn't this the well known population engineering? Democrats love it. Democrats hate it that they can't deport US citizens for being republican. So the next best thing that they can do is import goons from Latin America and everywhere.
Up to five million Russians voted in the last election

When are Republicans voting to condemn that?
And why wouldn't they (The Dems) not vote "Yes" on the resolution in the first place? They need them for their votes in the midterm. So if they can get as many people (including illegal immigrants), that's more votes for them.

I thought every American citizen knew this?
Funny but I could not find any reference to any seat cap. I checked further they can not do that under the Constitution unless they changed the law and they have not done that. So stupid post and false post with no backup.
And why wouldn't they (The Dems) not vote "Yes" on the resolution in the first place? They need them for their votes in the midterm. So if they can get as many people (including illegal immigrants), that's more votes for them.

I thought every American citizen knew this?
Funny but I could not find any reference to any seat cap. I checked further they can not do that under the Constitution unless they changed the law and they have not done that. So stupid post and false post with no backup.
Since the early 1900's the maximum seats in the House is 435 I believe, when more people in the US Occur the Congress simply adjust upward the number of people each one represents. Perhaps if you actually knew how your Government worked you would not make such stupid mistakes?
And why wouldn't they (The Dems) not vote "Yes" on the resolution in the first place? They need them for their votes in the midterm. So if they can get as many people (including illegal immigrants), that's more votes for them.

I thought every American citizen knew this?
Funny but I could not find any reference to any seat cap. I checked further they can not do that under the Constitution unless they changed the law and they have not done that. So stupid post and false post with no backup.

The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 @ The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
Capped the number of House seats at 435.
Democrats will do anything to win an election. Period. Discussion over.

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