14 states are going to get walloped by more Globull Warming.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Winter storm warnings are in place for parts of 14 states as meteorologists predict a "multiple hazard storm" will bring extreme weather to many parts of the U.S., including blizzards, tornadoes and flash flooding in places.

The National Weather Service (NWS) issued warnings for Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Washington, cautioning about difficult travel conditions and whiteout conditions in places.
Just seems that the Globull Warming "Ex-Spurts", cant get a break. I know 1 day of cold is weather, and 1 day of hot means the Earth is burning up, but i can tell you these cold days arent being figured into the average temps that GW scammers are pushing upon US...
MSN Just seems that the Globull Warming "Ex-Spurts", cant get a break. I know 1 day of cold is weather, and 1 day of hot means the Earth is burning up, but i can tell you these cold days arent being figured into the average temps that GW scammers are pushing upon US...
Clearly when the weather does not fit the consensus it’s either: a) climate change, b) weather or c) a Deniers misunderstanding of the bedrock science of American per capita CO2 is causing global warming
MSN Just seems that the Globull Warming "Ex-Spurts", cant get a break. I know 1 day of cold is weather, and 1 day of hot means the Earth is burning up, but i can tell you these cold days arent being figured into the average temps that GW scammers are pushing upon US...
this is a VERY strong el nino...classic weather.....they're getting the shit beaten outta them in norway and around there....we're having a mild winter........i was hoping for a polar vortex to envelop chicago and nyc for the illegals

ps.......for anyone that worried bout it, please go to iceland and throw yourself in a lava lake.....screaming....GORE....GORE....GORE
Far more stupid are those idiots who believe your car, lawnmower, and gas range are causing the earth's temperature to rise.

They should be continually made fun of.

Yes, they should be made fun of, yet they are not worse than you, every time it is cold out you morons yell and scream...see the climate is not changing.

As with most things, you morons on the extremes are both fucking wrong and are the problem.
An old fashioned Indian Weather Rock is more accurate than these climate Nazis.





Far more stupid are those idiots who believe your car, lawnmower, and gas range are causing the earth's temperature to rise.

They should be continually made fun of.
The Marxists/Dumbfascists only believe what they are told to believe.
Yes, they should be made fun of, yet they are not worse than you, every time it is cold out you morons yell and scream...see the climate is not changing.

As with most things, you morons on the extremes are both fucking wrong and are the problem.

There is no extreme position, except for those who glue themselves to statues because they believe we should eliminate fossil fuels.
Here in Florida we are having a very wet winter with rain every week. Usually winters here are dry.

Typical El Nino year.

The stupid confused Environmental Wackos will tell you that if it is hot then that is proof of man made global warming, however, if it is cold then that is nothing more than weather.
There is no extreme position, except for those who glue themselves to statues because they believe we should eliminate fossil fuels.

There are extremists in both sides and you both act the same way, you point at one day or a couple days and go "see, this proves I am right"

Anyone not an extremist would never make such a stupid thread as this
There are extremists in both sides and you both act the same way, you point at one day or a couple days and go "see, this proves I am right"

Anyone not an extremist would never make such a stupid thread as this

How can there be "extremists" on both sides? What extreme measures are advocates of fossil fuels doing, besides using them? I think that in your pursuit of being equitable to both sides, you're overlooking just how extreme climate change advocates have become. They have radical elements who want to eliminate all fossil fuels, and are more than will to use violence to obtain that.

All we want is affordable and reliable energy.
How can there be "extremists" on both sides? What extreme measures are advocates of fossil fuels doing, besides using them? I think that in your pursuit of being equitable to both sides, you're overlooking just how extreme climate change advocates have become. They have radical elements who want to eliminate all fossil fuels, and are more than will to use violence to obtain that.
On one side you have the fearmongers that say climate change is all the fault of humans we will all be dead in 50 year if we do not change our ways.

On the other side you have those that say that there is no way possible humans could have any impact at all and that there is no change in the climate and we should just go on with business as usual.

Then there are those that realize that yes the climate is changing and what is causing it is irrelevant since even if God himself told humans it was their fault, we would not give up our lifestyles to do anything about it.

Thus the true discussion should be how to mitigate the harm it will do and how to take advantage of the good aspects of the change.

But we cannot do that because both sides are sitting on their side of the fence throwing shit at like a bunch of monkeys at the zoo
Yes, they should be made fun of, yet they are not worse than you, every time it is cold out you morons yell and scream...see the climate is not changing.

As with most things, you morons on the extremes are both fucking wrong and are the problem.
Aside from some of the pronouns, this expresses my thoughts as well.

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