12 years of Bush Tax Cuts, Bailouts, Quantitative Easing;Where are the jobs?

You can't fix 32 years of Reaganomics in 4 years,especially with a do nothing Congress.

What is wrong with you people? Bush wasn't enough of an excuse for the failure in chief you need now to blame Reagan? Reagan started the largest and longest economic peacetime expansion in history. The one WJC road to fame, or wasn't he really president? Reagan was 30 years ago give it up.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost just as was predicted back when WJC was signing the "free" trade agreements. The economic disaster was predicted and has come true and we want to blame anyone but the architect. Really quite amazing the denial of the liberal left.

Reagan started the biggest expansion of the national debt, the biggest expansion of the trade deficit,the biggest expansion of spending, the biggest expansion of government...
all at the expense of the middle class and the family.
Oh fuking horseshit. How many years were the ultra rich tax cuts in place while George Bush was President? How many jobs were being created at the end of the George Bush presidency? How many? None you say. In fact, jobs were being lost at a termendous pace.
You remember that? Or are you to partisan to remember recent history?

Or maybe you want to claim the all the money the ultra rich have allow them to see into the future, and in 2003 when they got their second big tax cut, they looked to the future, saw Obama being elected and decided right then and there to not create all those jobs they promised. Is that your story? It all Obamas fault.

btw, Obama kept the Bush cuts because he got backed into a corner and didn't have the balls to let them expire. Like keeping them in place for the ultra rich did any fuking good.
Except for the ultra rich.

Where are the jobs being created by the ultra wealthy with their tax cuts?

Obama didn't have the "balls" to let the tax cuts expire because he finally understood that doing so would hurt an already weak economy and probably cost him his second term.

Jobs aren't being created now because the wealthy are already moving their capital into tax havens to keep it from being taxed. It's what they ALWAYS do when idiots like you come looking to take it away from them. Duh?

You are to fuking stupid to even reply to. But I will anyway.

Loyal Americans the ultra rich are eh? Got more of the nations wealth and income than at almost any time in our history. Some of the lowest tax rates ever. But a 4% increase in Federal Tax rates is enough to make them take all their money and go away. Hide it from the government. Make all of us suffer because they want a million a month instead of 900K.

And you support them to no end. Fuk you. You are actully worse than they are. Rooting against your own self interest, my interests and America as well. Double fuk you.
Amazing how liberals can't see how 30 years of ever increasing spending by the government might have "something" to do with the economic pickle we find ourselves in. Let's not talk about getting that spending under control...let's talk about raising taxes on the wealthy instead! It's a message that resonates with idiots that don't really grasp economics...a message that got Barry reelected. Now the only problem is that it's been nothing more than smoke and mirrors this whole time and won't do ANYTHING to fix either the economy or our deficit.
What a fuking idiot you are. Don't you read the rethug talking points? The government does not create jobs. repugs tell this all the time. Except for defense industry jobs, but we won't include them. Cause rethugs love defense jobs.

So the tax cuts for the ultra wealthy were sold as cuts for the job creators. Remeber? Us peons got those little measly 600 dollar checks so we wouldn't bitch that the wealthy got hundreds of thousands. Be that as it may.

Where are the fuking jobs the ultra wealthy were creating after theygot what they wanted?

If you don't know, stfu.

The government is like fertilizer, it doesn't make the plants grow it allows them to grow. Unfortunately this administration is more like weed killer. But that is only going by the facts and not conjecture or partisanship.

No bub. The "fertilizer" aka "bull shit" that is being spread in being spread by......you.

You should have just said you don't know why the ultra rich haven't "created" all those jobs we were promised.

I remember no one in the Bush admin qualifying the tax cuts with statments that there would have to be a bunch of bull shit spread around BEFORE the job creators could do their job creation "thing".

The only people that beneited from the huge tax cuts for the ultra wealthy were the ultra wealty.

We were sold a bunch of bull shit. Guess that's the "fertilizer" you were speaking of.

Maybe you need to explain how the ultr-rich cost America jobs. Maybe you need to look at the economic expansion of the US and see that the Reagan tax cuts did usher in the longest peacetime expansion of the economy. Even with the hits the economy took under Bush the economy did well, until the demorats took over in 2007, then disaster.

Here from the following linked article:


No matter how advocates of big government try to rewrite history, Ronald Reagan's record of fiscal responsibility continues to stand as the most successful economic policy of the 20th century. His tax reforms triggered an economic expansion that continues to this day. His investments in national security ended the Cold War and made possible the subsequent defense spending reductions that are largely responsible for the current federal surpluses. His efforts to restrain the expansion of federal government helped to limit the growth of domestic spending.

If Reagan's critics had been willing to work with him to limit domestic spending even further and to control the growth of entitlements, the budget would have been balanced five to ten years sooner and without the massive tax increase imposed in 1993. Today, Members of Congress from across the political spectrum should stand on the evidence and defend the Reagan record.

To the extent that President Bush's proposals mirror those of Ronald Reagan, his plan should be a welcome strategy to lower the tax burden on Americans and to make the system more responsible. If the advocates of big government in Congress cooperate with President Bush rather than merely continuing to fund obsolete, wasteful, and redundant programs, there is no limit to the prosperity that Americans can generate.

Peter Sperry is the Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation

The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy
Some things to think about, why didn't we hear of the Fiscal Cliff before the election?

I say let's go over the so called cliff. The liberals should rejoice at doing so it will bring us back to the taxes and spending of the Clinton years. I dare them to do nothing and let's ride out going over the cliff. It is nothing but Obama scare tactics if the liberals think the time of Clinton was so great.
And you paid for your own gear..and got there on your own, right?

No, but I have many many times over in the 30yrs since with all the tax I've paid.

Give this man a cigar.

And maybe you should look around and see that people are paying for those services they get.

But those on the top..are basically using those very same services..while fleecing those who are paying for it.

What fucking services are you deflecting to now?
btw, Obama kept the Bush cuts because he got backed into a corner and didn't have the balls to let them expire. Like keeping them in place for the ultra rich did any fuking good.
Except for the ultra rich.

Where are the jobs being created by the ultra wealthy with their tax cuts?

Obama didn't have the "balls" to let the tax cuts expire because he finally understood that doing so would hurt an already weak economy and probably cost him his second term.

Jobs aren't being created now because the wealthy are already moving their capital into tax havens to keep it from being taxed. It's what they ALWAYS do when idiots like you come looking to take it away from them. Duh?

You are to fuking stupid to even reply to. But I will anyway.

Loyal Americans the ultra rich are eh? Got more of the nations wealth and income than at almost any time in our history. Some of the lowest tax rates ever. But a 4% increase in Federal Tax rates is enough to make them take all their money and go away. Hide it from the government. Make all of us suffer because they want a million a month instead of 900K.

And you support them to no end. Fuk you. You are actully worse than they are. Rooting against your own self interest, my interests and America as well. Double fuk you.

If you think that the wealthy are only being targeted with a 4% increase in their taxes then you haven't been paying attention, Zeke. Trust me when I tell you that the wealthy HAVE been.

I point out that the fiscal policies of this Administration aren't going to work and why they won't work and you blame me for doing so? That's simply idiotic. The wealthy are not going to voluntarily surrender their capital so you progressives can spend it. I'm sorry but that's not going to happen. The reason those people have all that money is that they are smart about conserving it.

Here's a newsflash for you though...if you give them the opportunity to invest that money into businesses and make profits then they WILL invest and they will create jobs. The wealthy make less when they keep their assets in tax havens. They do so only because of tax policy that induces them to do so.

Now that is reality. Do you want to deal with it...or are you going to continue to ignore it?
4 years of obama and no jobs

23 million jobless

and the hacks still have to blame Bush


This so called recovery has averaged GDP growth of less than 2%, compared to prior recovers of 4%+.

The proof of policies is their impact on the economy. Obamanomics is an epic fail.

Thus far.."Obamanomics" has been two fold.

First, it added liquidity to the interests of rich folks..far be it from them to use their own stash to fix their messes.

Second, it has eased the suffering of those without jobs and staved off massive layoffs in the financial and public sectors.

Which are you folks complaining about?


That part. Ya know, the part that is complete and utter bullshit.

Can you name one other President that "HAD" to constantly point at "saved and created jobs", constantly?
Here's a newsflash for you though...if you give them the opportunity to invest that money into businesses and make profits then they WILL invest and they will create jobs. The wealthy make less when they keep their assets in tax havens. They do so only because of tax policy that induces them to do so. old style.

Opportunity you say? Why don't you point out just what "opportunity" for vast job creation exists right now in the good ole USA.

Is it oil drilling you say? How many jobs to be created and how long do they last?
Making cars? Already being done
How about shoes and clothing. Being made elsewhere for cheaper.

I know. Military weapons. We are good at that. Lets start a war to increase demand.
Green energy? Nah, all rethugs know that is a waste of time and money. No jobs there.

So what is it Old Style. What are the jobs of the future that the ultra wealthy are just sitting by waiting for the "right time" to create them. btw, what does the UE number need to be for the ultra wealthy to help out with creating all these jobs?

Hurry cause I got a job that I am finishing up and I want to get in line for one of the new jobs coming my way.
Amazing how liberals can't see how 30 years of ever increasing spending by the government might have "something" to do with the economic pickle we find ourselves in. Let's not talk about getting that spending under control...let's talk about raising taxes on the wealthy instead! It's a message that resonates with idiots that don't really grasp economics...a message that got Barry reelected. Now the only problem is that it's been nothing more than smoke and mirrors this whole time and won't do ANYTHING to fix either the economy or our deficit.

Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.

According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.
Amazing how liberals can't see how 30 years of ever increasing spending by the government might have "something" to do with the economic pickle we find ourselves in. Let's not talk about getting that spending under control...let's talk about raising taxes on the wealthy instead! It's a message that resonates with idiots that don't really grasp economics...a message that got Barry reelected. Now the only problem is that it's been nothing more than smoke and mirrors this whole time and won't do ANYTHING to fix either the economy or our deficit.

Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.
According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.

This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.
Amazing how liberals can't see how 30 years of ever increasing spending by the government might have "something" to do with the economic pickle we find ourselves in. Let's not talk about getting that spending under control...let's talk about raising taxes on the wealthy instead! It's a message that resonates with idiots that don't really grasp economics...a message that got Barry reelected. Now the only problem is that it's been nothing more than smoke and mirrors this whole time and won't do ANYTHING to fix either the economy or our deficit.

Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.
According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.

This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

It really is shameful this country has fallen so far that so many blame another for their own station in life. "Just shut up rich guy and wipe my ass for me". I suppose it's easier than rolling up your sleeves and making a living for yourself.

No wonder the country is headed straight into the shitter.
Amazing how liberals can't see how 30 years of ever increasing spending by the government might have "something" to do with the economic pickle we find ourselves in. Let's not talk about getting that spending under control...let's talk about raising taxes on the wealthy instead! It's a message that resonates with idiots that don't really grasp economics...a message that got Barry reelected. Now the only problem is that it's been nothing more than smoke and mirrors this whole time and won't do ANYTHING to fix either the economy or our deficit.

Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.
According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.

This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

A better question, Zekester...is how hard is it to figure out that when people pay no Federal taxes at all, that they will vote for those who do to pay more? We really don't have a revenue problem...we're taking in about the same now as we were before the economic collapse. Our problem is that we have increased spending dramatically with more to come and progressives like yourself want more spending on top of that.

The reality is that you could take 100% of the income that the wealthy make and it still wouldn't come close to closing the gap between what we take in and what we spend. So how "fuking brain dead" do you have to be to not grasp that spending is the problem?
Amazing how liberals can't see how 30 years of ever increasing spending by the government might have "something" to do with the economic pickle we find ourselves in. Let's not talk about getting that spending under control...let's talk about raising taxes on the wealthy instead! It's a message that resonates with idiots that don't really grasp economics...a message that got Barry reelected. Now the only problem is that it's been nothing more than smoke and mirrors this whole time and won't do ANYTHING to fix either the economy or our deficit.

Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.
According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.

This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

Because they have money they should pay for everything?? You think the rest of us should just skate on by without contributing?? Of course you do. You'd be happy to let someone else pay your way. No problem.

Personal responsibility doesn't equate with you progressive idiots. Talk about brain dead. Thats you in spades.
Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.
According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.

This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

A better question, Zekester...is how hard is it to figure out that when people pay no Federal taxes at all, that they will vote for those who do to pay more? We really don't have a revenue problem...we're taking in about the same now as we were before the economic collapse. Our problem is that we have increased spending dramatically with more to come and progressives like yourself want more spending on top of that.

The reality is that you could take 100% of the income that the wealthy make and it still wouldn't come close to closing the gap between what we take in and what we spend. So how "fuking brain dead" do you have to be to not grasp that spending is the problem?

Oh he's fucking brain dead all right. I wonder what he thinks will happen when the takers outnumber the producers??

Everyone will be on the dole and there will be no one to provide the money. Jesus he's an idiot and brain dead to boot.
No, but I have many many times over in the 30yrs since with all the tax I've paid.

Give this man a cigar.

And maybe you should look around and see that people are paying for those services they get.

But those on the top..are basically using those very same services..while fleecing those who are paying for it.

What fucking services are you deflecting to now?


Make some sense man.
Its always easier to blame it on the rich. Facts don't mean much to folks when they get on that kick.

Its all the fault of the Rich. Hell. They are the harbingers of death. LOL

Doesn't matter that those folks pay upwards of 60% of the Fed taxes in this country.
According to the lefty idiots they aren't paying their "fair share." At the same time Those idiots think because they are worth money they should pay it all while others pay nothing while enjoying the free ride with no skin in the game.

Its easy to demonize the rich and no one minds tax increases as long its not their taxes that get hit with that increase.

Of course pushing for spending cuts is a hard thing to do. Especially with the Clown in Congress. Don't hold your breath for any meanigfull spending cuts. The fools will only act when they have no other choice and since the takers are fast overtaking the producers that time may come before those Clowns know it. Hope its not Too late.

This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

Because they have money they should pay for everything?? You think the rest of us should just skate on by without contributing?? Of course you do. You'd be happy to let someone else pay your way. No problem.

Personal responsibility doesn't equate with you progressive idiots. Talk about brain dead. Thats you in spades.

I like that personal responsibility thing.

Those with most of the cash generally use most of the services provided by most of the people.

They should provide their own services, use their own tech and ideas to make their own money.

Find me one rich guy that mined his own resources, built his own roads, built his own factories, used tech generated by his own ideas, made his own market, brought his own product to it and started his own court system to protect his contracts backed by a security force that he laid out his own cash for..

Dare ya.
ok Oldstyle. Every low income worker has Federal taxes taken from their paycheck. Then they file a tax return and get it back, plus some is all the stars line up.

Now how do you think that came about? Do those provisions just magically appear in the tax code? Hell no. Someone put them there. And who could that have been? Was it the lobbyists for the poor? Hell no.

It was put in place by Dems who were being bribed to go along with the BIG tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. The dems had to get something for their voters to go along with the rethugs who were working for their voters.

If you want poor people to be even more poor, oh well. There has always been poor people and they won't die in the streets in any meaningful numbers if their money is cut.

But to defend the ultra weathy against any tax increase by saying that the poor pay no taxes and therefore the ultra rich should pay less........is just fuked up rethug thinking IMO.

Why don't you offer to change places with a poor person. Just for a month. See what fun that is.
That will make you want to kick them even harder. All that fun and poor to. What a deal.

But the poor ultra rich. Everybody picking on them. Even though they fuked us all, you still carry the water for them. Why?
This is the whine I like the most. They already pay so much in taxes whine.

So fuking what. They have most of the fuking money so of course they pay most of the taxes.

Are you rethugs fuking brain dead. How hard is it to figure out that if you have most of the money you would pay most of the taxes. God you are dumb.

A better question, Zekester...is how hard is it to figure out that when people pay no Federal taxes at all, that they will vote for those who do to pay more? We really don't have a revenue problem...we're taking in about the same now as we were before the economic collapse. Our problem is that we have increased spending dramatically with more to come and progressives like yourself want more spending on top of that.

The reality is that you could take 100% of the income that the wealthy make and it still wouldn't come close to closing the gap between what we take in and what we spend. So how "fuking brain dead" do you have to be to not grasp that spending is the problem?

Oh he's fucking brain dead all right. I wonder what he thinks will happen when the takers outnumber the producers??

Everyone will be on the dole and there will be no one to provide the money. Jesus he's an idiot and brain dead to boot.

Oh boy another stupid fuking rethug who sucks the richs cock has showed up.

Go ahead genius, splain how it all should be. Takers outnumber the producers. eh. Bet you heard that on Rush didn't you? NO you say. you would never listen to that shit. You are an idiot all on your own. No help required. Good for you. And you will be an ultra wealthy person someday. With a mind like yours, it is a given. LMAO.
LOL Nope. Don't listen to Rush. In fact I don't listen to talk radio at all.

Doesn't take a genious to figure that you have 49% if the country right now that pays no Fed taxes. Fed taxes that fund the Govt. People who pay taxes fund the Govt and all those who are on the Govt dole.

It also doesn't take a genious to figure out that when that figure hits 50% or better the revenue is decreased.

It also doesn't take a genious to figure that ultimately your going to end up with more takers than providers.

If your feeble brain can't see that then I guess we can all see who the idiot is. The blind idiot with no common sense.

Good for you. With a mind like yours who can say. ROTFLMAO.

Oh and I'm not a Rep. Just so your feeble brain knows. LOL
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