10 epic failure predictions from al gores inconvenient truth.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The funny thing, other than them being wrong again like they are wrong about everything, is do you know the typical white left wing moronic woman Penelope, still think carbon bigfoot won the election in 2000?
He's not the only person to make a living by making predictions...


The funny thing, other than them being wrong again like they are wrong about everything, is do you know the typical white left wing moronic woman Penelope, still think carbon bigfoot won the election in 2000?

Al Gore? Really?

Although he can certainly be thanked for having brought this to the world's attention, Gore is not a climate scientist and no one is citing him for anything these days. Arguing against Gore's statements is like a flat-earther attacking Newton.

The funny thing, other than them being wrong again like they are wrong about everything, is do you know the typical white left wing moronic woman Penelope, still think carbon bigfoot won the election in 2000?

Al Gore? Really?

Although he can certainly be thanked for having brought this to the world's attention, Gore is not a climate scientist and no one is citing him for anything these days. Arguing against Gore's statements is like a flat-earther attacking Newton.

Got any quotes of noted climate scientists stepping up to the plate to contradict him? Got any evidence at all that the climate community didn't just let him spew and let people be misled by what he was saying? Any evidence that the climate community didn't give their consent to what he was saying by their silence on it?

The funny thing, other than them being wrong again like they are wrong about everything, is do you know the typical white left wing moronic woman Penelope, still think carbon bigfoot won the election in 2000?

Al Gore? Really?

Although he can certainly be thanked for having brought this to the world's attention, Gore is not a climate scientist and no one is citing him for anything these days. Arguing against Gore's statements is like a flat-earther attacking Newton.

Got any quotes of noted climate scientists stepping up to the plate to contradict him? Got any evidence at all that the climate community didn't just let him spew and let people be misled by what he was saying? Any evidence that the climate community didn't give their consent to what he was saying by their silence on it?

Just the fact that the globalists had leonardo dicaprio speak to the world about THE global warming proves this is a sell job.

The moron also denies that the world does not regard al gore as a climate hero? Didn't he get awards from hollywood and that fraud nobel peace prize for his pathetic bullshit while earned hundreds of millions?

These people are dangerous, dernaged assholes. Cannot take their shit.
Your position is the one that represents a danger to us all. A danger to our children and their children and their children. You are sticking your head in the sand based apparently on the premise that whatever puts money in my pocket is good for everyone.

Al Gore, Ms Ocasio-Cortez, Leo DiCaprio and anyone else that chooses to lend a hand spreading the word that AGW is a threat that needs to be dealt with immediately, dramatically and with long term commitment is a good person in my book. That you think the message is somehow shown false because you can stereotype the messenger is bullshit. None of these folks are claiming to be scientists, as do, for instance, Anthony Watts, Bob Tisdale, Christopher Monckton or James Taylor. And none are claiming to be producing objective data when they are being paid directly by fossil fuel industries like Roy Spencer, Willie Soon, Tim Ball or the Heartland Institute.
Your position is the one that represents a danger to us all. A danger to our children and their children and their children. You are sticking your head in the sand based apparently on the premise that whatever puts money in my pocket is good for everyone.

Al Gore, Ms Ocasio-Cortez, Leo DiCaprio and anyone else that chooses to lend a hand spreading the word that AGW is a threat that needs to be dealt with immediately, dramatically and with long term commitment is a good person in my book. That you think the message is somehow shown false because you can stereotype the messenger is bullshit. None of these folks are claiming to be scientists, as do, for instance, Anthony Watts, Bob Tisdale, Christopher Monckton or James Taylor. And none are claiming to be producing objective data when they are being paid directly by fossil fuel industries like Roy Spencer, Willie Soon, Tim Ball or the Heartland Institute.
Really much more like a religious crusade than science, given the way you represent the issue. Zealots are zealots, regardless of what they worship.
Your position is the one that represents a danger to us all. A danger to our children and their children and their children. You are sticking your head in the sand based apparently on the premise that whatever puts money in my pocket is good for everyone.

Al Gore, Ms Ocasio-Cortez, Leo DiCaprio and anyone else that chooses to lend a hand spreading the word that AGW is a threat that needs to be dealt with immediately, dramatically and with long term commitment is a good person in my book. That you think the message is somehow shown false because you can stereotype the messenger is bullshit. None of these folks are claiming to be scientists, as do, for instance, Anthony Watts, Bob Tisdale, Christopher Monckton or James Taylor. And none are claiming to be producing objective data when they are being paid directly by fossil fuel industries like Roy Spencer, Willie Soon, Tim Ball or the Heartland Institute.
So, you agree with AOC that we're down to 11 years and change before we go extinct?
Your position is the one that represents a danger to us all. A danger to our children and their children and their children. You are sticking your head in the sand based apparently on the premise that whatever puts money in my pocket is good for everyone.

So now you are reduced to threatening future generations if we all don't just blindly believe what you believe? Same tactic the priests of old used in order to make the peasants give up their virgin daughters....vague threats of future disaster if you don't sacrifice...

Al Gore, Ms Ocasio-Cortez, Leo DiCaprio and anyone else that chooses to lend a hand spreading the word that AGW is a threat that needs to be dealt with immediately, dramatically and with long term commitment is a good person in my book.

Figures that nut bags like those would be your heroes...di caprio? Really...you take the word of a high school drop out on issues of science? Is his acting good enough to fool you?

That you think the message is somehow shown false because you can stereotype the messenger is bullshit. None of these folks are claiming to be scientists, as do, for instance, Anthony Watts, Bob Tisdale, Christopher Monckton or James Taylor. And none are claiming to be producing objective data when they are being paid directly by fossil fuel industries like Roy Spencer, Willie Soon, Tim Ball or the Heartland Institute.

Booo hooo hooo...if you don't believe me, I will just go eat worms...you are pathetic...
You have yet to even attempt to make a single technical argument all day. It has been nothing but insults and bullshit like this all day.

I'm not the one that brought up DiCaprio or Gore. That would be the fools on your side of this argument. I bring up the work of scientists which you reject completely out of hand. You have nothing backing up your position but lies, lies and more lies.
You have yet to even attempt to make a single technical argument all day. It has been nothing but insults and bullshit like this all day.

I'm not the one that brought up DiCaprio or Gore. That would be the fools on your side of this argument. I bring up the work of scientists which you reject completely out of hand. You have nothing backing up your position but lies, lies and more lies.
No technical, verifiable information on your side, either. This stinks of religious fervor. Are you Christian? Muslim? Jewish? I'm betting nothing recognizable. AGW has definitely achieved religious status.
Bullshit. Go look at "The Physical Science Basis" at www.ipcc.ch and tell me I have no technical, verifiable information on my side of this argument.
You have yet to even attempt to make a single technical argument all day. It has been nothing but insults and bullshit like this all day.

You are the one making claims that our future generations are going to live in misery due to climate change....lets see the observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability....

What's that skidmark...no such evidence forthcoming? too bad so sad....

I'm not the one that brought up DiCaprio or Gore. That would be the fools on your side of this argument. I bring up the work of scientists which you reject completely out of hand. You have nothing backing up your position but lies, lies and more lies.

Still waiting for you to provide an instance of anyone from climate science stepping up to correct al gore, or di caprio or any of the other mouthpieces who routinely mischaracterize science....what's that skidmark...no such instances happened? Climate science was happy to let them spew misinformation because it helps their case? Yeah..that's what I thought...
Bullshit. Go look at "The Physical Science Basis" at www.ipcc.ch and tell me I have no technical, verifiable information on my side of this argument.

You keep referring to that steaming pile of excrement...but don't seem to be able to bring a single piece of observed, measured data from it which favors the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...you are just like a bible thumper quoting bible verses....if the evidence is there, then bring a single piece of it here...

Not going to happen though..is it skidmark? Just more lies on your part...
The USMB rules tell me that I should provide links to extensive texts rather than copying them here. That is what I have done. Besides which, I will, as I have already repeatedly stated, not be acceding to ANY demand from you because you are a TROLL
Those who can talk about science, do.

Those who can't, they rave about their perceived political enemies.

The deniers here have all chosen the latter route. They're all helpless at the science. All they can do is copy and paste propaganda, and troll. And then troll more.

On some level, all the deniers here know they're lying. They're just too emotionally invested in their lie now to retreat from it. Their entire sense of self-worth is based on being part of a liberal-hating cult. If they don't mouth the right cult mantras, they get kicked out of that cult. To sheep like the deniers, exile from the herd is like a death sentence, so they'll do anything, tell any lie, in order to avoid such banishment.
The USMB rules tell me that I should provide links to extensive texts rather than copying them here. That is what I have done. Besides which, I will, as I have already repeatedly stated, not be acceding to ANY demand from you because you are a TROLL

No one is asking you to provide extensive texts....all I am asking for is a single piece of observed, measured data which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...and you can't even manage that...just more bullshit dodging from a top shelf loser...

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