$10 a gallon gas in the US coming soon ?

Absolutely possible, and, accompanying $10 gas will be $30 milk, and $10 loaves of bread. That orange faggot signed a $4T omnibus bill, and the senile hairplug in chief wants a $6T one. Inflation is real, it is here, and when it starts to get out control, it will be profound.
PPI is the highest people have seen it since 2007, supply shortages are real thing happening now in automobiles, and big trucks. I am not just talking about chips either. We are seeing restrictions in windshield, airbags for semi trailer, and mirrors. These semi durable items which tend to break that we have traditionally never had a hard time finding. We are not resorting in some cases to cannibalization methods to secure. Inflation is pushing manufacture of these items.
Many times we are having to put in urgent orders directly with the manufactures for king pin kits, spindles, and hubs, at mark ups we would normally see at rip off retail store prices.

Inflation is here...BIG TIME.
And it's all Trump's fault ?

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Absolutely possible, and, accompanying $10 gas will be $30 milk, and $10 loaves of bread. That orange faggot signed a $4T omnibus bill, and the senile hairplug in chief wants a $6T one. Inflation is real, it is here, and when it starts to get out control, it will be profound.
PPI is the highest people have seen it since 2007, supply shortages are real thing happening now in automobiles, and big trucks. I am not just talking about chips either. We are seeing restrictions in windshield, airbags for semi trailer, and mirrors. These semi durable items which tend to break that we have traditionally never had a hard time finding. We are not resorting in some cases to cannibalization methods to secure. Inflation is pushing manufacture of these items.
Many times we are having to put in urgent orders directly with the manufactures for king pin kits, spindles, and hubs, at mark ups we would normally see at rip off retail store prices.

Inflation is here...BIG TIME.
And it's all Trump's fault ?
Oh no!
It's Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, and Biden's fault. Plus the fault of every congress since we went off of the gold standard.
They have all played their part in destroying the greatest economy the world has ever known. It takes thousands of people bent on greed and lies to absolutely destroy what was built over the first ~200 years of a nation.
Absolutely possible, and, accompanying $10 gas will be $30 milk, and $10 loaves of bread. That orange faggot signed a $4T omnibus bill, and the senile hairplug in chief wants a $6T one. Inflation is real, it is here, and when it starts to get out control, it will be profound.
PPI is the highest people have seen it since 2007, supply shortages are real thing happening now in automobiles, and big trucks. I am not just talking about chips either. We are seeing restrictions in windshield, airbags for semi trailer, and mirrors. These semi durable items which tend to break that we have traditionally never had a hard time finding. We are not resorting in some cases to cannibalization methods to secure. Inflation is pushing manufacture of these items.
Many times we are having to put in urgent orders directly with the manufactures for king pin kits, spindles, and hubs, at mark ups we would normally see at rip off retail store prices.

Inflation is here...BIG TIME.
And it's all Trump's fault ?
Oh no!
It's Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump, and Biden's fault. Plus the fault of every congress since we went off of the gold standard.
They have all played their part in destroying the greatest economy the world has ever known. It takes thousands of people bent on greed and lies to absolutely destroy what was built over the first ~200 years of a nation.
I voted for Perot in 92, Nader in 96 & 2000, and would have voted for Ron Paul in 2008 for what it's worth. I think we're on the same page.
Dickhead. You're brain dead.
Even though it will never reach ten dollars it could reach five dollars which will destroy the economy…
:oops:Gee, thanks for quoting that particular post to say that.:rolleyes:
Little buddy ?
If you're 6'4" you can call me that..

I am seven feet tall and hung like a elephant!!!

Now little buddy don’t get cranky with me and just enjoy the high cost!
About three-quarters of sugarcane grown and processed into sugar is used to make bread, canned fruits and vegetables, beverages, cakes, candies, cereal, ice cream and other favorite foods. The rest is packaged in large industrial bags or small family-sized bags to sell directly to consumers.

Unlike most other producing countries, the United States has both large and well-developed sugarcane and sugarbeet industries. Since the mid-2000s, sugarcane has accounted for between 40 and 45 percent of the total sugar produced domestically, and sugarbeets accounted for between 55 and 60 percent of production.
My cars run ten dollar gas just as well as three dollar gas.

Gotta pay to play.

I'll be darned if I'm ever gonna drive one of those gey hipster hoopties.

The idea that everyone is going to be driving around a Tesla is also quite laughable. Most people don't even have a thousand Federal Reserve Notes in their savings account. Heck, not even 500. It's pathetic.

You're gonna be driving around in a Mr. Bean type of hoopty. lol.


The big boys are still gonna play like big boys do, btw, your longing for equity be darned. You simply can't force everyone else down to your pathetic level of nerdship at the barrel of a government gun just because you can't have big boy toys, masked up and pulling that nine to fiver in that 6x6 cubicle all day long. It's just the fact of the matter, I'm sorry. Maybe you can like...I dunno...do that thing where they cuff their skinny jeans at the bottom of the legs and throw on some backstreet boys or something, maybe throw a screwdriver and a pair of pliers in the glove box, that'll make you look cool while you're driving your electric beaner around. It's worth a shot, I guess.

In the mean time, we'll be getting all of the poon. Heh heh.
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Actually gas was never higher than under Bush from my recollection....national average price almost $4 a gallon sometime in his 2nd term.

Adjusted for inflation it was higher under Obama. It was high under Bush for sure, in 2006 when I bought my first little scooter gas was 3.55 a gallon. But that was partially because we had two major hurricanes make landfall on the gulf coast in 2005 which all but destroyed the regions' oil output. In 2006 refineries came back online and gas dropped to under 2 dollars a gallon.

OIl also had to hit 140 dollars a barrel for us to get 4 dollar a gallon gas. Right now we're looking at 4 dollars a gallon and oil is hovering around 60 dollars a barrel.
Adjusted for inflation it was higher under Obama. It was high under Bush for sure, in 2006 when I bought my first little scooter gas was 3.55 a gallon. But that was partially because we had two major hurricanes make landfall on the gulf coast in 2005 which all but destroyed the regions' oil output. In 2006 refineries came back online and gas dropped to under 2 dollars a gallon.

OIl also had to hit 140 dollars a barrel for us to get 4 dollar a gallon gas. Right now we're looking at 4 dollars a gallon and oil is hovering around 60 dollars a barrel.
It looks to me like the hundreds of petroleum products are carrying the market, regardless of gasoline prices.

When a quart of motor oil jumped from a dollar to $4, it never went back down. Same with tires, antifreeze, you name it.
In the UK, a large proportion of the cost of petrol and diesel is taxation. Also, you pay vehicle excise duty (VED) each year to drive on the road, it's based on emissions, the higher the emails emissions, the higher the tax. My car is £260 VED and so is my van. So I have to pay £520 in tax just to drive.

EV's have no VED and since they don't by petrol or diesel, they only pay 5% in vat on electric.

So the government are busy thinking on ways to tax EV drivers as they drive. As people move over to EV's, taxation from ICE vehicles reduce.

So as you rejoice in thinking EV's are cheaper to charge than fuelling an ICE vehicle, your Utopian dreams will be shattered.
CC #53

Thanks. Best read I've had all day.
"Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die. ... People want the public services. We can't have the public services without some level of taxation."
United States House of Representatives Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank
People that complain about funding public roadways should try doing without public roadways for a decade or two.
The Democrat goal is to make gasoline go up to $10. They announced that over a decade ago.

They also want your electricity rates to skyrocket. Obama flat out admitted that in a 2008 interview too.
The repo goal is to have more people dying of covid. The prices are high while companies are all trying to realize profits after a recession and miss handled Trump led covid response.
CC #53

Thanks. Best read I've had all day.

People that complain about funding public roadways should try doing without public roadways for a decade or two.
If the gop had their way, we would. They love to talk about infrastructure while their tax cuts elimI ate funding for it.
By exploration, you mean destroying the Arctic Sea probably, but the truth is we've passed 'peak'oil' reserves and you can deny all you want but can't prevent the inevitable.

Peak Oil was a political scam in the 1950s to get Americans to accept foreign imports because US producers couldn't compete and oil from the ME was much cheaper.

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