
  1. Litwin

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in "Russian" empire) antisemitic fabricate

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in "Russian" empire) antisemitic fabricated text/Hitler´s N1 book . whats funny , even today many Juchi Mongols believe to this "book". such losers !! . Why all Muscovite empires have hated the Jews so much? cos they always all were...
  2. Litwin

    "Russian" nuclear scientists arrested for 'Bitcoin mining plot'

    and this "country" (Nigeria in snow, state- gas station ), see many Trumpists as the main USA´s ally.. comments? " Russian " security officers have arrested several scientists working at a top-secret Russian nuclear warhead facility for allegedly mining crypto-currencies." 'Bitcoin'...
  3. Litwin

    USA slavery vs. Muscovite ("Russia") slavery - Serfdom , Kolkhoz. Which one was the worst one?

    USA slavery vs. Muscovite ("Russia") slavery - Serfdom , Kolkhoz. Which one was the worst one? Muscovite Serfdom - slavery or not? soviet Kolkhoz , slavery or not? " As a whole, serfdom both came and remained in Russia much later than in other European countries. Slavery remained a legally...
  4. Litwin

    Koba (Stalin) war (hybrid/conventional war ) on Georgia (was under USA protection) in 1921

    Koba (Stalin) war (hybrid/conventional war ) on Georgia (under USA protection) in 1921 , sound like 2018? yeh , Muscovite empire has never changed .... ... establishment of Soviet rule in Baku in April 1920, Ordzhonikidze, probably acting on his own initiative, advanced on Georgia in support of...
  5. Litwin

    USSR - Germany (inducing Nazis) military cooperation in 1918-1941

    USSR - Germany (inducing Nazis) military cooperation in 1918-1941 Belarusians make a lot of great articles , thy leaving Muscovite influence zone for sure, of cos 99% Muscovites don't even want to read about it , so what ? LOL))) " German aces in the sky above Lipetsk. Why did the Red...
  6. Litwin

    U.S. takes aim at "Russia" after suspected Syrian government gas attack

    Muscovy as usual... , when the free world stops these 2 satraps ? "PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday the Syrian government may still be using chemical weapons against its own people following a suspected chlorine attack in a rebel enclave, and he said...
  7. Litwin

    Tortured to death by Putin's jackboot state: Inside the rat-infested Gestapo-like "Russian" prison

    USA/Free world have forced Putin's jackboot state and Putin himself to pay , one day Putler will pay personally for what he did to Sergei Magnitsky nad his family ... Canada is getting its own Magnitsky Act and Vladimir Putin is not ... 6 okt. 2017 - Like the American version, it was...
  8. Litwin

    New its officially, Vova Putler (pynia) is the longest sitting czar of Muscovy (Brezhnev and Koba Dz

    New its officially, Vova Putler (pynia) is the longest sitting czar of Muscovy (Brezhnev and Koba Dzhugashvili are behind) . how bad will be mr. Botox in 2024? can he do it? Comments ? Putin to run again for Russian president
  9. Litwin

    Njet, Molotoff, Finland is in TOP 5 country in the world Senx to independent from Mongols

    Great nation, great Day, all counties in Euro-Asia , the first step in this direction , DUMP MUSCOVY, Muscovy is a bumer forever Finland is the most stable country in the world. The Fund for Peace, Fragile States Index 2017 Finland is the freest country in the world together with Sweden and...
  10. Litwin

    "Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish", putting all blame for Kurapty, GULAG, "RED TERRO

    Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish", putting all blame for Kurapty, GULAG, "RED TERROR", HOLODOMOR, etc. on the Jews . does it mean that the pogroms are just matter of time? "Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish | The Times of Israel...
  11. Litwin

    "Russian" boy's WW2 speech to German MPs stirs web anger

    some want to kill him, this what Putler´s propaganda did to people ... " A Russian schoolboy has received online abuse and death threats after suggesting that many German troops who invaded the USSR in World War Two were themselves victims of the conflict. Teenager Nikolai Desyatnichenko was...
  12. Litwin

    Why "Russia"'s first attempt at the internet failed

    my answer is , cos Muscovy always has been a bamboo empire, what do you think? Why Russia's first attempt at the internet failed " In the 1960s, a Russian engineer proposed a civilian computer network to connect workers and farmers all across the Soviet Union, and the idea made it all the way...
  13. Litwin

    Putlerist (Vatnik, Sovok) a typical Putler´s electorate, pictures, videos , etc.

    Putlerist (Vatnik)a typical Putler´s electorate , pictures, videos , etc. his lifestyle, etc. Urban Dictionary: Putlerist Urban Dictionary: Putlerist Putlerist: A term used to describe followers of Putin, who is comparable to Hiterisim. Putlerisim denotes Russia's radical climb to fascism...
  14. Litwin

    Exclusive: Death certificate offers clues on Russian casualties (131 ) in Syria

    of coz, will never rapport casualties in "Syria" or Ukraine, or Georgia. does it mean that "Syria" is Afghanistan N2 already? "MOSCOW (Reuters) - An official document seen by Reuters shows that at least 131 Russian citizens died in Syria in the first nine months of this year, a number...
  15. Litwin

    Stalinist killers-record-breakers

    i posted already one of them came 6 more butchers ... Сталинские палачи-рекордсмены | Блог Толкователя sorry for google translate, but still Stalin's hangmen-record-breakers 02/07/2013 Stalinists and Soviet patriots undeservedly silent about another type of "Stakhanovites" -...
  16. Litwin

    Guess who introduced into the world "gas car" ? ANSWER: Muscovites, The "gas car" founder I. Berg

    COMMENTS? "A gas van or gas wagon (Russian: душегубка (dushegubka); German: Gaswagen) was a vehicle reequipped as a mobile gas chamber. The vehicle had an air-tight compartment for victims, into which exhaust fumes were transmitted while the engine was running. The victims were gassed with...
  17. Litwin

    Muscovite death CAMPS - GULAG, pictures, photos, numbers, Drawings. etc.

    Drawings from the GULAG By the order of the prosecutor general Vyshinsky, any methods were considered “good” to get the confession. NKVD staff used brutal tortures with pump, soldering iron, bottle (shoved into vagina and anus), rats (placed in the heated bucket under victim’s bare buttocks)...
  18. Litwin

    Putin/Hitler Geostrategy

    is there any chance for Putler´s revisionists plans to come thought ?
  19. Litwin

    Morgan Freeman calls on everyone to fight against Putin!

    Great actor, great patriot of The USA, and great freedom fighter !! are you ready? what you do for the free world and the USA in order to protect our values , law, our freedoms? ps take it mr. Botox Kleptocrat !!
  20. Litwin

    Sovok (USSR)´s reality , HOW people lived in this Mongolian state 1917-1991 /Photo, statistic, video

    Sovok (USSR)´s reality , HOW people lived in this Mongolian state 1917-1991 /Photo, statistic, video . ALL PROPAGANDA, OFFICIAL , "PROFESSIONAL" SOVOK´S PHOTOS , WILL BE reported DIRECTLY VATNIK: MORE: Вам хочется назад в СССР? На первый второй рассчитайсь! (фотоэкскурсия в застой)
  21. Litwin

    Putin: First Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish read

    where Vova Putler got such numbers, do you believe that The First Soviet Government Was "Jewish "? " Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish. “I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this...

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