
  1. Slade3200

    Trumpmania explained in comics letter

    Louis CK sent a letter to his fans (see below) and nails an analysis of Trumpmania. I expect all the Trumptards out there to respond with "Who gives a shit what Louis CK says" but you can keep those comments to yourself. It doesn't matter whether you respect the man or not, what matters is the...
  2. Never3ndr

    Why Clinton?

    This is a serious question to any supporters of Clinton on this forum (I honestly haven't seen any so I kinda expect this topic to die). The question is simple: Why do you support Hillary Clinton? This isn't asking why you are a Democrat, nor why you hate Conservatives...it is why you support...
  3. washamericom

    don't forget y'all cruz was born in canada to canadian parents, that may come up before november.

    just saying folks, the democrats play nasty. Clause 5: Qualifications for office[edit] Beginning of the clause in the 1787 document Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States: No Person...
  4. Chuz Life

    I am "Chuz Life" - Ask me Anything

    I tried this once in another thread with mixed results. I left that site in a never ending search for something better. I thought I would try the same here to see how it goes. Fire away!
  5. Slade3200

    Dictator Cruz + Trump

    Ted Cruz + "I will not compromise" + "I will not make deals" = Dictator Trump + Twitter + Yuuuge = Dictator Enough said... Need more, check out this brilliant analysis of the sewer drain our politics are tumbling down...
  6. Slade3200

    Is Trump a Bigot or is he keeping us safe?

    I see a lot of hate flying Donnies way so I thought i'd open a discussion. Lets go with with the accusations that he is a racist bigot for proposing to ban all Muslims from coming to the USofA. I realize there are a slew of other things that he has done to earn him honorary labels of racists...
  7. Slade3200

    Presidential Primary: Why Iowa?

    So much weight is on the first few primary caucus votes. Some think it can launch or extinguish political campaigns. No offense to Iowans, or New Hampshirites but why do such small, insignificant, states receive so much power? It makes more sense for high delegate states that represent a...
  8. Slade3200

    Bernie Supporters... Please explain!

    I must admit, the more I listen to Mr. Sanders the more I feel the burn! Problem is, I have fiscally conservative viewpoints and while I love his ideas, I'm very worried about our economy. Realistically speaking, I do not see how he is going to be able to rally enough support in congress to...
  9. Slade3200

    Trump boycotting Thursday debate

    Trump as been holding out on committing to attend Thursdays Fox debate because he didn't think Megyn Kelly would treat him fairly. He has been making multiple statements and tweets asking his followers if he should attend... alas Roger Ailes, Fox owner, released the following statement earlier...
  10. Slade3200

    Iran Deal: Funding Terrorists or Improving Diplomacy

    The Right is tearing this Iran deal apart. The Left defends the attempt to progress diplomatic relations with Iran and prevent the development of Nuclear weapons. Now that the sanctions have been lifted and Iran has access to $100 Billion there is a media uproar. The squakers are inaccurately...
  11. washamericom

    13 hours

    one of the victims fathers challenged hillary to take a polygraph. Father Of Benghazi Victim Challenges Hillary To Lie Detector Test [VIDEO] ‘We were left behind’: The Benghazi soldiers tell all By Reed Tucker January 9, 2016 | 3:29pm The first shots exploded around 9:40 p.m. Modal...
  12. washamericom

    hillary will pick bernie as a running mate

    why not ? he has great appeal to the libs, it would be the coronation of the new europian socialist America. then i'm sure we'd be ready for the four horsemen, and the new world order. they will begin taxing sunlight, as part of the global warming initiative. one good thing is that hillary is...
  13. CremeBrulee

    "GOP Resolutions for 2016"

    I came across this piece from Jennifer Rubin, the conservative author of the Washington Post blog Right Turn. I tend to overlook Mrs. Rubin's columns due to her prolific articles on the Benghazi attack (she has been dubbed Jenghazi on the Post). I am glad I didn't this time. She lists ten...
  14. washamericom

    what will be President Trump's gitmo and health care ??

    i believe that obamjevich signed the closing of guantanamo his first week. then they wasted a pat hand government on healthcare. why gary coleman was at the signing i'll never understand. but what will president Trump and Vice President Rubio do first ? don't say pardon hillary, that one is...
  15. William44

    Campaign spending and lobbying, is it out of hand?

    Campaign spending has increased in each consecutive election and it seems to keep that trend, with estimates projecting that the candidates in the 2016 US presidential election will spend close to $5 billion. Why is it allowed or more importantly, should it be allowed or limited, what is your...
  16. washamericom

    clinton conspiracies ??

    i'm sure everyone has seen this and it can't be true, but i listened to this the other night, and i thought, well... bill and hillary can look right through the camera and tell lies about monica and benghazi.... but it's not lying because they believe it,... what they are saying.
  17. washamericom

    vetting hillary

    i assume you all have seen this. but it's going to come up. this stuff cannot be true,
  18. washamericom

    i'm still unclear, is it ok for assad to use chemical weapons or not ??

    this is in politics so i'll justify it being here. it's obama's foreign policy, and would be bernie's or hillary's or martin o'malley's (or as trump calls o'malley "the third guy") Trump would not have first drawn that ridiculous red line that would change our calculus. i think security is...
  19. washamericom

    socialism is easy for other countries, when they have the U.S. military's protection

    if you are a country under the protective dome of the US military, then you have all kinds of dough to play with, so the argument that socialism is great for America is bullshit. protection costs money. we can look at policy for engagement/our involvement for the rest of the world, that's a...
  20. L

    Secret Letter/Number Code used in the Media

    I'm not usually into this sort of thing that seems crazy at first, but I've been reading this website for a long time now and I think other like-minded people should check it out::clap2: The Alphabet Conspiracy: The Most Important Thing Ever To Exist, Literally It describes that there's a...
  21. gulfcoastsam

    Mississippi Poacher Candidate isn't Hunter Friendly!

    Cottonmouth Poachers for Mangold Last week, federal prosecutors in Alaska charged a number of Mississippians with illegally hunting and killing animals in a federal preserve. Among those charged was Charles Dixon of Brookhaven. According to the District Attorney's press release Charles W...
  22. washamericom

    james o'keefe: undercover video purports to show hillary campaign violating election laws

    article Breitbart i think we are going to see a lot of these coming from both sides... in terms of general elections in this country ?? This is like the first week in high school. If you wore jeans you got in trouble. By october, they didn't care if you wore pants. (michael keaton gung...
  23. washamericom

    do you guys care if we lose the IRS ??

    it's tax time again soon for the extension people. i'd like for the government to get smaller. i would like to talk about efficiency. and how it will relate to this darn election coming up. i think we've heard enough immigration talk to shift the conversation for awhile. so,..... how about...
  24. C

    Best Thing I've Seen in a While

    Check out these awesome anti Trump T-Shirts....I thought they were hilarious and totally worth getting...lol Best Anti-Trump T-shirts I especially like the feminist ones, these T-shirts are just as loud as he is.
  25. washamericom

    will the government eminent domain my website ??

    this is a concept i have been toying with since childhood. i just watch atlas shrugged 3. fundamentally speaking they could do it today. all they would have to do is register WashingtonAmerica.Gov. they could throw a bunch of stimulus money at it, and eclipse my American dream. or, they could...
  26. O

    Europeans or whites, losing their own countries

    - Person writing this is from Norway, I am not a native speaker of English. I apologize for any typos or other mistakes. Most countries with a European majority are set to lose their own countries in the 21th century. This is caused by a massive influx of non-Whites or non-Europeans into these...
  27. washamericom

    Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago ??

    or seven years ago?? it's still a good question, i don't know, i think most people will say yes.
  28. washamericom

    Sony’s next big thing is camera drones

    why is this in politics, when it should be in the consipracy section with the birth certificate people whom have doubts about our executive branch. ridiculous, except drones will be a hot political topic, this cycle or next, lasers too. :cool::cool: doublecool. (hint: chuck schumer) Google

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