Judge in NY denying witness for

Is it also called Lawfare for all the legal, yet unnecessary and ridiculous motions, and appeals that Trump uses to the nth degree to delay his trials, with the help of Trump's appointed judges and justices?
Nope. Every good defense attorney uses that tactic for their clients.
Is it also called Lawfare for all the legal, yet unnecessary and ridiculous motions, and appeals that Trump uses to the nth degree to delay his trials, with the help of Trump's appointed judges and justices?
yeah, those silly defendants, defending themselves and not letting the State just run all over them..

you demafascist really are something

the defense. Of course since it involves Trump's putting on a defense in what is no more than a political show trial this updated version of political bs shows the bottom feeding demrats who they really are.
"“That the FEC dismissed the complaint against defendant and the DOJ decided against prosecuting defendant for potential FECA violations are probative of nothing,” Merchan wrote “These matters are therefore irrelevant and defendant is precluded from eliciting testimony or introducing evidence or both.”

He's spot on. Funny that the article you never actually read didn't go into this detail.

But it managed to quote a lie from York. It's like the author is paid to fool you rubes, or something.
"“That the FEC dismissed the complaint against defendant and the DOJ decided against prosecuting defendant for potential FECA violations are probative of nothing,” Merchan wrote “These matters are therefore irrelevant and defendant is precluded from eliciting testimony or introducing evidence or both.”

He's spot on. Funny that the article you never actually read didn't go into this detail.
Not sure how, if the underlying crime the state is saying was covered up was campaign fin laws.
Not sure how, if the underlying crime the state is saying was covered up was campaign fin laws.

Because Federal Campaign laws are not at issue in the case as they pertain to FPOTUS#45, this is being charged under State criminal law and the FEC interpretation of Federal law has no bearing to the State crime of business record falsification. FPOTUS#45 is not charged under Federal law.

The underlying crime that the State is using as campaign violations - not by FPOTUS#45 - but by Cohen (who was convicted) and Pecker (who once informed of his criminal activities entered into a non-prosecution agreement to testify and turn over documentary evidence).

MAGAism, since it is the center and genesis of all American political criminality, is going to have to be stamped out in America as was Naziism in Germany after the war.

They have become the scum of America.
Just for Hunter we deserve scorched earth in many parts of our nation. Destruction and a growing impoverishment to let us remember what our forefathers went though.
Because Federal Campaign laws are not at issue in the case as they pertain to FPOTUS#45, this is being charged under State criminal law and the FEC interpretation of Federal law has no bearing to the State crime of business record falsification. FPOTUS#45 is not charged under Federal law.

The underlying crime that the State is using as campaign violations - not by FPOTUS#45 - but by Cohen (who was convicted) and Pecker (who once informed of his criminal activities entered into a non-prosecution agreement to testify and turn over documentary evidence).

Wait so the govt theory of the case is that trump paid his lawyer legal fees to cover up a crime that trump ultimately prosecuted Cohen of?

Wait so the govt theory of the case is that trump paid his lawyer legal fees to cover up a crime that trump ultimately prosecuted Cohen of?


Did that sound good before you typed it.

Cohen wasn't charged in 2018, FPOTUS#45 wasn't President.

(And the payments were not "legal fees" they were reimbursement for the NDA payment.)

Did that sound good before you typed it.

Cohen wasn't charged in 2018, FPOTUS#45 wasn't President.

(And the payments were not "legal fees" they were reimbursement for the NDA payment.)

When was Cohen charged? And who was president in 2018 if not trump?

Yes the NDA, the legal document trump had Cohen make…
nobody gets to call an "expert" witness to testify there's no crime. That's the jury's job.

And the underlying felony would be what Pecker and Cohen have already pled guilty too .... illegal campagin donations. If Trump paid Cohen back for what cohen admits was an illegal campaign contribution ...... Trump's only defense would be ... He didn't know. lol
Hey benny at least you are attempting to address the thread, most are not.
MAGAism is going to have to be stamped out in America as was Naziism in Germany after the war.
Funny how leftists are reviving Naziism. Have you missed the calls from leftists for sending Jews to the oven? Leftists are trying to finish what Hitler started. I never thought I would see how easy the KKK can recruit these day just by showing up on university campuses.
Funny how leftists are reviving Naziism. Have you missed the calls from leftists for sending Jews to the oven? Leftists are trying to finish what Hitler started. I never thought I would see how easy the KKK can recruit these day just by showing on university campuses.
Sealion much? That MAGA behavior will be stamped out, too. You are going the way of the KKK.
Because Federal Campaign laws are not at issue in the case as they pertain to FPOTUS#45, this is being charged under State criminal law and the FEC interpretation of Federal law has no bearing to the State crime of business record falsification. FPOTUS#45 is not charged under Federal law.

The underlying crime that the State is using as campaign violations - not by FPOTUS#45 - but by Cohen (who was convicted) and Pecker (who once informed of his criminal activities entered into a non-prosecution agreement to testify and turn over documentary evidence).

Yet Stormy's completely questionable sex romp tales were? You clowns are too much. This clown show just gets more and more disgraceful by the minute.

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