Jew Hatred cannot be tolerated in America

Then when Egypt attacked Israel after the agreement, Israel the winners took more land to provide a bigger buffer against lying Arabs. Back when Arabfat was in power, Israel offered peace with a two state option, and Arabfat said no. You cant make peace with Demons who will strap bombs to women and children and march them into crowed shopping areas and blow up everyone.

Your link:

"The proposals included the establishment of a demilitarised Palestinian state on some 92% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip, with some territorial compensation for the Palestinians from pre-1967 Israeli territory; the dismantling of most of the settlements and the concentration of the bulk of the settlers inside the 8% of the West Bank to be annexed by Israel; the establishment of the Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem, in which some Arab neighborhoods would become sovereign Palestinian territory and others would enjoy 'functional autonomy...'"

How likely is it any Palestinian state without a military would have survived 24 years of IDF terror? Arafat would have been assassinated if he had accepted a deal that required Palestinians to give up their claims to most of East Jerusalem and forfeit their Right of Return to assets stolen by Jews in 1948.

"Imagine someone sitting in your chair for over seven decades. Again, imagine this person was sitting in your house and eating from your trees!"

Why did Arafat reject Barak's generous offer at Camp David? - Palestine Remembered

  • "According to Barak's offer, the proposed Palestinian areas would have been cut from East to West and from North to South so that the Palestinian state would have consisted of a group of islands, each surrounded by Israeli settlers and soldiers. No sovereign nation would accept such an arrangement that could hinder its strategic national security and interests; click here for a map illustration.
  • "It's not only that the future Palestinian state would have been completely demilitarized, and Israeli early warning radar installation would have been installed deep in the Palestinian areas, but also its economic, social, and political relations with its neighboring Arab states would have been severely scrutinized by Israel as well."
Your link:

"The proposals included the establishment of a demilitarised Palestinian state on some 92% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip, with some territorial compensation for the Palestinians from pre-1967 Israeli territory; the dismantling of most of the settlements and the concentration of the bulk of the settlers inside the 8% of the West Bank to be annexed by Israel; the establishment of the Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem, in which some Arab neighborhoods would become sovereign Palestinian territory and others would enjoy 'functional autonomy...'"

How likely is it any Palestinian state without a military would have survived 24 years of IDF terror? Arafat would have been assassinated if he had accepted a deal that required Palestinians to give up their claims to most of East Jerusalem and forfeit their Right of Return to assets stolen by Jews in 1948.

"Imagine someone sitting in your chair for over seven decades. Again, imagine this person was sitting in your house and eating from your trees!"

Why did Arafat reject Barak's generous offer at Camp David? - Palestine Remembered

  • "According to Barak's offer, the proposed Palestinian areas would have been cut from East to West and from North to South so that the Palestinian state would have consisted of a group of islands, each surrounded by Israeli settlers and soldiers. No sovereign nation would accept such an arrangement that could hinder its strategic national security and interests; click here for a map illustration.
  • "It's not only that the future Palestinian state would have been completely demilitarized, and Israeli early warning radar installation would have been installed deep in the Palestinian areas, but also its economic, social, and political relations with its neighboring Arab states would have been severely scrutinized by Israel as well."
Yep. you cant deal with people, who have no respect for life, and thus they kill thousands by beheadings, burnings, drownings and thrown off of buildings.

Yep. you cant deal with people, who have no respect for life, and thus they kill thousands by beheadings, burnings, drownings and thrown off of buildings.

View attachment 942555
You can't reason with people who believe their god gave them the homes, farms, and businesses of people who worship differently. Jews in Israel are putting an end to the Zionist project; good riddance

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 206: Blinken says Israel has no plan to ensure civilian safety in Rafah

"Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 206: Blinken says Israel has no plan to ensure civilian safety in Rafah​

"Palestinians brace for an invasion in Rafah as Hamas is expected to respond to a new ceasefire proposal. Meanwhile, Israel continues airstrikes on Gaza, and Gaza City’s municipality says that half of its water wells have been destroyed."
You can't reason with people who believe their god gave them the homes, farms, and businesses of people who worship differently. Jews in Israel are putting an end to the Zionist project; good riddance

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 206: Blinken says Israel has no plan to ensure civilian safety in Rafah

"Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 206: Blinken says Israel has no plan to ensure civilian safety in Rafah​

"Palestinians brace for an invasion in Rafah as Hamas is expected to respond to a new ceasefire proposal. Meanwhile, Israel continues airstrikes on Gaza, and Gaza City’s municipality says that half of its water wells have been destroyed."
I just cant feel sorry for people who chant "Death to America".
"The Palestine issue was regarded as a test case for the ability of the UN to solve complicated international problems.

"Many feared that its fate would be that of the League of Nations: paralysis and failure.

"(Moshe) Sharett noted that this factor brought some states which had been hesitant, such as France, to support the partition plan.

"During the debates it became clear that the alternative to partition was no solution at all, and they did not want to be accused of responsibility for this situation19" (P. 8/15)

There were 650,000 Jews living in Palestine at this time among 1.2 million Arabs, yet the UN "gave" a majority of the land to Jews.

Imho, the US ignored its own Charter by not calling for free elections in Palestine in 1948.

But the deterioration of the political status of Palestinians in Israel hangs heavily over social and economic problems. Over the last decade, Israel has passed laws targeting Palestinian citizens’ rights, culminating in the 2018 “nation state” law, elevating Jews to a superior status in Israel.

Anti-Arab rhetoric from rightwing politicians has crossed the line to incitement. In a longstanding process, the state even attacks their homes, through lack of planning for Arab localities, making permits difficult to access, and then issuing demolition orders for construction without permits.

From 2012 to 2014, 97% of home demolition orders were in Arab towns. Entire villages have been razed; a controversial 2017 law sought to increase the punishment for “illegal construction”.

Many see this situation as an extension of Israel’s occupation, so when the eviction of Palestinian families from their East Jerusalem homes seemed imminent recently, it sparked solidarity protests around Israel.

When an Arab man in Lod was shot dead by Jews on Tuesday after the rocket attacks had begun, demonstrations gave way to riots targeting people, synagogues and even a theatre and a restaurant in the northern city of Acre that had symbolised coexistence.
Then when Egypt attacked Israel after the agreement, Israel the winners took more land to provide a bigger buffer against lying Arabs. Back when Arabfat was in power, Israel offered peace with a two state option, and Arabfat said no. You cant make peace with Demons who will strap bombs to women and children and march them into crowed shopping areas and blow up everyone.

You can't have a state made up of tiny, disconnected bantustans.

Israel was not given Samaria, Gaza, East Jerusalem,the Golan heights or Shaaba farms.

They've been provoking wars since 1950. Read Moishe Dayan.
You can't have a state made up of tiny, disconnected bantustans.

Israel was not given Samaria, Gaza, East Jerusalem,the Golan heights or Shaaba farms.

They've been provoking wars since 1950. Read Moishe Dayan.
Israel was not "given" anything. ----What were arabs "GIVEN"?
The answer---They stole TOO MUCH and were GIVEN TOO MUCH---
and still have it.
I read lots of that which moshe dayan wrote and even things his
wife and daughter wrote. ----Nothing to suggest that Israel
provokes wars.
For muslims a breathing non muslim is a PROVOCATION
Deir Yassin, firebombing the Haifa refinery, the Lavon Affair, bombing of the king David hotel, the murder of Bernadotte, the attack on the USS Liberty...

The Zionists are indecent.
You have presented nothing which comes close to an atrocity. I would
repeat how you and yours are presented in the weekly KHUTBAH
JUMAAT but it is far too indecent for this board. Time for you to dance
on the dead bodies of MILLIONS OF INFANTS
But the deterioration of the political status of Palestinians in Israel hangs heavily over social and economic problems. Over the last decade, Israel has passed laws targeting Palestinian citizens’ rights, culminating in the 2018 “nation state” law, elevating Jews to a superior status in Israel.
Zionism was conceived to create a Jewish supremacist state in Palestine at a time when there were ten times as many Muslims and Christians as Jews living there.

Since then Jews have made it clear they will not accept a non-Jewish minority of more than 20% living among them; the Nation State law is one of the latest tools in that apartheid project:

"The European Union has led a chorus of criticism after Israel passed a controversial law declaring that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country.

"Adding that the legislation would complicate a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the EU joined Israeli Arab political leaders, Israeli opposition politicians and liberal Jewish groups in the US in flagging up concern, with some saying the law amounted to 'apartheid'.

EU leads criticism after Israel passes Jewish 'nation state' law

"The legislation stipulates that 'Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and they have an exclusive right to national self-determination in it'."
Israel was not "given" anything. ----What were arabs "GIVEN"?
The answer---They stole TOO MUCH and were GIVEN TOO MUCH---
and still have it.
I read lots of that which moshe dayan wrote and even things his
wife and daughter wrote. ----Nothing to suggest that Israel
provokes wars.
For muslims a breathing non muslim is a PROVOCATION

Arabs migrated north 10,000 years ago. Long before Islam or Judaism.

The European Jews were given land under the British mandate.

Moishe Dayan details the weekly intrusions into Lebanon and Syria sometimes just to steal topsoil and shoot unarmed peasant farmers.. They coveted more land and water resources.
Arabs migrated north 10,000 years ago. Long before Islam or Judaism.

The European Jews were given land under the British mandate.

Moishe Dayan details the weekly intrusions into Lebanon and Syria sometimes just to steal topsoil and shoot unarmed peasant farmers.. They coveted more land and water resources.
"European jews were given land" oh gee----but even some mizrahi jews---like the parents of my dhimmi hubby had a bit of land---they bought it just
as did "european jews" -----I have already read the islamo nazi propaganda.
"arabs" migrated north-----I got news----all humans MIGRATED---what are we calling "arab" this week? Santa claus speaks arabic? Did the North Pole
"arabs" buy land or did they do it the "ARABIC" way----attack, murder, rape,
pillage and enslave and extort---as did the relative of the rapist of mecca---uhm his son-in-law or whatevah when he rendered Jerusalem knee deep in
blood for the glory of allah and his BBF?
Yes, it seems many societies over many years have mistrusted Jews. Likely there is a reason for it.

As for me, I have long had good Jewish friends, and still do, but I consider the Israeli state to be a criminal organization.

Jews have never done anything to me. As for Israel? I doubt there's a nation on earth that is squeaky clean. The US included. They have a right to exist

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