House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

You had me until you wanted more severe punishments for anti-semitism, than for racism.
What about "equal" protection under law.

If you want to keep anti-semities off college campuses, you also have to keep racists away.
And then you have to keep anti-immigrants away. And then the misogynists.

And pretty soon, you won't have anybody left to teach.
It is not possible to criticize Jews without lying about them. The same cannot be said about other demographics.
Yep, your failure is confirmed......Still a fool of the first order.....FJB should hire you as an advisor.
You are a good guy, but you did tell me this fall, perhaps a couple weeks before October 7, that there wasn’t much antisemitism in this country and that I see it where it doesn’t exist. Will you now admit you were mistaken, and admit that I was able to see the Jew-hate right under the surface that you could not?

I admit that even I didn’t realize the extent of it, though. I am shocked and saddened as to what my country has descended to.
Don't worry, you'll be banned from this one eventually, too.
You should be more concerned about being banned than I should be. You have a lower ratio of up votes to comments than I do. Also, I do not resort to insults and name calling the way you do. :D
You should be more concerned about being banned than I should be. You have a lower ratio of up votes to comments than I do. Also, I do not resort to insults and name calling the way you do. :D
But Joe’s nasty shit is focused on Jews, so he won’t be banned.
Your concession is duly noted.

I mean, you can't really justify Zionist Genocide. I get that.

The Zionists are like abused children who've gotten big enough to abuse someone else.
All Zionists want is for there to be a thin sliver of land boarding the Mediterranean Sea t hat Jews can call their own.

There is plenty of room for the Palestinians elsewhere in the Arab world.
You are a good guy, but you did tell me this fall, perhaps a couple weeks before October 7, that there wasn’t much antisemitism in this country and that I see it where it doesn’t exist. Will you now admit you were mistaken, and admit that I was able to see the Jew-hate right under the surface that you could not?

I admit that even I didn’t realize the extent of it, though. I am shocked and saddened as to what my country has descended to.
You can always leave. No one will miss you.

The problem you seem to have (well, you have lots of problems, but let's not dwell) is that you think any criticism of your religion or Israel's actions constitutes hate speech.

Because you can't really defend either logically.
All Zionists want is for there to be a thin sliver of land boarding the Mediterranean Sea t hat Jews can call their own.

There is plenty of room for the Palestinians elsewhere in the Arab world.

And there's plenty of room in Europe or America for the Jews to live.

In fact, more Jews live outside the Zionist Entity than in it.
It has been focused on me too, and I am not Jewish.
Yes, I am focused on denouncing racists and religious fanatics.

See, there's a pattern here. I find racism to be unacceptable. I find acting badly because an imaginary sky pixie told you that you can to be unacceptable.

Maybe you should stop engaging in unacceptable behavior.
All Zionists want is for there to be a thin sliver of land boarding the Mediterranean Sea t hat Jews can call their own.

There is plenty of room for the Palestinians elsewhere in the Arab world.
Yup….here’s a map. Fully 99.5% of the land is held by Arabs.

Yup….here’s a map. Fully 99.5% of the land is held by Arabs.

So, Arabs dominate a bit of NOrth Africa and the Middle East.

White Europeans dominate Europe, North America, some of South America, and Australia.

Jews could (and do) happily live in those places. There's no reason for them to steal Palestinian land other than some backwards, Bronze Age fairy tales.
Yes, I am focused on denouncing racists and religious fanatics.

See, there's a pattern here. I find racism to be unacceptable. I find acting badly because an imaginary sky pixie told you that you can to be unacceptable.

Maybe you should stop engaging in unacceptable behavior.
What have I ever posted here that is not true? Post it. Let's discuss it.
Well it's a start.....But those are rookie numbers, the mods need to pump those numbers up. ;)

Jokes aside you should throttle-back on your Jew hatred.
Well, to start, I make an effort to follow the rules.. So there's that.

Secondly, criticizing the actions of a religion isn't hate.

Religion is a choice. YOu are presented with scientifically and logically absurd things, and you choose to believe them anyway.

So yeah, I rip on the Zionists for their messed-up beliefs.

I also rip on the Mormons, Catholics, and Evangelicals for the same reason.
As long as people are not arrested and sent to prison for making stupid statements. And if criminals like Harvey Weinstein gets free passes due to it as those who accuse will be silenced and arrested. of course, the left-wing Jewish politicians have done the old sidestep and can come through this practically unscathed. I expected better from them. I expected them to stand up and even put themselves in harm's way to defend their own culture. They did not. I also expect that Antifa and BLM will now be handled in a much better way without endless insurrections.

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