Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

That evil is rampant in Hollywood is not even questionable - it's factual . However kj I suggest you leave the religous hulabaloo at the door if you seek credibility.

I personally have no desire to attack your religous beliefs , I'm not a Christian, but respect your beliefs. Most people on this forum will simply dismiss you without a second thought once you bring in terms such as "Satan and Anti-Christ"

Its worse than you think--I show them Jesus' teachings and I get rejection.

KJ - I know that you believe you are doing what is Just, Good and Moral in trying to "save souls" and you are doing so with honesty, love and an admirable caring for your fellow man - but you're going about it all wrong.

They don't know your "God-Man" and probably never will . If you desire to serve your God and spread what you believe are his teachings to people who know nothing but sado-sexual perversion, societal debauchery , and degenerate intellectualism - than I'm sorry to say , you are doomed to failure and rejection. Perhaps you should try another approach if you wish to have an effect on some of these sad souls .

Saul ( Pharisee)lived to have Christians dragged out of their homes and arrested and he wanted all of them dead--God saw something obviously no one else could see that made him worthy to become a Christian--then Saul(Paul) applied all that zeal in the promoting of Christians.

If I speak to 1000 I can only hope 1 will listen. I desire 1000 to listen but they will not.

Nope - Margaret Sanger has been l....

I'm going to just ignore this part because it's the usual stupidity we hear from anti-choice idiots trying to rationalize their misogyny.

The Quote -Regarding blacks and immigrants

“they are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born.” Pivot of Civilization - Margharet Sanger

Sorry, now, do you have a quote where she actually SPECIFICALLY says that, instead of "they".

Where and when did you see me attribute it to Lenin , you're clutching at straws - and by the way when you referenced that wiki - article you quoted me -I was one of the Authors who wrote it , although it has been edited from time to time.

Yeah, they probably needed someone who could spell and structure a sentence, Cleetus. Come on, Dude, you're a homophobe. That proves stupidity.

but the White, Straight Guy in the corner office is the one I need to be worried about.

That's a pretty ignorant racist biggoted comment . You're a Racist

You see, guy, if you think "bigoted" is spelled with two "G"'s, that where I find your claims to authorship kind of laughable.

Tell you what, I've never been fired by a gay or a minority and only once by a woman. Usually, it's been some white, straight dude.

I'm going to just ignore this part because it's the usual stupidity we hear from anti-choice idiots trying to rationalize their misogyny.

I'm not anti-choice - I am pro-choice . And the fact remains Margaret Sanger was a racist who preached eugenics.

Sorry, now, do you have a quote where she actually SPECIFICALLY says that, instead of "they".

Dude - I'm not even sure what you're trying to say there , you seem to be drooling all over yourself . If it's the reckless breeders quote - it was repeated by her severaltimes in different arenas. One was her work The Pivot of Civilization published in 1922 , wher she substitued the word "spawners" for "breeders"

Everywhere we see poverty and large families going hand in hand. Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. People who cannot support their own offspring are encouraged by Church and State to produce large families. Many of the children thus begotten are diseased or feeble-minded; many become criminals. The burden of supporting these unwanted types has to be bourne by the healthy elements of the nation. Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to the maintenance of those who should never have been born.

Planned Parenthood today is a billion dollar business that makes most of its money by abortions with a focus on black and minority children.

Yeah, they probably needed someone who could spell and structure a sentence, Cleetus. Come on, Dude, you're a homophobe. That proves stupidity.

Is that the best you can do ? As far as proving stupidity - every new post you make proves my case against your intellectual capacities. Good God Dude ! you're a friggin ignorant half wit ! At times I even think that you're actually on MY SIDE trying to make the leftists look bad -you are absofuckinglutely the dumbest MF I've ever encountered on this forum :lol:

You see, guy, if you think "bigoted" is spelled with two "G"'s, that where I find your claims to authorship kind of laughable.

Some of the greatest AUthors of all time were abominable spellers, that's why there are proof readers and editors.

Tell you what, I've never been fired by a gay or a minority and only once by a woman. Usually, it's been some white, straight dude.

I've never been fired at all - and I've been working for over 40 years. It must hurt being an ignorant incompetent asshole such as yourself - that can't even hold a job down . So what are you doing for a living now spunky - cleaning toilets ? That seems about your level.
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I'm going to just ignore this part because it's the usual stupidity we hear from anti-choice idiots trying to rationalize their misogyny.

I'm not anti-choice - I am pro-choice . And the fact remains Margaret Sanger was a racist who preached eugenics.

Dude - I'm not even sure what you're trying to say there , you seem to be drooling all over yourself . If it's the reckless breeders quote - it was repeated by her severaltimes in different arenas. One was her work The Pivot of Civilization published in 1922 , wher she substitued the word "spawners" for "breeders"

Planned Parenthood today is a billion dollar business that makes most of its money by abortions with a focus on black and minority children.

Is that the best you can do ? As far as proving stupidity - every new post you make proves my case against your intellectual capacities. Good God Dude ! you're a friggin ignorant half wit ! At times I even think that you're actually on MY SIDE trying to make the leftists look bad -you are absofuckinglutely the dumbest MF I've ever encountered on this forum :lol:

You see, guy, if you think "bigoted" is spelled with two "G"'s, that where I find your claims to authorship kind of laughable.

Some of the greatest AUthors of all time were abominable spellers, that's why there are proof readers and editors.

Tell you what, I've never been fired by a gay or a minority and only once by a woman. Usually, it's been some white, straight dude.

I've never been fired at all - and I've been working for over 40 years. It must hurt being an ignorant incompetent asshole such as yourself - that can't even hold a job down . So what are you doing for a living now spunky - cleaning toilets ? That seems about your level.

Ignoring the usual childish barbs from Green Bean, his facts suck as well.

Florida Republican says abortions make up 37 percent of Planned Parenthood revenues | PolitiFact Florida

Abortions amount to approximately 13% of Planned Parenthood's income, 37% of their in-clinic income.
You are an agenda-driven dolt.

I'm not anti-choice - I am pro-choice . And the fact remains Margaret Sanger was a racist who preached eugenics.

I really love how they retreat when they are cornered being misogynists.

Dude - I'm not even sure what you're trying to say there , you seem to be drooling all over yourself . If it's the reckless breeders quote - it was repeated by her severaltimes in different arenas. One was her work The Pivot of Civilization published in 1922 , wher she substitued the word "spawners" for "breeders"

But what she didn't say there was "blacks". but you guys claim you know what she "Really" meant. Great spelling, BTW

Planned Parenthood today is a billion dollar business that makes most of its money by abortions with a focus on black and minority children.

Bruce did a pretty good job debunking that bullshit.

Is that the best you can do ? As far as proving stupidity - every new post you make proves my case against your intellectual capacities. Good God Dude ! you're a friggin ignorant half wit ! At times I even think that you're actually on MY SIDE trying to make the leftists look bad -you are absofuckinglutely the dumbest MF I've ever encountered on this forum :lol:

I never met a homophobe who wasn't one ignorant MFer. You are probably the most ignorant I've met yet.

Some of the greatest AUthors of all time were abominable spellers, that's why there are proof readers and editors.

Yeah, somehow I haven't seen any great authorship. I just see another confused, self-loathing minority who thinks he's smart.

I've never been fired at all - and I've been working for over 40 years. It must hurt being an ignorant incompetent asshole such as yourself - that can't even hold a job down . So what are you doing for a living now spunky - cleaning toilets ? That seems about your level.

I'm glad you've been able to retain your job of 40 years as a janitor.

I'm not anti-choice - I am pro-choice . And the fact remains Margaret Sanger was a racist who preached eugenics.

I really love how they retreat when they are cornered being misogynists.

Dude - I'm not even sure what you're trying to say there , you seem to be drooling all over yourself . If it's the reckless breeders quote - it was repeated by her severaltimes in different arenas. One was her work The Pivot of Civilization published in 1922 , wher she substitued the word "spawners" for "breeders"

But what she didn't say there was "blacks". but you guys claim you know what she "Really" meant. Great spelling, BTW

Bruce did a pretty good job debunking that bullshit.

I never met a homophobe who wasn't one ignorant MFer. You are probably the most ignorant I've met yet.

Some of the greatest AUthors of all time were abominable spellers, that's why there are proof readers and editors.

Yeah, somehow I haven't seen any great authorship. I just see another confused, self-loathing minority who thinks he's smart.

I've never been fired at all - and I've been working for over 40 years. It must hurt being an ignorant incompetent asshole such as yourself - that can't even hold a job down . So what are you doing for a living now spunky - cleaning toilets ? That seems about your level.

I'm glad you've been able to retain your job of 40 years as a janitor.

Uh joey .......... the definition of a misogynist is a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. WTF has that got to do with the topic at hand ?
My guess is it just looked like a fancy $5 word you saw someone else use, but you had no idea what it really meant ... LMAO

Re: Margaret Sanger ... Here's a picture of her hanging out with her Bros. lol ...


"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography)

Here's a few more quotes from Ms. Sanger

“Negroes and Southern Europeans and other immigrants are mentally inferior to native born White Americans ... a menace to society."

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
The Silver Lake Conspiracy

Me: Planned Parenthood today is a billion dollar business that makes most of its money by abortions with a focus on black and minority children.
You: Bruce did a pretty good job debunking that bullshit.

Nope :lol: Abortion, by the numbers, is a racist institution. That's not to say that all or even most of those who support abortion are racists. But looky here what the Rverend Jesse Jackson has to say - "Abortion is black genocide...What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation , that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience?"

Yeah, somehow I haven't seen any great authorship. I just see another confused, self-loathing minority who thinks he's smart.

I never claimed to be a great author, I'm strictly amateur who has made a few bucks writing several articles on varying topics over the years. And so far as the wikipedia articles, ANYBODY can contribute to wikipedia - there's edit buttons within the subsections if you haven't noticed. Even a half wit such as yourself -chances are it would be edited out rather quickly as you have very little of value to add.

Getting back to something we discussed a page or so back relative to religion - a few years back, myself and a few friends had a site dealing with pseudo science and religious topics.

Some of the articles I wrote dealt with the True Identity of St.Paul, The historical evidence of Jesus, and Jesus in the Talmud. They're still archived online and I still have editing abilities to some of them - as a Demonstration I'm going to insert "HELLO JoeB131 - on the base of one of the pages" afterwards , if you'd do me a kind favor and ... FOAD. :badgrin:

The Insurrection at Gethsemane
I never claimed to be a great author, I'm strictly amateur who has made a few bucks writing several articles on varying topics over the years. And so far as the wikipedia articles, ANYBODY can contribute to wikipedia - there's edit buttons within the subsections if you haven't noticed. Even a half wit such as yourself -chances are it would be edited out rather quickly as you have very little of value to add.

Getting back to something we discussed a page or so back relative to religion - a few years back, myself and a few friends had a site dealing with pseudo science and religious topics.

Some of the articles I wrote dealt with the True Identity of St.Paul, The historical evidence of Jesus, and Jesus in the Talmud. They're still archived online and I still have editing abilities to some of them - as a Demonstration I'm going to insert "HELLO JoeB131 - on the base of one of the pages" afterwards , if you'd do me a kind favor and ... FOAD. :badgrin:

Guy, i'm not wasting my time looking up your stupidity. The fact is, you got caught circulating a fraud.

You're another knuckle dragging homophobe who is still trying to get over that one time at camp.

Re: Margaret Sanger ... Here's a picture of her hanging out with her Bros. lol ...



Ahhhh, damn, I LOVE when they make it easy.

Brane Space: Recognizing Fake Photos

Or to help you out, here's the original photo before they photoshopped Sanger into it.


Very Good Joe -you score a brownie Point - One out of hundreds -Neither I , nor hundreds of other people realized the PHOTO wasn't genuine .What is genuine is her quotes - from books she wrote, articles she authored and speeches she gave - you can't refute that . One photo shopped image does not make your case.

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan...I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses...I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography)

“Negroes and Southern Europeans and other immigrants are mentally inferior to native born White Americans ... a menace to society."
I never claimed to be a great author, I'm strictly amateur who has made a few bucks writing several articles on varying topics over the years. And so far as the wikipedia articles, ANYBODY can contribute to wikipedia - there's edit buttons within the subsections if you haven't noticed. Even a half wit such as yourself -chances are it would be edited out rather quickly as you have very little of value to add.

Getting back to something we discussed a page or so back relative to religion - a few years back, myself and a few friends had a site dealing with pseudo science and religious topics.

Some of the articles I wrote dealt with the True Identity of St.Paul, The historical evidence of Jesus, and Jesus in the Talmud. They're still archived online and I still have editing abilities to some of them - as a Demonstration I'm going to insert "HELLO JoeB131 - on the base of one of the pages" afterwards , if you'd do me a kind favor and ... FOAD. :badgrin:

Guy, i'm not wasting my time looking up your stupidity. The fact is, you got caught circulating a fraud.

You're another knuckle dragging homophobe who is still trying to get over that one time at camp.

Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25%.

Planned Parenthood operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and almost 80% of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. About 13% of American women are black, but they submit to over 35% of the abortions.

While these statistics are shocking, they are embedded in the history of Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was active with the Klu Klux Klan and the eugenics movement in the beginning of the twentieth century.

And here's an image that's not photo shopped , since you seem to have a problem comprehending the written word . I guess you're the type of guy who flips through National Geopgraphic looking for the hot spots. My hunch is you're going to beat your chest from now till Hell freezes over and continue patting yourself on the back -cause hay -even an asshole such as yourself can score an occasional brownie point - but your case is still limp .

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Very Good Joe -you score a brownie Point - One out of hundreds -Neither I , nor hundreds of other people realized the PHOTO wasn't genuine .What is genuine is her quotes - from books she wrote, articles she authored and speeches she gave - you can't refute that . One photo shopped image does not make your case.

actually, guy, it does.

Because the kind of people who fake a photo are the kind of people who fake quotes.

So I totally refute that. obviously, Mr. Scholar, you didn't do your research, or you'd know that was a fake photo.

Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25%.

That's not true, either. In fact, African Americans have increased both in numbers and as a percentage of the population.

African-American Population |

1970 22.6 11.1
1980 26.5 11.7
1990 30.0 12.1
2000 34.6 12.3

Look, I can spend my whole day googling you into irrelvency, but I've got people who actually pay me I need to go see.

Very Good Joe -you score a brownie Point - One out of hundreds -Neither I , nor hundreds of other people realized the PHOTO wasn't genuine .What is genuine is her quotes - from books she wrote, articles she authored and speeches she gave - you can't refute that . One photo shopped image does not make your case.

actually, guy, it does.

Because the kind of people who fake a photo are the kind of people who fake quotes.

So I totally refute that. obviously, Mr. Scholar, you didn't do your research, or you'd know that was a fake photo.

The quotes are in her own books - which can be searched on Amazon or Google books and are irrefutable - she said them and wrote them - You can't fake a quote,at times they are quoted out of context.

I never claimed to posess any expertise in photography or Computer Graphics . One faked photo does not change the facts -she was an ally of the KKK , she was a eugenicist and she spoke at more than one KKK rally - by her own admission.

Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25%.

That's not true, either. In fact, African Americans have increased both in numbers and as a percentage of the population.

African-American Population |

1970 22.6 11.1
1980 26.5 11.7
1990 30.0 12.1
2000 34.6 12.3

Look, I can spend my whole day googling you into irrelvency, but I've got people who actually pay me I need to go see.

That's not true, either. In fact, African Americans have increased both in numbers and as a percentage of the population.

Well apparently, in adition to your problem with writen language , you can't comprehend numbers either. 17 million black babies were aborted since Roe v. Wade (55 million total abortions, multiplied by 31 percent, which is what they say is the average rate of abortions by black women since 1973). The black population (people who identified as only black, not a combination of races, to the Census) was around 39 million people in 2010.

So the black population, once you include 17 million would-be babies, should be 56 million people. I'm sorry , but I forgot how intellectually inferior you were - it's sometimes burdonesome talking down to people such as you .

Look, I can spend my whole day googling you into irrelvency, but I've got people who actually pay me I need to go see

Go clean those toilets Joe , and don't forget to change the toilet paper

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That's not true, either. In fact, African Americans have increased both in numbers and as a percentage of the population.

Well apparently, in adition to your problem with writen language , you can't comprehend numbers either. 17 million black babies were aborted since Roe v. Wade (55 million total abortions, multiplied by 31 percent, which is what they say is the average rate of abortions by black women since 1973). The black population (people who identified as only black, not a combination of races, to the Census) was around 39 million people in 2010.

So the black population, once you include 17 million would-be babies, should be 56 million people. I'm sorry , but I forgot how intellectually inferior you were - it's sometimes burdonesome talking down to people such as you .

Are you some kind of fucking retard?

Fetuses aren't babies. They aren't people, and they wouldn't have been born regardless of whether abortion was legal or not.

Here's the ugly reality. Women were getting abortions before Roe v. Wade. Roe just legalized what had been going on for decades.

Final point... Sanger actually OPPOSED legal abortion.

Margaret Sanger?s Views on Abortion | Margaret Sanger Papers Project

In Sanger’s opinion, abortion was an evil practice that would become obsolete once birth control was practiced and understood by women and families throughout the world. In 1932, Sanger wrote: “Although abortion may be resorted to in order to save the life of the mother, the practice of it merely for limitation of offspring is dangerous and vicious.” Although she strongly condemned the practice, she felt even more strongly that “it is a woman’s duty and right to have for herself the right to say when she shall and shall not have children.” Women’s right to control their reproduction took precedent over any moral or religious position. Unlike many today, Sanger trusted women to make the best decision for themselves:

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