Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Homestly, not really.
As usual Joe, you're speaking out of pure uninformed ignorance- which is forgiveable considering what you have to work with in the line of mental faculties.

Sexual development begins in a child's very first years. Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young school-aged kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality before they're potty trained.

By age 2 or 3, a child will begin to develop a sense of masculinity or femininity
- gender identity. Kids this age start to understand the difference between boys and girls, and can identify themselves as either of the two . The general consensus was that gender identity is biologically determined. However there is a school of thought that theorizes that it's a product of a child's environment. This is one of the key stages in a childs psych. sexual development where a fag - dyke dysphoria can develop

Let me know if I went too fast for you Joey boy, I wouldn't want too much to go over your head - perhaps you'll be able to grasp some of that .... Ya Think ?

Not really.

Frankly, you didn't answer the question.

Who made you straight?

It was a really fucking simple question.

I mean, you didn't get up one morning and decide to be straight, did you?
Homestly, not really.
As usual Joe, you're speaking out of pure uninformed ignorance- which is forgiveable considering what you have to work with in the line of mental faculties.

Sexual development begins in a child's very first years. Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young school-aged kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality before they're potty trained.

By age 2 or 3, a child will begin to develop a sense of masculinity or femininity
- gender identity. Kids this age start to understand the difference between boys and girls, and can identify themselves as either of the two . The general consensus was that gender identity is biologically determined. However there is a school of thought that theorizes that it's a product of a child's environment. This is one of the key stages in a childs psych. sexual development where a fag - dyke dysphoria can develop

Let me know if I went too fast for you Joey boy, I wouldn't want too much to go over your head - perhaps you'll be able to grasp some of that .... Ya Think ?

Not really.

Frankly, you didn't answer the question.

Who made you straight?

It was a really fucking simple question.

I mean, you didn't get up one morning and decide to be straight, did you?

No Frankly you didn't understand the answer , oh well too complcated for you I'll assume.

Who made me Straight ? - OUR Mother - Mother Nature

Who Made you Queer ? , Or more correctly termed What made you Queer - perhaps you were too young to recall ?
No Frankly you didn't understand the answer , oh well too complcated for you I'll assume.

Who made me Straight ? - OUR Mother - Mother Nature

Who Made you Queer ? , Or more correctly termed What made you Queer - perhaps you were too young to recall ?

So you can't accept that mother nature made some folks gay?

Incidentally, you seem to be laboring under a misconception. I'm not for gay rights because I'm gay. I'm straight.

I'm for gay rights because I hate religion and religious people and the very concept that there are people who still pray to Bronze Age Gods in this day in age.

And any opportunity to piss on their beliefs is welcome.

So my ideal world, gays can get married and if you don't bake their cake with a big dopey smile, they should be able to sue you for everything you have. And your kids WILL be taught what a wonderful man Harvey Milk was.
No Frankly you didn't understand the answer , oh well too complcated for you I'll assume.

Who made me Straight ? - OUR Mother - Mother Nature

Who Made you Queer ? , Or more correctly termed What made you Queer - perhaps you were too young to recall ?

So you can't accept that mother nature made some folks gay?

Incidentally, you seem to be laboring under a misconception. I'm not for gay rights because I'm gay. I'm straight.

I'm for gay rights because I hate religion and religious people and the very concept that there are people who still pray to Bronze Age Gods in this day in age.

And any opportunity to piss on their beliefs is welcome.

So my ideal world, gays can get married and if you don't bake their cake with a big dopey smile, they should be able to sue you for everything you have. And your kids WILL be taught what a wonderful man Harvey Milk was.

I'm for gay rights because I hate religion and religious people and the very concept that there are people who still pray to Bronze Age Gods in this day in age.

Well then Joe , that being said, then you just moved up a few notches in my opinion. If you're familiar with the writings of D M Murdock / Achayra Sanning , or even going back a generation or so to Kersey Graves than you might somewhat comprehend my Religous beliefs .

So apparently you are a free thinker on the topic of Religion. Than I would assume you are capable of Free thought on this topic as well [The Gay Agenda]. Bible thumpers use scriptures and primitive tribalism as a rationale for their disdain of homosexuality , which I personally find rather lame.

Gay Activists use the same techniques to push their perverted agenda on society , that is potentially more harmful than Christianity, Islam, Judaism and even Hinduism could ever be. If you are incapable of thinking outside the box relative to the case against Homosexuality and the Gay Agenda, then you are no better than the Bible Thumpers you despise -you're just pushing a different flavor of the same poison kool aid.

So you can't accept that mother nature made some folks gay?

There are many freaks in nature - Mother Nature also made mongoloids, that doesn't mean they are something desirable.
And yes, by stretching it a bit you could say Mother Nature Made Gays - but she didn't make them Gay -just as she didn't make serial killers to be serial killers - that falls on arrested psychological socio-seuxal development

So my ideal world, gays can get married

I support their right to get married, simply because there is no logical rationale under constitutional law to deny them the same rights that sane people [heterosexual] have.
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Well then Joe , that being said, then you just moved up a few notches in my opinion. If you're familiar with the writings of D M Murdock / Achayra Sanning , or even going back a generation or so to Kersey Graves than you might somewhat comprehend my Religous beliefs .


GUy, you can dress your bigotry up in a labcoat, but it doesn't make it any less bigotry.

There were perfectly respected names in Science who came up with all sorts of "scientific" reasons why the non-European races were inferior. That didn't make that okay, either.
Well then Joe , that being said, then you just moved up a few notches in my opinion. If you're familiar with the writings of D M Murdock / Achayra Sanning , or even going back a generation or so to Kersey Graves than you might somewhat comprehend my Religous beliefs .


GUy, you can dress your bigotry up in a labcoat, but it doesn't make it any less bigotry.

There were perfectly respected names in Science who came up with all sorts of "scientific" reasons why the non-European races were inferior. That didn't make that okay, either.
Only that behaviors aren't race. :cuckoo:

That little "detail"...
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

satan runs Hollywood--fake religious movies--the occult--immoral sex and violence ( all table of demons)is what they stand for= antichrist. how about the supporters? where do they stand with God?

That evil is rampant in Hollywood is not even questionable - it's factual . However kj I suggest you leave the religous hulabaloo at the door if you seek credibility.

I personally have no desire to attack your religous beliefs , I'm not a Christian, but respect your beliefs. Most people on this forum will simply dismiss you without a second thought once you bring in terms such as "Satan and Anti-Christ"

Its worse than you think--I show them Jesus' teachings and I get rejection.
Well then Joe , that being said, then you just moved up a few notches in my opinion. If you're familiar with the writings of D M Murdock / Achayra Sanning , or even going back a generation or so to Kersey Graves than you might somewhat comprehend my Religous beliefs .


GUy, you can dress your bigotry up in a labcoat, but it doesn't make it any less bigotry.

There were perfectly respected names in Science who came up with all sorts of "scientific" reasons why the non-European races were inferior. That didn't make that okay, either.
Only that behaviors aren't race. :cuckoo:

That little "detail"...

So your "logic" is that gays should just live a lie or abstain from sex because "you" think it's icky?

Hey, here's an idea. Religion is a "behavior". I think Religion is stupid. Maybe you and ever other bible thumping moron should stop going to church because I don't like it.

Sounds completely fair to me.
Well then Joe , that being said, then you just moved up a few notches in my opinion. If you're familiar with the writings of D M Murdock / Achayra Sanning , or even going back a generation or so to Kersey Graves than you might somewhat comprehend my Religous beliefs .


GUy, you can dress your bigotry up in a labcoat, but it doesn't make it any less bigotry.

There were perfectly respected names in Science who came up with all sorts of "scientific" reasons why the non-European races were inferior. That didn't make that okay, either.

This is true ,my ancestors were called skraelings, savages , and "mud people" by the Europeans who conquered their lands - but what's that got to do with the price of tea in China , or the Gay Agenda ?
satan runs Hollywood--fake religious movies--the occult--immoral sex and violence ( all table of demons)is what they stand for= antichrist. how about the supporters? where do they stand with God?

That evil is rampant in Hollywood is not even questionable - it's factual . However kj I suggest you leave the religous hulabaloo at the door if you seek credibility.

I personally have no desire to attack your religous beliefs , I'm not a Christian, but respect your beliefs. Most people on this forum will simply dismiss you without a second thought once you bring in terms such as "Satan and Anti-Christ"

Its worse than you think--I show them Jesus' teachings and I get rejection.

KJ - I know that you believe you are doing what is Just, Good and Moral in trying to "save souls" and you are doing so with honesty, love and an admirable caring for your fellow man - but you're going about it all wrong.

They don't know your "God-Man" and probably never will . If you desire to serve your God and spread what you believe are his teachings to people who know nothing but sado-sexual perversion, societal debauchery , and degenerate intellectualism - than I'm sorry to say , you are doomed to failure and rejection. Perhaps you should try another approach if you wish to have an effect on some of these sad souls .
Well then Joe , that being said, then you just moved up a few notches in my opinion. If you're familiar with the writings of D M Murdock / Achayra Sanning , or even going back a generation or so to Kersey Graves than you might somewhat comprehend my Religous beliefs .


GUy, you can dress your bigotry up in a labcoat, but it doesn't make it any less bigotry.

There were perfectly respected names in Science who came up with all sorts of "scientific" reasons why the non-European races were inferior. That didn't make that okay, either.

This is true ,my ancestors were called skraelings, savages , and "mud people" by the Europeans who conquered their lands - but what's that got to do with the price of tea in China , or the Gay Agenda ?

Because when the Europeans were doing that, they found a few guys in Universities that said things that indicated you guys were a notch or two lower on the evolutionary scale.

Charles Darwin even thought the Negro was closer to the gorilla than White Man, and doomed to extinction under his nifty new Evolution theory.

Science is nice, but you have to be very careful not to use it rationalize bigotry, which seems to be what you are doing here.
GUy, you can dress your bigotry up in a labcoat, but it doesn't make it any less bigotry.

There were perfectly respected names in Science who came up with all sorts of "scientific" reasons why the non-European races were inferior. That didn't make that okay, either.

This is true ,my ancestors were called skraelings, savages , and "mud people" by the Europeans who conquered their lands - but what's that got to do with the price of tea in China , or the Gay Agenda ?

Because when the Europeans were doing that, they found a few guys in Universities that said things that indicated you guys were a notch or two lower on the evolutionary scale.

Charles Darwin even thought the Negro was closer to the gorilla than White Man, and doomed to extinction under his nifty new Evolution theory.

Science is nice, but you have to be very careful not to use it rationalize bigotry, which seems to be what you are doing here.

Charles Darwin even thought the Negro was closer to the gorilla than White Man, and doomed to extinction under his nifty new Evolution theory.

Yup - Charlie Darwiin was a Liberal. As was Margaret Sanger- the founder of Planned Parenthood who referred to the Negro as "Reckless breeders who never should have been born."

Science is nice, but you have to be very careful not to use it rationalize bigotry, which seems to be what you are doing here.

Bigotry in its most commonly used context, is an irrational hatred against a particular class of people, generally an Ethnic grop. Science classifies this type of bigotry as tribalism - It's a Ugly word . Gays are not an Ethnic Group, nor is my hatred of their agenda irrational.

I haven't found any Ethnic groups in my Adult life to be biggoted against, but I guess you could say there are groups of people I am biggotted against . One group is Nazis , skinheads, communists and klansmen -I am very biggotted against them - another group is Useful Idiots" such as yourself - I doubt that you know the true meaning of "useful idiot" or its origins - that's because you're an Idiot in the true sense of the word.
Yup - Charlie Darwiin was a Liberal. As was Margaret Sanger- the founder of Planned Parenthood who referred to the Negro as "Reckless breeders who never should have been born."

Wow, you went with a false attribution on Sanger. Good going there.

Margaret Sanger - Wikiquote

Science is nice, but you have to be very careful not to use it rationalize bigotry, which seems to be what you are doing here.

Bigotry in its most commonly used context, is an irrational hatred against a particular class of people, generally an Ethnic grop. Science classifies this type of bigotry as tribalism - It's a Ugly word . Gays are not an Ethnic Group, nor is my hatred of their agenda irrational.

Uh, guy, you have yet to give me a RATIONAL reason why you, a supposedly straight person, should hate gays or why they have any effect on your life at all.

I haven't found any Ethnic groups in my Adult life to be biggoted against, but I guess you could say there are groups of people I am biggotted against . One group is Nazis , skinheads, communists and klansmen -I am very biggotted against them - another group is Useful Idiots" such as yourself - I doubt that you know the true meaning of "useful idiot" or its origins - that's because you're an Idiot in the true sense of the word.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. The term "Useful Idiot" is largely attributed to Lenin, and I'm sure that's what you'd have done.

And it would be wrong.

Useful idiot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Despite often being attributed to Lenin,[1][2][3] in 1987, Grant Harris, senior reference librarian at the Library of Congress, declared that "We have not been able to identify this phrase among [Lenin's] published works."[4][5]

See, I was nice enough to spare you from looking stupid.

I've stated my goal. I really don't have anything against gays, but I have no use for Christians driving the getaway car while the 1%ers steal what is left of the Middle Class.

I figured out a long time ago that the Gay Hispanic Chick working in the next cubicle is in the same boat I'm in, but the White, Straight Guy in the corner office is the one I need to be worried about. The one who would screw you out of a raise or fire you because you made a medical claim.
Yup - Charlie Darwiin was a Liberal. As was Margaret Sanger- the founder of Planned Parenthood who referred to the Negro as "Reckless breeders who never should have been born."

Wow, you went with a false attribution on Sanger. Good going there.

Margaret Sanger - Wikiquote

Bigotry in its most commonly used context, is an irrational hatred against a particular class of people, generally an Ethnic grop. Science classifies this type of bigotry as tribalism - It's a Ugly word . Gays are not an Ethnic Group, nor is my hatred of their agenda irrational.

Uh, guy, you have yet to give me a RATIONAL reason why you, a supposedly straight person, should hate gays or why they have any effect on your life at all.

I haven't found any Ethnic groups in my Adult life to be biggoted against, but I guess you could say there are groups of people I am biggotted against . One group is Nazis , skinheads, communists and klansmen -I am very biggotted against them - another group is Useful Idiots" such as yourself - I doubt that you know the true meaning of "useful idiot" or its origins - that's because you're an Idiot in the true sense of the word.

Um, yeah, here's the thing. The term "Useful Idiot" is largely attributed to Lenin, and I'm sure that's what you'd have done.

And it would be wrong.

Useful idiot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Despite often being attributed to Lenin,[1][2][3] in 1987, Grant Harris, senior reference librarian at the Library of Congress, declared that "We have not been able to identify this phrase among [Lenin's] published works."[4][5]

See, I was nice enough to spare you from looking stupid.

I've stated my goal. I really don't have anything against gays, but I have no use for Christians driving the getaway car while the 1%ers steal what is left of the Middle Class.

I figured out a long time ago that the Gay Hispanic Chick working in the next cubicle is in the same boat I'm in, but the White, Straight Guy in the corner office is the one I need to be worried about. The one who would screw you out of a raise or fire you because you made a medical claim.

Wow, you went with a false attribution on Sanger. Good going there.

Margaret Sanger - Wikiquote

Nope - Margaret Sanger has been lauded by the Liberal Left as a woman of valor, but Planned Parenthood’s founder had some nasty things to say about non whites, birth control, and abortion. An outspoken eugenicist herself, Sanger consistently promoted racist ideals with a contemptuous attitude and would haved been right at home in the National Socialist Party.

“America Needs a Code for Babies,” 1934 -
Give dysgenic groups [people with "bad genes"] in our population their choice of segregation or compulsory sterilization.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. 1922.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, .... We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

In 1939 she started her “Negro Project” - The objective of the “project” was to infiltrate the black community by presenting birth control as a health option for women to kill off the black race. Kill them off by limiting the growth of their population by abortion and sterilization.


The Quote -Regarding blacks and immigrants

“they are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born.” Pivot of Civilization - Margharet Sanger

Incidentally the Link you provided does not refute what I wrote, but I doubt you bothered to read it - that would be way too complicated.


Um, yeah, here's the thing. The term "Useful Idiot" is largely attributed to Lenin, and I'm sure that's what you'd have done.
And it would be wrong.

Where and when did you see me attribute it to Lenin , you're clutching at straws - and by the way when you referenced that wiki - article you quoted me -I was one of the Authors who wrote it , although it has been edited from time to time.

In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.

See, I was nice enough to spare you from looking stupid.

I don't have to try and make YOU look stupid - you do an excellent job all by yourself.

but the White, Straight Guy in the corner office is the one I need to be worried about.

That's a pretty ignorant racist biggoted comment . You're a Racist
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That evil is rampant in Hollywood is not even questionable - it's factual . However kj I suggest you leave the religous hulabaloo at the door if you seek credibility.

I personally have no desire to attack your religous beliefs , I'm not a Christian, but respect your beliefs. Most people on this forum will simply dismiss you without a second thought once you bring in terms such as "Satan and Anti-Christ"

Its worse than you think--I show them Jesus' teachings and I get rejection.

KJ - I know that you believe you are doing what is Just, Good and Moral in trying to "save souls" and you are doing so with honesty, love and an admirable caring for your fellow man - but you're going about it all wrong.

They don't know your "God-Man" and probably never will . If you desire to serve your God and spread what you believe are his teachings to people who know nothing but sado-sexual perversion, societal debauchery , and degenerate intellectualism - than I'm sorry to say , you are doomed to failure and rejection. Perhaps you should try another approach if you wish to have an effect on some of these sad souls .

He is supposed to take lessons from you about how to best influence people?
No one will ever accuse you of "degenerate intellectualism".
Its worse than you think--I show them Jesus' teachings and I get rejection.

KJ - I know that you believe you are doing what is Just, Good and Moral in trying to "save souls" and you are doing so with honesty, love and an admirable caring for your fellow man - but you're going about it all wrong.

They don't know your "God-Man" and probably never will . If you desire to serve your God and spread what you believe are his teachings to people who know nothing but sado-sexual perversion, societal debauchery , and degenerate intellectualism - than I'm sorry to say , you are doomed to failure and rejection. Perhaps you should try another approach if you wish to have an effect on some of these sad souls .

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:eusa_hand: :cuckoo:

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