Virginia Conservatives - Action Alerts

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
I will use this thread to post action alerts related to pending Virginia legislation our representatives are planning, debating or voting on. If you are so inclined, please join me in contacting our representatives on important issues.


Legislative Action Alert

Please CALL and EMAIL these Senators NOW and ask them to vote YES on HB1387, HB1689, HB1795, HB2306, and HB2432.

Please call/write again next week for any that are not heard this week.
Remember -- Mon. Feb. 20 is the last day for committee action on bills!

The Senate has cancelled all remote (Zoom) testimony/public comment for the rest of the session. We encourage you to also attend in person, if at all possible, to provide public comment in SUPPORT of these bills. Public comment in support and in opposition to a bill is allowed only the first time a bill is heard in a chamber. That is usually when it is assigned to a subcommittee. For bils that are not assigned to a subcommittee, public comment will be allowed when heard by the full committee. The number of supporters (or opponents) is what is important, even if just to say, "I'm (name) and I support (oppose) SB1234."

Thanks for all that you are doing to push back against the medical tyranny in Virginia!

Hearing: Senate Education and Health - Health Professions Subcommittee
Where: Sub
committee Room #2, 5th Floor, Pocahontas Building
When: Feb.14 at 4 PM

HB1795 An infant born alive during an attempted abortion by a licensed health care provider must be provided treatment and care that would be provided to any other child born alive at the same gestational age. Violators are guilty of felony and subject to professional disciplinary action.


Hearing: Senate Education and Health - Public Education Subcommittee
Where: Senate Subcommittee Room 2, 5th Floor, Pocahontas Building
When: Feb.15 at 8 AM

HB2432 (as substituted) (Sage's Law) Requires school notification of at least one parent of a K-12 minor student who self-identifies to an administrative or instructional school employee as a gender different from student's biological sex or requests social affirmation or transitioning while at school. Requires parental consent before implementing any such plan including counseling.


Hearing: Senate Education and Health Committee
Senate Room A, Pocahontas Building
When: Feb.16 at 8 AM

(as amended) Prohibits biological males from participating in female sports at K-12 public schools and institutions of higher education. Creates a civil cause of action for any student that suffers harm as a result of a knowing violation. (This bill's determination of biological sex is not as strong as HB1399 which did not pass the House.)

HB1689 (as substituted) Allows patient visitation from clergy members during a public health emergency

HB2306 (as substituted) Strengthens the religious exemption to immunizations against a State Health Commissioner vaccine mandate during a public health emergency

Senate Education and Health Committee
Sen. L. Louise Lucas (Chair)(804) 698-7518[email protected]
Sen. Richard L. Saslaw(804) 698-7535[email protected]
Sen. Janet D. Howell(804) 698-7532[email protected]
Sen. Stephen D. Newman(804) 698-7523[email protected]
Sen. Mamie E. Locke(804) 698-7502[email protected]
Sen. George L. Barker(804) 698-7539[email protected]
Sen. J. Chapman Petersen(804) 698-7534[email protected]
Sen. John A. Cosgrove, Jr.(804) 698-7514[email protected]
Sen. Lynwood W. Lewis, Jr(804) 698-7506[email protected]
Sen. Siobhan S. Dunnavant (804) 698-7512[email protected]
Sen. David R. Suetterlein(804) 698-7519[email protected]
Sen. Mark J. Peake (804) 698-7522[email protected]
Sen. John S. Edwards(804) 698-7521[email protected]
Sen. Ghazala F. Hashmi (804) 698-7510[email protected]
Sen. Todd E. Pillion(804) 698-7540[email protected]
Sen. Jeremy S. McPike(804) 698-7529[email protected]


Sample Call or Email
"Hi, my name is (your name) and I am calling in support of HB1387, HB1689, HB1795, HB2306, and HB243. I urge you to vote YES on these bills . Thank you!"
Leaving a message after hours is fine.

In emails, the subject line should say SUPPORT HB1387, HB1689, HB1795, HB2306, and HB2432
🎈🎈Congratulations!!!! 🎈🎈

A post on actually DOING something instead of just whining. :eusa_dance:

You are rare.

Unfortunately, it will probably be a very lonely thread.
I have found people on the right to be very adverse to taking any meaningful action that might mean getting off the couch.
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🎈🎈Congratulations!!!! 🎈🎈

A post on actually DOING something instead of just whining. :eusa_dance:

You are rare.

Unfortunately, it will probably be a very lonely thread.
I have found people on the right to be very adverse to taking any meaningful action that might mean getting off the couch.

Yeah, I write my reps frequently. It's not even very urgent for me, as I am quite Conservative, and my reps are too.

I don't care if it is a lonely thread. I have a gift for those. :)

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Sadly most anything common sense will die in the dem controlled Virginia senate....We have work to do for next November's election. ;)

Yes we do.

And if there are any patriots out there with exceptional motivation to actually change things, they can do a lot more than voting, writing, or even helping campaigns. They can even consider running for office. There is free help out there. Example here...

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