Didn’t fence-sitters vote for Biden and all his shenanigans by not voting against it?

Didn’t they vote for 10 million new illegals?
Prove Ten Million... I hear Trump let in 20 million..
Didn’t they vote for hiring V.P.’s and Supreme Court Justices for their skin color and vaginas?
No they picked ones that didn't lie about what they would vote on when they got on the bench... Trump's Justices said that Roe v Wade was settled aws and then reversed it...
Didn’t they vote for ‘waiving‘ college tuitions?
Prove it..
And even after you do, that is what the rest of the first world does... RWers want to charge kids for something they got for a lot less if not free...
You look at kids and say, if you want to grow up and get a job, let's put you in debt first...
Didn’t they vote for higher crime and lawlessness?
Crime rate is down since the Trump high... You are trying to blame Biden for Trump overseeing the rise in crime under him...
Thanks for showing that Biden reduces crime...

Didn’t they vote for higher taxes and a more invasive IRS?
When did Biden raise taxes?
Didn’t they vote for a weaponized DOJ and FBI?
No weaponising... Just look at the cases against Trump, Question you have to ask... Why to you vote for a fucking Criminal?
Let's be clear, Trump broke the law, he is now in court... You think he should be allowed to break the law.
Didn’t they vote for war around the world?
No votes for that, Biden didn't start any wars, he finished one and if GOP congress would get off there ass earlier he would finish another...
But thanks for showing that GOP/MAGA are the ones that start big expensive wars with no exit strategy...
Didn’t they vote for $5-$6 fuel?
Trump was the one who got you that fuel price... He was the one that cut gloabl supply...Are still this fucking stupid... You have been told this time and ytime again... Are you fucking slow.
Didn’t they vote for 18% inflation?
When was inflation that high...
BTW that was a global inflation problem, built on cutting oil supply...
Biden steered US to have one of the lowest inflation in the first world while expanding the economy...
BTW Wage Growth has been beating Inflation for over a year...

Didn’t they vote for 7.75% interest rates?
Well you are just misinformed on interest rates...

As you can see Interest rates have been raised to slow down the US economy...
This is how we actually cool down a economy, yep, it is going so good it needs to be slowed down.

When fence-sitters say…”You lesser of two evils voters are destroying America.” Can we really take them seriously….they could have easily voted against the aforementioned but they didn’t…isn’t it them who are destroying America FASTER?
You have shown us that you are misinformed and gullible. You just really shown us that we should ignore you... You are in economic sense a fucking idiot... You are misinformed and if we followed your path the economy would massively overheat on borrowed money...

The facts are TrumpTax Cuts are not paying for themselves and are pushing up the National Debt... That is all Trump...
Biden doesn't have the votes to reverse a lot of that, especially for the ones who got out like bandits, very rich and corporations...

This is Trump, freeloaders fortune 500 companies milking it and paying no taxes.. That is why people vote for Biden, the Trump grifter giving money to other grifters needed to stop... But what can youexpect when you vote for a criminal.
No. They didn't. You can't vote against anything in the US election system. We're trying change that, trying to reform the system so that we CAN vote against candidates we disagree with, so the we can rank them at the very bottom and ensure that we support them in no way. But the very same deluded shitbags who are think they're voting "against" this or that, are the the most vocal in opposing such reforms.

You have two choices, whether YOU choose to think otherwise.

There are points in history where you do have to vote against the least dangerous choice and this is one of them. If you want to stand on your right to waste your vote or use it to signify your disgust with the system, you may not get another chance to do so again in future elections, because there won't be future elections.

That's not hyperbole.
You have two choices, whether YOU choose to think otherwise.
Well, that's just an obvious lie, whether YOU choose to think otherwise or not.

Maybe it's just that you've never voted. For those of us who have, there are almost always more than two choices on the ballot, You can also write someone in. Open your eyes.
There are points in history where you do have to vote against the least dangerous choice and this is one of them. If you want to stand on your right to waste your vote or use it to signify your disgust with the system, you may not get another chance to do so again in future elections, because there won't be future elections.

That's not hyperbole.
You're right. It's not hyperbole. It just bullshit.
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You have two choices, whether YOU choose to think otherwise.

There are points in history where you do have to vote against the least dangerous choice and this is one of them.
Out of curiosity, ranked choice voting would do away with the spoiler affect and neutralize this kind of vote gaming. Do you support it?
These folks aren't fence sitters.

Biden may get some help from Republicans against Trump

These folks aren't fence sitters.

Biden may get some help from Republicans against Trump

True that. They're just idiots. Maybe "fence shitters"?
There are points in history where you do have to vote against the least dangerous choice and this is one of them. If you want to stand on your right to waste your vote or use it to signify your disgust with the system, you may not get another chance to do so again in future elections, because there won't be future elections.

That's not hyperbole.

we have been hearing the same BS every election this century.
I voted against it by not voting for it.
See how easy that was?

No you didn't.

If you don't vote for something then you just raised the votes for it up by 1.

If 100 people vote on something bad and 50 vote for it, and 1 person out of the other 50 decides to not vote for it by not voting then they have 49 votes and the bad thing is then passed.
No you didn't.

If you don't vote for something then you just raised the votes for it up by 1.

If 100 people vote on something bad and 50 vote for it, and 1 person out of the other 50 decides to not vote for it by not voting then they have 49 votes and the bad thing is then passed.
So I didnt vote for biden, So in return, I raised trumps vote count up by one, in 2020? But I also didnt vote for trump, so i raised bidens vote count up by one?
So it cancels out. Nice. So I still dont have a guilty conscious :D
No you didn't.

If you don't vote for something then you just raised the votes for it up by 1.

If 100 people vote on something bad and 50 vote for it, and 1 person out of the other 50 decides to not vote for it by not voting then they have 49 votes and the bad thing is then passed.

In this election, the vast majority will be voting for something bad.
So I didnt vote for biden, So in return, I raised trumps vote count up by one, in 2020? But I also didnt vote for trump, so i raised bidens vote count up by one?
So it cancels out. Nice. So I still dont have a guilty conscious :D
It's fucking joke. I can't believe they can cite this nonsense with a straight face.
The biggest problem with them is they cannot grasp that we do not see one as worse than the other.
Well, I think they all assume that you are "owned" by one of the parties. They think they are preaching to backsliders, that we're all doubting Democrats and Republicans and they're just trying to scare us back into line. They literally can't conceive of rejecting both. Doesn't fit in their brains.
You have two choices, whether YOU choose to think otherwise.

There are points in history where you do have to vote against the least dangerous choice and this is one of them. If you want to stand on your right to waste your vote or use it to signify your disgust with the system, you may not get another chance to do so again in future elections, because there won't be future elections.

That's not hyperbole.

You sound exactly like BrokeLoser. You guys are being manipulated like marionettes.. doing EXACTLY what the corrupt powers behind the Duopoly want you to do.

They know full well that fear causes people to do things they ordinarily wouldn't do. You're falling for it.

Vote your conscience! If you truly, sincerely agree with the D candidate that you're voting for (especially on important issues) and if you truly believe he would make a good president, then go ahead and vote for that person.

But being manipulated into voting for a shitty candidate just out of fear that the slightly shittier candidate might win is why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. People are allowing themselves to be manipulated. Also, too many people still don't grok that we have a one-party system masquerading as two.
Because the votes that should go to the ONLY viable conservative/constitutional/libertarian (little L) candidate aren't going to Trump. They're going to anybody who isn't Trump. The purpose is to hurt Trump. And it will. And in the process screw all the American people.

Meanwhile the rudderless left will set aside their differences and vote for the only viable leftists/Marxist/totalitarian person and will likely re-elect him. And in the process screw all the American people.
thats a crock of shit....if i dont vote for biden or trump then either one of them are getting my vote...

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