Before you vote for Biden and his socialist pals running for office, read this!

Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
your demonrats are not just traitors, they are treasonists. and you are to blind/ 1 sided to see anything but.......

Thank you for giving yet another reason for my opinion of


are you telling your old lady to get rid of her fat ass? thats what i see
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
your demonrats are not just traitors, they are treasonists. and you are to blind/ 1 sided to see anything but.......

Thank you for giving yet another reason for my opinion of


are you telling your od lady to get rid of her fat ass? thats what i see

Of course. I wouldn't think you would see anything else being a party of the rumper.
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??

no retard socialism. exactly what the demonrats and their supporters are supporting. you must be 1 of them if you need 2 ask

II am still waiting for anyone to name a single Socialist Government. And don't say Venezuela. It's a failed Dictatorship.

because you say so?
Oohhh, so abusive. And Biden doesn't agree with Bernie on Health care. And Biden is correct. Right now, he IS the Democratic party.
And Biden is absolutely pissing off the Jimmy Dore-ites, a significant socialist portion of the democrat political quilt. Watch a Dore YouTube video sometime and see how much they "love" Joe Biden.

Jimmy Dore is a standup comic who is an avid Bernie supporter. I take him as seriously as I would any other Comedian on any political issues. Anything for a laugh. Do you honestly believe I believe anything from Comedy Central about Politics? Get real. He's an entertainer. The same can be said about how you take seriously the things that Rush and Hannity say. They are all Entertainers hocking products for their sponsors in the end.
I don't ask you to respect Dore because he's a wonderful comedian. I'm pointing out he represents a sizable
portion of Joe Biden's potential supporters.
Ignore Dore and the people he represents at your own electorial peril. Duh....

Do you honestly believe that ALL Democrats follow Biden 100%? Or that all Democrats follow Bernie 100%? If all Democrats agreed with Bernie he would have been the nominee. MOST Democrats agree with most of what Biden stands for not what Bernie stands for. You Party of the Rumpers get that confused. You should be learning that not all Republicans support Rump either. And that doesn't make us Traitors or less than Americans. But you seem to subscribe to that notion. Then again, you aren't a Republican, you are a Party of the Rump who just hijacked the name.
your demonrats are not just traitors, they are treasonists. and you are to blind/ 1 sided to see anything but.......

Thank you for giving yet another reason for my opinion of


are you telling your od lady to get rid of her fat ass? thats what i see

Of course. I wouldn't think you would see anything else being a party of the rumper.
i am? thanx for telling me....damn i was set up
The fact that MOST Democrats support Biden because he got the Nomination means that MOST Democrats support Biden more than Bernie should mean that the crap that is being spewed confusing what Biden says and what Bernie says is a patent lie.
You still don't seem to get it, whether intentionally or just because you subconsciously won't realize the
implications of your stance.

Yeah, MOST democrats probably support Joe over Bernie but that's irrelevant.
What's relevant is can the democrats afford to alienate a large sub set of their party?
We both know they can't but go ahead and pretend otherwise. It's only the election hanging
in the balance. Who cares, right?

You will very likely not win anyway. That's why the democrats are already lining up an army of lawyers
to litigate the election just like Al Gore did against Bush (where Al was slapped down
like a yapping Shiatsu).
You know it. I know it. The DNC knows it. They have already thrown in the towel on the election and
will depend on their lawyers (and CNN et al) to gain the presidency.

The good old fashioned corrupt, deceitful democrat way!
Last edited:
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case

Published January 26, 2019

“Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.”

The article continues:

“Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.

Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.”

And later in the article we find this chilling warning!

“However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.”

So, what has the Democrat Leadership stated about packing the S.C. and ending the filibuster should they gain political power?

“Everything Is On The Table”

Forewarned is forearmed! May God bless America.


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and her Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??

no retard socialism. exactly what the demonrats and their supporters are supporting. you must be 1 of them if you need 2 ask

II am still waiting for anyone to name a single Socialist Government. And don't say Venezuela. It's a failed Dictatorship.

because you say so?

I'm waiting..........been waiting since you party of the rumpers started this ridiculous claim.

Venezuela is a Socialist success story and worked PERFECTLY!

The leadership became overnight billionaires without doing a single productive thing; the sheeple that thought they would magically be better off by surrendering their property, weapons and liberty to the Socialists end up eating their pets and selling their kids.

There is nothing remotely socialist about Venezuela.
Socialism is where people collectively and collaboratively invest in the essential means of production.
For example, like when farmer's collectively invest in grain elevators.
Since collective and collaborative efforts have to be local and decentralized, then socialism can not ever be centralized.
Whenever you see a centralized system, that is not socialism, and is profit motivated instead, which is capitalism.
The fact that MOST Democrats support Biden because he got the Nomination means that MOST Democrats support Biden more than Bernie should mean that the crap that is being spewed confusing what Biden says and what Bernie says is a patent lie.
You still don't seem to get it, whether intentionally or just because you subconsciously won't realize the
implications of your stance.

Yeah, MOST democrats probably support Joe over Bernie but that's irrelevant.
What's relevant is can the democrats afford to alienate a large sub set of their party?
We both know they can't but go ahead and pretend otherwise. It's only the election hanging
in the balance. Who cares, right?

You will very likely not win anyway. That's why the democrats are already lining up an army of lawyers
to litigate the election just like Al Gore did against Bush.
You know it. I know it. The DNC knows it.

They lined up the army of Lawyers AFTER Rump line up more than 200 Lawyers ( quite an army in itself) to contest the election. You just don't like playing by the same rules that your party of the rumpers set for yourselves. It's like when someone shoots at me and I shoot back, then that person cries "Hey, he's not being fair".

Venezuela is a Socialist success story and worked PERFECTLY!

The leadership became overnight billionaires without doing a single productive thing; the sheeple that thought they would magically be better off by surrendering their property, weapons and liberty to the Socialists end up eating their pets and selling their kids.

There is nothing remotely socialist about Venezuela.
Socialism is where people collectively and collaboratively invest in the essential means of production.
For example, like when farmer's collectively invest in grain elevators.
Since collective and collaborative efforts have to be local and decentralized, then socialism can not ever be centralized.
Whenever you see a centralized system, that is not socialism, and is profit motivated instead, which is capitalism.

I have no patience, just fucking stop lying
Ok shithead post some of the socialist policies that Biden has proposed.
The Bernie/Alexandria New Green Deal for one. Medicare for all, for another. Kapish, shithead?
Bernie Sanders stepped aside for Old Senile Joe provided Joe pushed Bernie's socialist policies.
Don't you know anything, you ignorant fuck?

Bernie is one of the most conservative US politicians we have.
Instead of executive orders, he believe that it is up to Congress to make the necessary legislative changes for socialism.
And we should all want more socialism, where vital and scarce national resources are used wisely instead of just for short term profits.

If you think about Medicare for all, you would realize how much money it would save everyone.
That is because it allows for better collective bargaining with providers, for better quality and lower costs, which would then stop being passed on to the cost of goods, allow us to be globally competitive again.
He would then also end the employer tax exemption for benefits like heath insurance.

Bernie is anti war, for a balanced budget, and good for business in general.
All conservatives should be supporting Bernie.

Venezuela is a Socialist success story and worked PERFECTLY!

The leadership became overnight billionaires without doing a single productive thing; the sheeple that thought they would magically be better off by surrendering their property, weapons and liberty to the Socialists end up eating their pets and selling their kids.

There is nothing remotely socialist about Venezuela.
Socialism is where people collectively and collaboratively invest in the essential means of production.
For example, like when farmer's collectively invest in grain elevators.
Since collective and collaborative efforts have to be local and decentralized, then socialism can not ever be centralized.
Whenever you see a centralized system, that is not socialism, and is profit motivated instead, which is capitalism.

I have no patience, just fucking stop lying

Do you now anything at all about socialism?
Do you know any family that is not socialist?
When we were hunter/gatherer tribes, do you think anyone then was not socialist with the successes of the hunt or gathering?
Do you know how quickly all game would have gone extinct if everyone had to have a successful hunt, in in order to survive?
If one person bags an elk, would they keep it for themselves and let most of it rot without refrigeration, or would they have shared it?
Trumptards really should stop broad-brushing the term "socialism".

No, they should keep doing it. It's pissing more and more people off.

Agree - Especially educated young people who well know the difference between a tin-horn dictator and socialism.

Yah, but it sound SSSOOOOOO good when the party of the rumpers say it. Well, at least to them.

Yep, they learned how to say it in order to make it sound like a dirty word. We can probably thank Rush, Hannity and Mark Levin for that lovely gift to the poorly educated.
Doesn't sound a whole lot different than capitalism to me. And I agree with Rigby - Bernie is a capitalist.

Socialism is a populist economic and political system based on public ownership (also known as collective or common ownership) of the means of production. Those means include the machinery, tools, and factories used to produce goods that aim to directly satisfy human needs.
Trump Ian's are busy attempting to frame the opposition as toxic. Just like in 2016.

All the while, they are oblivious to the toxicity of Trump himself. They ignore the politicalization of the Justice Department. They ignore Trump's contradictions of CDC guidelines. They are on board with Trump's undermining of the voting process. They cheer his family separation policy. And they don't mind his tax cheating schemes or his personal debt crisis. They accept his encouragement of White Supremacists.

They playbook calls for casting Biden as something he is not while ignoring Trump for something he is.

Can a blatantly negative campaign be aspirational? Only to those who aspire to divide and destroy.
Your comparing Venezuelan's system of government to ours??

Post Green Raw Deal it will be very similar.

The Biden-Sanders Manifesto, which Quid Pro fucking liar Joe flat out lied about in the debate - with Chris the Cocksucker failing to call him on - paints a path to a Cuba- Venezuela style socialist shit hole.

You Russian trolls are getting more 'creative' with your wording I see.
Show me were Biden has said that he was going to implement Sander's policies, post that shit for brains.
It's part of the quid pro quo arrangement between the DNC and Benie Sanders.
How come you are the only person in the country who doesn't know that?

Try taking off your butt cheek ear muffs. You might discover a lot of new things, you dumb racist

So in.other words you just pulled that out your ass and you don't have nothing to back that dumbass analogy up with.

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