Zone1 Catholicism is true but it's not easy to get in

A cry of the Roman Catholic Church is often heard. It says, "Outside the Church there is no salvation" (Extra ecclesiam nulla salus). The Protestant Church(s) according to Roman Catholics are anathema - that is condemned or cursed.

According to their doctrine, Protestants are lacking the fullness of the means of salvation seeing it lacks the Church (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) which is necessary for salvation, seeing she (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) and she alone bears in herself and administers the totality of the means of salvation. Indeed the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:
  • "It is in the Church that 'the fullness of the means of salvation' has been deposited" (824).

  • "Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation" (846).

Pope Benedict XVI: "one church in Christ . . . subsists in the Catholic Church . . . Protestant communities "cannot be called '"churches in the proper sense," because they lack apostolic succession, that is, the ability to trace their leadership back to Christ's original disciples.

^Which is ironic since the original disciples were long dead before the Catholic church was formed.
A cry of the Roman Catholic Church is often heard. It says, "Outside the Church there is no salvation" (Extra ecclesiam nulla salus). The Protestant Church(s) according to Roman Catholics are anathema - that is condemned or cursed.

According to their doctrine, Protestants are lacking the fullness of the means of salvation seeing it lacks the Church (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) which is necessary for salvation, seeing she (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) and she alone bears in herself and administers the totality of the means of salvation. Indeed the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

Pope Benedict XVI: "one church in Christ . . . subsists in the Catholic Church . . . Protestant communities "cannot be called '"churches in the proper sense," because they lack apostolic succession, that is, the ability to trace their leadership back to Christ's original disciples.

^Which is ironic since the original disciples were long dead before the Catholic church was formed.
The Catholic Church was created at the moment Christ said, "Peter you are my rock, and upon this rock I build my Church."
The Catechism of the Catholic Church notes that as well.
What Catechism actually says:
the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:

  • "It is in the Church that 'the fullness of the means of salvation' has been deposited" (824).

  • "Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation" (846).

  • "The Church is catholic: she proclaims the fullness of the faith. She bears in herself and administers the totality of the means of salvation" (868).
^Which is ironic since the original disciples were long dead before the Catholic church was formed
What became the Catholic Church WAS formed along side the Church of God in Jerusalem by Simon Magus after Peter cast him out of the Church. This was a the Simon who was the Pope they brag about
The Catholic Church was created at the moment Christ said, "Peter you are my rock, and upon this rock I build my Church."
And He did, just not in Rome. Jesus, Jewish. Peter, Jewish. The congregation, Jewish.

With all due respect, Blackrock, Peter started Christ's church in Jerusalem. Peter was the preacher there for 15 years before he was arrested. He was dead for 300 years before the Catholic church was formed.
The Basilica was built over a graveyard, underground catacombs, that may have contained the bones of Peter and Paul.
In December 1950 Pope Pius XII announced that bones discovered during the excavation could not conclusively be said to be Peter’s. Two decades later, in 1968, Pope Paul VI announced that the bones were Peter's. At any rate, Peter was way too dead to be the first Pope.
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What became the Catholic Church WAS formed along side the Church of God in Jerusalem by Simon Magus after Peter cast him out of the Church. This was a the Simon who was the Pope they brag about
There is over a three hundred year time span between the church that Peter started in Jerusalem and the beginning of the Catholic church, thanks to Emperor Constantine, 306-337 AD. Magus (Simon the Sorcerer) was long dead too.

Peter stayed in Jerusalem. Nero killed any Christians that were in Rome. They weren't alive long enough to build a church, let alone practice Christianity publicly. Peter escaped the jail in Jerusalem, fled to Rome and was killed there.
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According to their doctrine, Protestants are lacking the fullness of the means of salvation seeing it lacks the Church (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) which is necessary for salvation, seeing she (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) and she alone bears in herself and administers the totality of the means of salvation.
Study the difference between how Protestants say salvation is attained and Catholic teaching.
What Luke Tells Us About Simon Magus

Notice the points Luke places clearly before us.

Simon was a Samaritan, not a Jew -- (Acts 8:9). Remember that the Bible tells us salvation was of the Jews -- not of the Samaritans (John 4:22).

Simon Magus greatly used demonistic powers to do miracles and wonders (Acts 8:9).

The whole population of Samaria (both small and great) gave heed to him (Verse 10). He was looked on as the greatest prophet -- all Samaria BELIEVED IN HIM!

What Luke Tells Us About Simon Magus

Notice the points Luke places clearly before us.

Simon was a Samaritan, not a Jew -- (Acts 8:9). Remember that the Bible tells us salvation was of the Jews -- not of the Samaritans (John 4:22).

Simon Magus greatly used demonistic powers to do miracles and wonders (Acts 8:9).

The whole population of Samaria (both small and great) gave heed to him (Verse 10). He was looked on as the greatest prophet -- all Samaria BELIEVED IN HIM!

He fell to his death. He was actually dead before Peter, so we know Magus didn't start the Catholic church.
The Protestant Church(s) according to Roman Catholics are anathema - that is condemned or cursed.

Study the Council of Trent to see the many reasons why the Catholics consider non-Catholics
First, the Council of Trent never said the Protestant Church(s) are condemned or cursed. Second, The Council was speaking to Catholics not to Protestants. Third, "anathema" did not even mean 'condemned or cursed' until later years. The meanings of words change and evolve, as did the meaning of 'anathema'.

At the time of the Council of Trent 'anathema' is defined as a form of excommunication used by bishops. It was rarely used, and then only for Catholics who were teaching within the Catholic Church non-Catholic beliefs.

Bishops do not--and did not--ever go around excommunicating those who had left Catholicism in favor of Protestantism or who were practicing another non-Christian faith to begin with. This is a truly silly and ignorant suggestion. No Bishop had an inclination, need, or time to go around excommunicating those in the population who were not even Catholic! The concern of The Council of Trent and the Bishops was with what happens within the Catholic faith, not what happens outside the Catholic faith.
No Bishop had an inclination, need, or time to go around excommunicating those in the population who were not even Catholic!

Here are the words of the anathema ceremony drawn up by Pope Zachary (751-52):

… Wherefore in the name of God the All-powerful, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, of the Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and of all the saints, in virtue of the power which has been given us of binding and loosing in Heaven and on earth, we deprive [insert name] himself and all his accomplices and all his abettors of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord, we separate him from the society of all Christians, we exclude him from the bosom of our Holy Mother the Church in Heaven and on earth, we declare him excommunicated and anathematized and we judge him condemned to eternal fire with Satan and his angels and all the reprobate.
They have time to condemn their own to hell along with the rest of us "reprobates".
They have time to condemn their own to hell along with the rest of us "reprobates".
You pull up an order of excommunication by a Pope for someone guilty of committing crimes of the gravest order against society? You are truly desperate to find a Catholic who is guilty of hating Protestants, aren't matter how far back in time you must go.
You pull up an order of excommunication by a Pope for someone guilty of committing crimes of the gravest order against society? You are truly desperate to find a Catholic who is guilty of hating Protestants, aren't matter how far back in time you must go.
If I was looking for Protestant haters, all I'd have to do is come to the religious forum.

It is Catholic doctrine as far back as you want to go, unless you think Catholic doctrine changes like the weather.
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I'm not arguing about the law. I'm telling people that an "altar call" isn't sufficient to be "saved."
At the alter, in your living room, in a church pew, in your bedroom, when you accept Christ as your Savior your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life:

John 3:15-17 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Believe. That is the criteria.
Nope, never had a problem with Catholics and still don't. It is Catholic dogma that presents the problem:
Outside the church there is no salvation.
Try again. The fullness of salvation is proclaimed by the Catholic Church. Elements of salvation are present even in most atheists. You do have a problem presenting facts. Let Catholics explain the Catholic faith. You get too much wrong.

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