Zimmerman molested relative

The woman is likely not a liar. She might have a faulty memory, the incident was 20 years ago and she was only six. She is an attention getter and this is an ideal time for her to remember whatever it is that she remembers.

The odds are that she is not lying, we all know what 8 year old boys and six year old girls are like. He kissed her, HORRORS. That was 20 years ag. Today they are expected to be having regular sex by the time the girl is 12 and long before the boy is 14.

It's just more propoganda from the 'hate due process' crowd. Fucking lunatics.

who hates due process? surely you dont mean us who wanted the alleged murderer to be arrested and tried instead of just let off cuz the dead kid was Black?

who hates due process again?
Fuck off, you racist twit!

It's just a sock looking to be 'controversial'. And not doing it very well.

another ignorant bigot...sorry bigot, you are now the minority...we win, you lose :lol:

Hard to say what kind of case the left wing is trying to make unless they think Zimmerman molested Martin. That's an interesting slant.

and we hear from another bigot

You are far off base. Unlike you, whitehall knows that allegations of sexual misconduct are not relevant to the murder charge against Zimmerman and will never be allowed to be introduced into the court proceedings. The only way the issue of alleged sex abuse would be material is if there was a charge of sexual abuse involving Trayvon. Of course, even then the prosecution would have to overcome many hurdles to get such "evidence" introduced.

Whitehall was right. Being right does not make one a bigot. However, accusing someone of being a bigot simply because he is right tends to prove that the accuser is the real bigot.

Trayvon (NO_LIMIT_NIGGA) Martin is dead. Justice has been done.

I know, I know, that makes me a racist. So be it.
The woman is likely not a liar. She might have a faulty memory, the incident was 20 years ago and she was only six. She is an attention getter and this is an ideal time for her to remember whatever it is that she remembers.

The odds are that she is not lying, we all know what 8 year old boys and six year old girls are like. He kissed her, HORRORS. That was 20 years ag. Today they are expected to be having regular sex by the time the girl is 12 and long before the boy is 14.

Who knows, bottom and simple line is the bigots on this board and elsewhere are pissed that their murdering friend may actually have to pay for murdering a Black child, they thought it was still legal to murder, at random, Black people, they were wrong.

No one ever thought that, stupid fuck; it is all in your head.

It is not bigotry for people to stand behind someone who simply defended their own lives from a thug.

And that is what St Skittles was, nothing more than a thug.
The woman is likely not a liar. She might have a faulty memory, the incident was 20 years ago and she was only six. She is an attention getter and this is an ideal time for her to remember whatever it is that she remembers.

The odds are that she is not lying, we all know what 8 year old boys and six year old girls are like. He kissed her, HORRORS. That was 20 years ag. Today they are expected to be having regular sex by the time the girl is 12 and long before the boy is 14.

Who knows, bottom and simple line is the bigots on this board and elsewhere are pissed that their murdering friend may actually have to pay for murdering a Black child, they thought it was still legal to murder, at random, Black people, they were wrong.

No one ever thought that, stupid fuck; it is all in your head.

It is not bigotry for people to stand behind someone who simply defended their own lives from a thug.

And that is what St Skittles was, nothing more than a thug.

but it is bigotry to decide that someone who hunted down an unarmed black kid who wasn't doing anything wrong should somehow not be prosecuted and have a jury decide whether or not he's a murderer.
The woman is likely not a liar. She might have a faulty memory, the incident was 20 years ago and she was only six. She is an attention getter and this is an ideal time for her to remember whatever it is that she remembers.

The odds are that she is not lying, we all know what 8 year old boys and six year old girls are like. He kissed her, HORRORS. That was 20 years ag. Today they are expected to be having regular sex by the time the girl is 12 and long before the boy is 14.

It's just more propoganda from the 'hate due process' crowd. Fucking lunatics.

who hates due process? surely you dont mean us who wanted the alleged murderer to be arrested and tried instead of just let off cuz the dead kid was Black?

who hates due process again?

You do, just as you hatee reason and fact and right when it is in the way of your leftwing nutbag agenda.

You know you are losing far more people than you are gaining with the stupid antics of yours, right? lolol
Trayvon Martin is undeniably the thug punk, history of drugs, selling drugs, drugs in his system, arrest for possession of burglary tools and stolen jewelry. He was well on his way. Zimmerman did the community a favor by saving them the money of Martin's numerous future criminal trials.

Those are some points that Martin's defenders keep conveniently forgetting. By itself, I wouldn't consider that pot was found in his system much of an issue. The fact that he got caught with a baggie of residue in it at school is a bit more of an issue. Then there's the fact that he was caught with possibly stolen jewelry that he says a friend gave to him, but wouldn't identify who that friend was, and was caught with burglary tools. He was under investigation for burglary by Miami/Dade at the time of the shooting.

Put it all together and Trayvon isn't quite the little angel that his defenders and Zimmerman's detractors would have us believe he was.
but it is bigotry to decide that someone who hunted down an unarmed black kid who wasn't doing anything wrong should somehow not be prosecuted and have a jury decide whether or not he's a murderer.

Why do you have to qualify that by race? If GZ had been a black man would he have been a racist for killing a black 'kid'? And yet by the laws that once determined such things, GZ would have been a black man.

And does one have to be armed to be a lethal threat? Have you not heard about cases where people get stomped to death, or choked to death or beaten to death? Hpw badly must an armed person get beaten before they are justified in shooting the thug that is merciilessly beating them?

And what if Martin was going for GZ's gun? He wouldnt have been armed at the time of death, true, but then that would have been the point of shooting him so he WOULDNT get armed with GZ gun and kill him.

If someone has you on the ground and beating the absolute hell out of you to the point that you think that you may die OR if that person sees your gun and then goes for it saying that you are going to now die, dont you think that justifies using lethal force to stop them?

If you dont then I dont think we are from the same frigging universe. lol
so did they just keep on defending the man who murdered and child and very likely molested a younger child?
Continue your bigotry and hate, the whole world is watching and the whole world knows what and who you guys are.

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