'Zero capacity to save': Argentines buckle under 103% inflation


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Not every economy weathering the storm well:

Argentines, painfully accustomed to decades of spiraling prices, say that the current 102.5%-and-climbing inflation rate is on another level and is making it almost impossible to get by.
"In my case, I have zero capacity to save," said Claudia Hernansaez, a publishing company employee.
"I try to think that someday we're going to be better off. But the inflation we're living with today in Argentina is terrible. It feels like never before."
The South American country is expected to announce March inflation data on Friday afternoon, with analysts polled by Reuters predicting an 8-month high 7.1% monthly rise. A central bank poll forecasts annual inflation to hit 110% this year.
That has hammered salaries and spending power, pushed up poverty to near 40%, and dented the popularity of the ruling Peronist coalition, which is facing likely defeat in general elections slated for October.

The country, a major global grains exporter, is also grappling with one of its worst droughts in history, that has hammered soy, corn and wheat crops, knocking billions off the economy from lost exports and fanning domestic prices.

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