Zelenskyy Officially Bans Ukraine’s Largest Opposition Political Party


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Mar 19, 2018
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A ONE-party state now?

The Last Refuge

Zelenskyy Officially Bans Ukraine’s Largest Opposition Political Part

June 20, 2022


The definition of the modern “western democracy” in Ukraine is increasingly showcased as the goal for modern totalitarian government.

The inflection point away from representative democracy was first evident in the way COVID-19 was leveraged by “western” governments in the U.S, Canada, Australia and the European Union. Totalitarian minded leaders within those democracies, including governors in the United States, began operating without any elected representative feedback. Everything shifted from legislative representation to a system of dictatorial fiats with no opposition allowed in the arbitrary rules and regulations.

As the West moves to these systems, they will drastically undercut their biggest selling point. Canadians, knowing they live in a socialist, police state, learned this long ago here and they moved to America, Japan and now we have half a million in China (which is a hell of a lot for a nation with such a small population). Only Australia has a larger % of expats.

Ontario is now bankrupt due to all of our talent leaving and massive overfunding of public unions, especially the police.
A ONE-party state now?

The Last Refuge

Zelenskyy Officially Bans Ukraine’s Largest Opposition Political Part

June 20, 2022


The definition of the modern “western democracy” in Ukraine is increasingly showcased as the goal for modern totalitarian government.

The inflection point away from representative democracy was first evident in the way COVID-19 was leveraged by “western” governments in the U.S, Canada, Australia and the European Union. Totalitarian minded leaders within those democracies, including governors in the United States, began operating without any elected representative feedback. Everything shifted from legislative representation to a system of dictatorial fiats with no opposition allowed in the arbitrary rules and regulations.

Of course. Who else is surprised?
It was a legal party in the country now it is being taken apart for political reasons hardly a valid reason to tear it apart.

Ukraine is slowly falling apart as they show how illegitimate their government is.

We need to send them another $40B, airtight?

Notice how they stopped fighting because they were too busy selling arms and depositing to their offshore accounts
Republitards went off the deep state delusions this time.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced a ban on activities by political opposition parties in the country.

"Given the full-scale war waged by the Russian Federation and the ties of some political structures with this state, any activity of a number of political parties during the martial law is suspended," Zelenskyy said in a video address on Sunday.

The 11 opposition parties named were: Opposition Platform - For Life, Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party, and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.

Ukraine imposed martial law directly following Russia's invasion. Martial law is a law administered by the military rather than a civilian government and may be declared in an emergency or as a response to a crisis.

Russia is the country that invaded Ukraine.

When the Chinese invade America, will Trumptards defend the Chinese political parties' "rights", in America?
A ONE-party state now?

The Last Refuge

Zelenskyy Officially Bans Ukraine’s Largest Opposition Political Part

June 20, 2022


The definition of the modern “western democracy” in Ukraine is increasingly showcased as the goal for modern totalitarian government.

The inflection point away from representative democracy was first evident in the way COVID-19 was leveraged by “western” governments in the U.S, Canada, Australia and the European Union. Totalitarian minded leaders within those democracies, including governors in the United States, began operating without any elected representative feedback. Everything shifted from legislative representation to a system of dictatorial fiats with no opposition allowed in the arbitrary rules and regulations.

you lost me at paragraph 2. I see your ideology
From forced lockdowns and arbitrary determinations of “essential workers,” various western government leaders were drunk on their new power.
Well the thing is people were writing about him getting rid of the opposition one way or another in April

US corporate media has responded by showering Zelensky with fawning press, driving a campaign for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize and inspiring a flamboyant musical tribute to himself and the Ukrainian military during the 2022 Grammy awards ceremony on April 3.

Western media has looked the other way, however, as Zelensky and top officials in his administration have sanctioned a campaign of kidnapping, torture, and assassination of local Ukrainian lawmakers accused of collaborating with Russia. Several mayors and other Ukrainian officials have been killed since the outbreak of war, many reportedly by Ukrainian state agents after engaging in de-escalation talks with Russia.

“There is one less traitor in Ukraine,” Internal Affairs Ministry advisor Anton Geraschenko stated in endorsement of the murder of a Ukrainian mayor accused of collaborating with Russia.

Zelensky has further exploited the atmosphere of war to outlaw an array of opposition parties and order the arrest of his leading rivals. His authoritarian decrees have triggered the disappearance, torture and even murder of an array of human rights activists, communist and leftist organizers, journalists and government officials accused of “pro-Russian” sympathies.

Because of the situation in Ukraine where Azov have, or had if they are all dead, now a lot of power, I am not sure whether Zelensky is acting freely. The above paper is dated April 17th
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I think Ukraine always had this difficulty, the East being more aligned to Russia and the West to Europe. It is a very difficult situation. We had German Jews in camps in WW2 until it became obvious they would not be supporting the Nazis..but if Ukraine is no longer accepting people from the East who I read want to remain part of Ukraine, at least the majority, if Ukraine cannot accept them, then is not Russia right and will not Ukraine loose the East and will it be happy then?
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