Zelensky says war will 'end sooner' with Trump as president

You filthy scumbag, you're equating the US with fascist dictatorial Ukraine?! A normal person would cite the last months of Hitler's Germany's defense as an example.

^Kids this is your brain on a lifetime of Soviet propaganda.
You are simply reiterating what Kiev propagates - show me an election/vote that would confirm whatever

NOPE READ AGAIN, I've linked you to an article that cites MULTIPLE SOURCES.

Now lets see YOUR SOURCE for denial that prosponing elections is broadly supported by Ukranians.

I know two bit Russian bullshit peddlers like you can't make a positive case to save your life, so I'm not holding my breath here.
How do you even say that with a straight face while arguing that elections should take place???

20%+ of the Ukrainian population not even residing in the Ukraine

Read that untill you get it through your thick scull why holding elections and allowing enemy's propaganda operations in your country during hot war makes no fucking sense.
I stated at the very beginning - that this 70 or 80% claim is only propagated by Kiev - and that there is no valid poll to confirm this claim

Due to the opposition being prevented from voicing out, and more then 20% of Ukraine's population not even residing in the country - so your and Kiev's 80% claim is pure unsubstantiated propaganda. Now, get that into your Skull.
I stated at the very beginning - that this 70 or 80% claim is only propagated by Kiev

You were posting bullshit, multiple polls conducted by various organizations inside and outside of Ukraine had the same findings.

There has never been any polling to the contrary and you are talking straight out of your ass.
Guess the country from the picture

You were posting bullshit, multiple polls conducted by various organizations inside and outside of Ukraine had the same findings.

There has never been any polling to the contrary and you are talking straight out of your ass.
Like those polls conducted in the USA right? - Trump being neck on neck with Harris :auiqs.jpg:
You are simply a Zelensky fanatic, and Putin hater - and that blinds you.
Like those polls conducted in the USA right? - Trump being neck on neck with Harris :auiqs.jpg:
You are simply a Zelensky fanatic, and Putin hater - and that blinds you.

I follow a number of Ukranian political influencers and activists, many of whom are hardcore libertarians and voice a lot of beef with Zelensky.

Not one of them thinks that conducting elections in the middle of this war makes any fucking sense.

We have a Ukranian right here on this site and he constantly shits on Zelensky, why don't you ask him to explain it to you? ESay

I don't know how you've come to have this stubborn idea that Ukranians want that, but it's completely baseless, counterfactual and detached from reality.
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Trump refuses to say what his exit strategy is

His only option to end the war is to cut off aid to Ukraine and give Putin all captured territory
Nope, I gather his strategy is to tell Putin to make a reasonable peace that is acceptable to both sides or he will ramp up American support for Ukraine to levels that Russian can’t match. That won’t be hard, Russia is already running at nearly one hundred percent of its capability now.
You clearly don't understand the timeline or events in Ukraine. So how about you stop talking out of your ass and actually go read up on it?

There was no armed conflict untill Russian nationals and hybrid military units like one led by ex-KGB agent Girkin started armed take over of eastern Ukranian cities like Sloviansk in April 2014. Ukranian army was called in as a response to this foreign invasion, not to somehow supress civilian discontent

Again, simply READ:

He doesn’t remember all the news stories about the “little green men” from Russia creating an insurgency.
I follow a number of Ukranian political influencers and activists, many of whom are hardcore libertarians and voice a lot of beef with Zelensky.

Not one of them thinks that conducting elections in the middle of this war makes any fucking sense.

We have a Ukranian right here on this site and he constantly shits on Zelensky, why don't you ask him to explain it to you? ESay

I don't know how you've come to have this stubborn idea that Ukranians want that, but it's completely baseless, counterfactual and detached from reality.
There are dozens of Ukrainian refugees at my place - maybe you should talk to these kind of people, instead of "following" Ukrainian influencers.
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There are dozens of Ukrainian refugees at my place - maybe you should talk to these kind of people, instead of "following" Ukrainian influencers.

Ok lets get stupid:

Lets simply ignore internal and external polling of Ukrainian population.

Lets simply ignore prominent voices in Ukranian civil society are saying.

Let simply ignore basic practical reasons why it's close to impossible to conduct proper elections during a hot war.

Lets ignore ALL of that and just listen to some guy named Kruska who claims that Ukranian people are well represented by a few refugees he knows.

So what do they want?

They want Zelensky to campaign instead of managing the war? You know, have him hit the road, knock on doors, have some beer with the locals? They want the vote to be held without them and 20% of other displaced Ukranians? Maybe have him debate some Rushist tool about how Ukraine should just roll over and live under Russian boot after all the sacrifice?

Why don't you tell us whats on their mind. :rolleyes-41:
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Why don't you tell us whats on their mind. :rolleyes-41:
There are two dominant groups of Ukrainian refugees in my town. (Bavaria)
Also confirmed by friends of mine living in other areas of Germany

8 Families I know personally very well, since their kids are class and schoolmates of my daughter. Another 5-7 families, I happen to run into occasionally e.g. supermarket, soccer-club or other social activities.

Group 1. Doesn't give a rats ass about Zelensky nor any other political groups - they simply want peace and to go home.
Respectively almost 40% are eying the possibility to remain in Germany - are working and speak German rather well.
In general they express dislike towards Zelensky and the way he and the government is running the Ukraine and the war.
(around 60%) of the total)
Around half of them used to reside in areas, now controlled/occupied by Russian troops. The other half mostly spread throughout central Ukraine.

Group 2. Fully in support of Zelenski - since an ongoing war and the internal corruption secures their running and very lucrative black-market business - aka buying goods in Germany and Poland (financed via German government social aid - around US$ 2400 for a three person household) - then selling those goods for horrendous prices in Ukraine. They are ALL well connected with the Ukrainian authorities. In majority they can't speak German and also ain't willing to work.
(around 40% of the total).
More of less everyone of group 2, came from Kiev, the greater Kiev area and areas bordering Poland and Belarus.

Therefore the majority, around 60% would not vote in favor of Zelenski - aka would voice out negatively in view of a public poll. - and they hate and despise Group 2. - hence the next internal conflict in Ukraine, after the war is already pre-programmed.

As you can see, things are very different then as you imagine them to be behind your desk.
He doesn’t remember all the news stories about the “little green men” from Russia creating an insurgency.
"Little green men" can't "create" insurgency. There simply aren't enough of them. They can (under proper circumstances) augment or coordinate the rebellion. They can help rebels, but they can't fight instead of them.
There are two dominant groups of Ukrainian refugees in my town. (Bavaria)
Also confirmed by friends of mine living in other areas of Germany

8 Families I know personally very well, since their kids are class and schoolmates of my daughter. Another 5-7 families, I happen to run into occasionally e.g. supermarket, soccer-club or other social activities.

Group 1. Doesn't give a rats ass about Zelensky nor any other political groups - they simply want peace and to go home.
Respectively almost 40% are eying the possibility to remain in Germany - are working and speak German rather well.
In general they express dislike towards Zelensky and the way he and the government is running the Ukraine and the war.
(around 60%) of the total)
Around half of them used to reside in areas, now controlled/occupied by Russian troops. The other half mostly spread throughout central Ukraine.

Group 2. Fully in support of Zelenski - since an ongoing war and the internal corruption secures their running and very lucrative black-market business - aka buying goods in Germany and Poland (financed via German government social aid - around US$ 2400 for a three person household) - then selling those goods for horrendous prices in Ukraine. They are ALL well connected with the Ukrainian authorities. In majority they can't speak German and also ain't willing to work.
(around 40% of the total).
More of less everyone of group 2, came from Kiev, the greater Kiev area and areas bordering Poland and Belarus.

Therefore the majority, around 60% would not vote in favor of Zelenski - aka would voice out negatively in view of a public poll. - and they hate and despise Group 2. - hence the next internal conflict in Ukraine, after the war is already pre-programmed.

As you can see, things are very different then as you imagine them to be behind your desk.
It depends on how do you ask them. Tell them that you are a SVR officer, suggest them good money for work, and more than half of the second group might tell you that they are pro-Putin and always have been.
Tell them that you are a GRU operative, searching for some banderlogs to kill, and almost zero of them will reveal themselves as pro-Kieavan.
"Little green men" can't "create" insurgency. There simply aren't enough of them. They can (under proper circumstances) augment or coordinate the rebellion. They can help rebels, but they can't fight instead of them.
The Russians sent thousands of them into Ukraine. They armed, trained and led the rebels who were mostly “little green men” anyway.
The Russians sent thousands of them into Ukraine. They armed, trained and led the rebels who were mostly “little green men” anyway.
Even "thousands" (and there were no thousands of them in the beginning) of "little green men" are weaker than, say, even a police (say nothing about military units) of Lugansk or Donetsk. Local military, local police, even part of local SBU (and mainly most of population) was on their side.
People of Russian-speaking regions dosn't like Banderovci, and people of industrial regions dosn't like idea of deindustrialisation (and transformation into another "rusted belt") and, therefore, the idea of euro-integration. We are talking about rich and civilised regions with the multi-million population. Even "thousands" of soldiers can't do anything there without total local support.

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