CDZ YouTube celebrity Logan Paul causes outrage after saying he wants to be gay for a month. Thoughts?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Logan Paul says he wants to be gay for Man only March, sparks outrage across social media

A lot of people already hate Logan Paul for his mocking of a deceased corpse in a suicide forest last year, but thats yesterdays news.

Today, he just pissed off the internet once again, but probably not as bad as he did last year.
Basically in a recent podcast he was discussing some of his goals for each month of 2019. He said he wants to do Man only March, saying he will turn gay and date only men just for one month.

This angered a lot of people. On Facebook, its filled with angry reacts, on Twitter, everyone is calling him a POS and he is getting crazy amounts of hate.

My question, do you think the comment was offensive? Wanting to be gay for a month, does that warrant people telling him to kill himself?

I think the fact that its Logan Paul saying it that makes everyone mad. If it was someone beloved like The Rock or Eminem people would have laughed or not cared much.

But when you are Logan Paul, everything you do rubs people the wrong way.


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Logan Paul says he wants to be gay for Man only March, sparks outrage across social media

A lot of people already hate Logan Paul for his mocking of a deceased corpse in a suicide forest last year, but thats yesterdays news.

Today, he just pissed off the internet once again, but probably not as bad as he did last year.
Basically in a recent podcast he was discussing some of his goals for each month of 2019. He said he wants to do Man only March, saying he will turn gay and date only men just for one month.

This angered a lot of people. On Facebook, its filled with angry reacts, on Twitter, everyone is calling him a POS and he is getting crazy amounts of hate.

My question, do you think the comment was offensive? Wanting to be gay for a month, does that warrant people telling him to kill himself?

I think the fact that its Logan Paul saying it that makes everyone mad. If it was someone beloved like The Rock or Eminem people would have laughed or not cared much.

But when you are Logan Paul, everything you do rubs people the wrong way.
Never heard of him but I'm a geezer who doesn't give a shit about that "celebrities" .
Why the hell are people pissed? All I have heard from the LGBTQWBCO community is gender and sexual,orientation is fluid. Honestly, are these people ever not pissed off?
No idea who he is

If you are an asshole and nobody knows it

Are you still an asshole?
Logan Paul says he wants to be gay for Man only March, sparks outrage across social media

A lot of people already hate Logan Paul for his mocking of a deceased corpse in a suicide forest last year, but thats yesterdays news.

Today, he just pissed off the internet once again, but probably not as bad as he did last year.
Basically in a recent podcast he was discussing some of his goals for each month of 2019. He said he wants to do Man only March, saying he will turn gay and date only men just for one month.

This angered a lot of people. On Facebook, its filled with angry reacts, on Twitter, everyone is calling him a POS and he is getting crazy amounts of hate.

My question, do you think the comment was offensive? Wanting to be gay for a month, does that warrant people telling him to kill himself?

I think the fact that its Logan Paul saying it that makes everyone mad. If it was someone beloved like The Rock or Eminem people would have laughed or not cared much.

But when you are Logan Paul, everything you do rubs people the wrong way.
I don't know who that is.

But I'm guessing that if you believe you can be gay for a month, you will probably end up adDICted.
Logan Paul says he wants to be gay for Man only March, sparks outrage across social media

A lot of people already hate Logan Paul for his mocking of a deceased corpse in a suicide forest last year, but thats yesterdays news.

Today, he just pissed off the internet once again, but probably not as bad as he did last year.
Basically in a recent podcast he was discussing some of his goals for each month of 2019. He said he wants to do Man only March, saying he will turn gay and date only men just for one month.

This angered a lot of people. On Facebook, its filled with angry reacts, on Twitter, everyone is calling him a POS and he is getting crazy amounts of hate.

My question, do you think the comment was offensive? Wanting to be gay for a month, does that warrant people telling him to kill himself?

I think the fact that its Logan Paul saying it that makes everyone mad. If it was someone beloved like The Rock or Eminem people would have laughed or not cared much.

But when you are Logan Paul, everything you do rubs people the wrong way.

Um, if he really wants to try to find a guy he likes, whatever.

I'm for small government so whatever he does is fine as long as he finds a willing adult partner.

Heck, somedays I like tall gals, sometimes short.

Maybe he'll like it, maybe he won't. Maybe he'll end up a switchbhitter and have more choices for entertainment on them slow evenings.

Do you care who he cuddles with?
Just more evidence that liberals don't base their arguments on any sort of facts or principles

Bruce Jenner can "change" his gender, but they are mad that this guy is going to change his dating preference for a month?
Never heard of him sounds like someone who wants attention so badly he will say the dumbest thing possible to get it and the social media crowd apparently fall for it every time which says a lot about how dumb they are as well,

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