You're Welcome, CIA


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Ex-CIA officer has Trump administration to thank for extradition KO, spokesman says

"An "extraordinary" effort by the new U.S. administration prevented former CIA officer Sabrina de Sousa from being the first ever extradited for an alleged CIA misdeed, according to her spokesman.

De Sousa, who was set to be extradited from Portugal to Italy over the kidnapping of a Muslim cleric, won a last-minute reprieve on Wednesday."

We kidnap and toture, cool; not exceptional, common as hell ain't we.
The seditious CIA who have worked to undermine this President have this President to thank for one of their own not becoming the 1st to be arrested /extradited.

Again, You're welcome, CIA.
It's a reprieve, and as yet no report has been submitted that shows she has been released from custody. She will be going to Italy, imo, and she won't be the first.

Most of the top tier of 43's admin still can't go overseas to most of Europe.

Evidence please. Why would thousands of patriots seek to undermine their own President?
Right after THIS:
The Flynn Assassination

See below for the appropriate response....
Interesting opinion which even Forbes disowned:
"Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own."

"I am an historian and world-class bridge player. My 35+ books range from Machiavelli to Tocqueville to Naples and US foreign policy. I'm Freedom Scholar at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, longtime "Scoop Jackson Democrat," a vanished breed.

Ledeen is obviously a fan of Flynn, especially since he is financially in bed with him. If the allegations against Flynn were false, why did the President force him out/let him go? Let's not forget that Flynn was canned for lying to VP Pence. If the WH can't trust the National Security Advisor, who can they trust? Frankly, I'm very sorry to see a military General dishonor himself. Fucking lawyers and businessmen I can understand even though I don't like it, but military officers know better.

Written last November:
In Praise Of Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn
There’s been plenty of vitriol aimed at Donald Trump’s national security advisor, LT. General Michael T. Flynn, with whom I co-authored the best-selling The Field of Fight; How We Can Win the Global War against Radical Islam and its Allies. He’s been accused of financial improprieties, softness on Russia, an embrace of Turkey’s tyrant Erdogan, and of intemperate leadership.
Evidence please. Why would thousands of patriots seek to undermine their own President?

Right after THIS:

The Flynn Assassination

See below for the appropriate response....
I do not have to disable adblock for this one. The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn
"...A better explanation here is that Flynn was just thrown under the bus....The background here is important. Three people once affiliated with Trump's presidential campaign -- Carter Page, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone -- are being investigated by the FBI and the intelligence community for their contacts with the Russian government. This is part of a wider inquiry into Russia's role in hacking and distributing emails of leading Democrats before the election.

...In the end, it was Trump's decision to cut Flynn loose. In doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic opposition. Nunes told me Monday night that this will not end well. "First it's Flynn, next it will be Kellyanne Conway, then it will be Steve Bannon, then it will be Reince Priebus," he said.

Interesting article. It appears to be more about the FBI investigations than the CIA. Time will tell what is really going on here.
The truth about the CIA and the covert war at home and abroad.
March 3, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Last month, President Trump stood in front of the CIA Memorial Wall and declared that Islamic terrorism "has to be eradicated just off the face of the Earth." It is front of this wall where, as Vice President Pence said, “we remember 117 who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom”, that real change in how we treat those who fight terrorism must begin.

The vast majority of the men and women added to that wall in the last few decades were killed by Islamic terrorists. They include Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods who were murdered in Benghazi. And who were abandoned by their government, by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, before their deaths.

The media made much of the resignation of Edward Price. Price had started out as an analyst under Bush. Under Obama, he shot up to spokesman, senior director and special assistant to the president. In this capacity, he insisted that the CIA should research Global Warming and sold the Iran nuke sellout.

Price’s resignation was meaningless. He was an Obama loyalist embedded in a senior national security position to push propaganda. And now there was no future under Trump for his old line of work.

But the media wept crocodile tears for the “career CIA official” whose work involved endangering national security and manipulating the media. It has shown distinctly less interest in the plight of a CIA agent who actually took risks on the ground to secure the capture of Islamic terrorists.

While the media portrays the White House as being at war with the CIA, the Trump administration prevented the extradition and imprisonment of Sabrina De Sousa. De Sousa was in the airport about to be extradited to Italy, but an agreement was reached to release her instead.

"I can confirm that this wouldn't have happened without extraordinary help from the Trump administration," Former Rep. Pete Hoekstra said.


National security is not just a phrase. It’s people. And those people must know that their country will stand behind them.

In the Vietnam War, the left’s worst crime wasn’t treason; it was driving a wedge between the country and those fighting for it. By targeting police, border patrol and CIA personnel, Obama repeated that crime. Now as President Trump fights to take back this country from drug dealers, illegal aliens and terrorists, and their leftist allies, those fighting for us know that we stand behind them.

President Trump Saves a CIA Agent
Ex-CIA officer has Trump administration to thank for extradition KO, spokesman says

"An "extraordinary" effort by the new U.S. administration prevented former CIA officer Sabrina de Sousa from being the first ever extradited for an alleged CIA misdeed, according to her spokesman.

De Sousa, who was set to be extradited from Portugal to Italy over the kidnapping of a Muslim cleric, won a last-minute reprieve on Wednesday."

It had little to nothing to do with the Trump administration ----

other than a reminder that "what goes around, comes around"

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