Your Overtime Has Just Been Cut

How many times must we explain this to you.? Congress cannot alter the constitution. Neither can the Supreme Court. Any amendments to the constitution must be approved by 3/4 of the states. THINK

oh, i see. you live in a fantasy world where the supreme court doesnt decide issues of constitutionality but they are instead decided by your third grade understanding of it.

carry on then

Tell us where the constitution gives the Supreme Court authority to alter the constitution.
How many times must we explain this to you.? Congress cannot alter the constitution. Neither can the Supreme Court. Any amendments to the constitution must be approved by 3/4 of the states. THINK

oh, i see. you live in a fantasy world where the supreme court doesnt decide issues of constitutionality but they are instead decided by your third grade understanding of it.

carry on then

Tell us where the constitution gives the Supreme Court authority to alter the constitution.
it doesnt, but then they havent
So yer saying that Government pays someone better that if their job was removed would make no difference than someone who if their job were removed would actually create a huge negative effect in a profitable company?

Wow, we as a country really need more people like you........

Holly fuck you're a bottom feeder RW. No wonder you're so pro Government, you're the definition of corruption. What could you possibly do that is worth more than 170k a year? Seriously, how does your job justify a pay much higher than 170k a year when a fantastically wealthy company pays my wife a shit ton of money to do her job?

You realize how badly you just owned yourself right here? You are literally that 5,000$ dollar toilet seat, 3,000$ dollar hammer.

I, we, that is my wife and I pay taxes to keep someone as retarded as you getting paid for work that could not possibly net a positive for our country at the rates you claim to be greedily hording in.

Maybe you're just like Obama, claiming to be there for the 99% while in reality steeping on them, stealing your way to a 1% title.

Disgusting really.

I honestly can't think of a job that you can do in Government worth well over 170k a year.

What do you do again? Maybe I'm wrong.

I have a better job than working for the Government. I am a grossly overpaid independent consultant to the Government

Have your wife give me a call...maybe I can help her out

IE, you're a Government employee. What do you do for me and all the people here that pay taxes that is worth over 200k a year RW.

Don't hide you low life... You should be proud of your welfare job. What is it you do that for us, the tax payers, that keeps your Government job over 200k a year?

If my business made me personally over 200k a year (profit to me) I would be a Government employee on every account measurable. So don't pretend your're "independent," that's playing stupid to a room full of people that know your playing stupid... you end up just looking stupid.

And for the record, my wife is too busy to give you a call, she's actually working you pathetic greedy pos.

To think I worked 33 years as a lowly Government Employee

Free market works alot better. Have your wife give me a call and maybe I can fix her up
Why should they hire more people when they can get salaried employees to work for free

Let's see....

A salaried employee (someone who gets a salary) for free.


Salaried Employee

Work 40 hours get paid $1000 a week
Work 60 hours and get paid $1000 a week

What a sham

Or, putting it amother way,

$1,000 a week for 40 hours is $25 an hour.

$1,000 a week for 60 hours is $16 and change an hour.
Many people use overtime pay as a kind of savings or second job. In a rising economy overtime goes up before employment, because its cheaper to work the people you've got than hire new ones.
Well, that just went away. Increase the cost of something, you get less of it. Basic Econ 101, something this president just doesn't understand.
Obama to order strengthened overtime pay rules

Why doesn't he just offer $50,000 to every person who votes democrat in November, and be honest about these bribes.

What a pile of shit Obama is.
How does this happen without congress?

I have a better job than working for the Government. I am a grossly overpaid independent consultant to the Government

Have your wife give me a call...maybe I can help her out

IE, you're a Government employee. What do you do for me and all the people here that pay taxes that is worth over 200k a year RW.

Don't hide you low life... You should be proud of your welfare job. What is it you do that for us, the tax payers, that keeps your Government job over 200k a year?

If my business made me personally over 200k a year (profit to me) I would be a Government employee on every account measurable. So don't pretend your're "independent," that's playing stupid to a room full of people that know your playing stupid... you end up just looking stupid.

And for the record, my wife is too busy to give you a call, she's actually working you pathetic greedy pos.

To think I worked 33 years as a lowly Government Employee

Free market works alot better. Have your wife give me a call and maybe I can fix her up

You're not "free market" you POS, You're the mother fucking problem with this country. You greedily steel from all of us that actually fucking work while bitching people don't get paid and taxed enough.

Once again you fail to tell us what YOU do for US that is worth over 200k a year of OUR money.

My wife ain't gonna call you, she's busy working. I can't meet you in person because I'M BUSY FUCKING WORKING.

This whole time you sit here pretending to be for the 99% as you steel from them.

You're nothing, nothing you could "tell" the Government as consultant could possibly be worth 200+ k a year.

Keep telling me to have my wife call you you scum bag rather than letting us all know what you do that possibly is worth what you steal from us.

My wife is libertarian like myself, she hates knowing people like you are the reason she pays over 30k a year in taxes. She wouldn't want your advice on how to be less productive and get more off the backs of others who have no say in you stealing our money. That's one of the reasons I love my wife, she's young, beautiful, strong, independent and incredibly productive... She is actually a near perfect human being, and she loves me because I'm nothing like you.

Fuck dude, you're the definition of greed.
Actually, you are a liar.

Nothing changed between Clinton and Bush except for 9/11...

Uh...4th quarter 2000 ring a bell?
GW's economy was rather lukewarm until the Housing Bubble in 2006.
Clinton's economy even prior to the dot com Bubble was a Bonus economy.
GW's economy was a, "Be happy you have a job.".

Wow, just wow. Where did you take your economic indicators classes? I'll be sure to never recommend them.

I just don't know how to respond to such a fact filled post.
I guess you weren't working on Wall Street back them.
Let's see....

A salaried employee (someone who gets a salary) for free.


Salaried Employee

Work 40 hours get paid $1000 a week
Work 60 hours and get paid $1000 a week

What a sham

Or, putting it amother way,

$1,000 a week for 40 hours is $25 an hour.

$1,000 a week for 60 hours is $16 and change an hour.

Let me break salaried employee’s to a anti human retard like you.

When a individual is paid hourly there is an incredible tendency to take longer to do a task. In fact there is a huge incentive to not even complete that task.
Salaried gives an employee motivation to not only complete a task but also complete that task faster.
You use this example of 40 hours VS 60 hours as if it’s the same, in reality you are cherry picking at best.
Salary hours vary widely and usually come with giant bonuses based on productivity and or higher base pay. Meaning people that want to make more money can and companies that need better employee’s can actually hire them without breaking the mother fucking bank.

It would be very rare to see an employee be paid the same hourly as someone salaried on a 40 hour week base. The fact that you don’t know this should hit at the lack of credibility you have on “debate” with the subject. But who the fucks cares right? You’re gonna make an ass of yourself anyways because let’s face it, Obama said so and whelp Obama’s a Democrat and that’s all you really needed to know.

You're math is fucking stupid. Like, dude... Anyone that owns a business would just shake their fucking head at you. You're that guy that thinks they know more than everyone else despite having 0 experience with the subject.
So yer saying that Government pays someone better that if their job was removed would make no difference than someone who if their job were removed would actually create a huge negative effect in a profitable company?

Wow, we as a country really need more people like you........

Holly fuck you're a bottom feeder RW. No wonder you're so pro Government, you're the definition of corruption. What could you possibly do that is worth more than 170k a year? Seriously, how does your job justify a pay much higher than 170k a year when a fantastically wealthy company pays my wife a shit ton of money to do her job?

You realize how badly you just owned yourself right here? You are literally that 5,000$ dollar toilet seat, 3,000$ dollar hammer.

I, we, that is my wife and I pay taxes to keep someone as retarded as you getting paid for work that could not possibly net a positive for our country at the rates you claim to be greedily hording in.

Maybe you're just like Obama, claiming to be there for the 99% while in reality steeping on them, stealing your way to a 1% title.

Disgusting really.

I honestly can't think of a job that you can do in Government worth well over 170k a year.

What do you do again? Maybe I'm wrong.

I have a better job than working for the Government. I am a grossly overpaid independent consultant to the Government

Have your wife give me a call...maybe I can help her out

IE, you're a Government employee. What do you do for me and all the people here that pay taxes that is worth over 200k a year RW.

Don't hide you low life... You should be proud of your welfare job. What is it you do that for us, the tax payers, that keeps your Government job over 200k a year?

If my business made me personally over 200k a year (profit to me) I would be a Government employee on every account measurable. So don't pretend your're "independent," that's playing stupid to a room full of people that know your playing stupid... you end up just looking stupid.

And for the record, my wife is too busy to give you a call, she's actually working you pathetic greedy pos.

By your logic, almost every "Private" business in Virginia actually works for the government.
Actually "free" overtime has been cut

Sucks for business doesn't it?

Now those CEO's will be paid for overtime. You Communists are for the little guy! :thup:

I would rather pay them OT than their multi-million dollar bonuses and stock options

Says the guy who's living is made off being "massively overpaid" with tax payers money doing.... Oh we're still waiting to hear what we get from RW for over 200k a year.

So why can't a CEO make good money on a privet business despite you making "massively overpaid" amounts of tax payer money doing... well..... umm.....

Yes, I'd love to meet you in person... Maybe one day when I'm not destroying wealth by working on my business, with all my employees that I steel from I'll get around to it.

You're a waste of life bro.
Now those CEO's will be paid for overtime. You Communists are for the little guy! :thup:

I would rather pay them OT than their multi-million dollar bonuses and stock options

Says the guy who's living is made off being "massively overpaid" with tax payers money doing.... Oh we're still waiting to hear what we get from RW for over 200k a year.

So why can't a CEO make good money on a privet business despite you making "massively overpaid" amounts of tax payer money doing... well..... umm.....

Yes, I'd love to meet you in person... Maybe one day when I'm not destroying wealth by working on my business, with all my employees that I steel from I'll get around to it.

You're a waste of life bro.

How pathetic
Class envy....get a freak'n job you loser
Uh...4th quarter 2000 ring a bell?
GW's economy was rather lukewarm until the Housing Bubble in 2006.
Clinton's economy even prior to the dot com Bubble was a Bonus economy.
GW's economy was a, "Be happy you have a job.".

Wow, just wow. Where did you take your economic indicators classes? I'll be sure to never recommend them.

I just don't know how to respond to such a fact filled post.
I guess you weren't working on Wall Street back them.

Clinton's economy was shit. He left Bush a recession, he deregulated the housing market and started building bubble that you all claim is Bush's fault... somehow... And he raided SS to make it look like he would run a surplus. That's how you know the term "raiding SS."

Bush was no better, he continued the housing bubble and to grow Government... thus the crash based off corruption and progressive policies under Bush and Clinton.

Now under Obama we have the exact same policies but with the FedR dumping 1.1ish trillion a year on the markets. Take that away and you have a horrible recession or depression. Take that away and Obama's 600 billion dollar deficit swing back up to a trillion. Add the 1.1 trillion to Obama's spending and you have the biggest deficits in US history to keep the economy slowly sinking.

Add 1.1 trillion to Bush every year and he would have had surpluses.

Basically, it's bullshit to compare Obama to Bush, or Clinton to Bush or Obama. They all do mostly the same things, Obama simply gets credit for spending (stimulus) that he holds no accountability in the creation of the debt. Obama gets the taxes off 1.1 trillion a year but not the deficit or inflation it causes. If any other President got that, Obama would look amazingly bad.
Anyone who have ever shopped in a mall may have noticed that the salespeople - usually in their adult teens or early twenties - are hired as "managers" or "supervisors" and thus are paid a salary, usually minimum wage, and are exempt from OT rules. They are in fact not "managers" or "supervisors" but simply sales clerks given a title so the business owner can have them work for more than 40 hours per week and increase his or her profits.

This is in my opinion the reason for Obama's direction to the Dept. of Labor, to end this form of exploitation. As usual, Rabbi and other Obama haters conflate this effort into an hysterical anti business diatribe, typical of the dishonest.

So now those poor kids will be fired because the business can't afford to pay them overtime.
And they'll have dupes like you to thank for it.

Face it, you don't give a shit about working people. Or poor people. Or black people. Or anyone besides yourself.
I would rather pay them OT than their multi-million dollar bonuses and stock options

Says the guy who's living is made off being "massively overpaid" with tax payers money doing.... Oh we're still waiting to hear what we get from RW for over 200k a year.

So why can't a CEO make good money on a privet business despite you making "massively overpaid" amounts of tax payer money doing... well..... umm.....

Yes, I'd love to meet you in person... Maybe one day when I'm not destroying wealth by working on my business, with all my employees that I steel from I'll get around to it.

You're a waste of life bro.

How pathetic
Class envy....get a freak'n job you loser

Man, it's sad how much you hate yourself. You're a Government employee that's scared to tell us all what you do for us that makes you worth 200k a year.

It's weird you think playing Republican talking points against me somehow makes you not a POS. I'm libertarian fool, I'm the best of what liberals and Republicans have to offer... and i'm consistent.

You just sound really stupid.. Like someone telling me my soul will burn in hell for not opposing gay marriage.

What really gets me is all the liberal and progressives here that are reading what you say, and they don't bother to mention anything... It's like when that dumbass Swallow goes on a gay hating rampage and you all just talk around it in a thread as if it's not happening.

You're dumb, and you think you're being clever...

So what's the job you do for all of us, that all of us that actually work and pay taxes have to pay for?

Anytime RW. Annnnytime.

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