Young man commits suicide because of addiction

I ran all through HS and college, so I never gained any weight and remained fit.
Then the Army's daily tasks and PT kept me fit, and I gave up mj because it was not permitted.
Scary story.

Everyone who uses drugs including pot is committing suicide
when i was in swimming class in college were we swam laps for an hour...we had people who not only smoked pot but smoked cigaretts....when we got out of the pool we had to do a lap around the football field which was a mile...those people never made it around and the cigg smokers died out half way around.....the pot smokers and those who smoked nothing made it all the way around....
Scary story.

Would he have not been addicted had cannabis not been legal?

Would he have done it illegally? He started smoking in a place where it was and is illegal.

He seemed to have other problems, mental health problems, and people will take drugs as a way of coping. The drugs might make their life better, it might make it worse.

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