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Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Another hideous attack on innocent citizens....and the media either assigns the blame to the political Right.....

....or hides the provenance if it is related to the side historically associated with violence and mayhem: the Left.

For example.....
1. "Karl Halversen Pierson, 18, barged into Arapahoe High School in Centennial with a shotgun on Friday, set off an explosive device, shot one student in the head, then killed himself. ..."This shooting was the result of revenge on the part of the shooter because of a confrontation or a disagreement between the shooter and the teacher that the shooter was looking for when he entered the school just before 12:33," Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson told KMGH."
Colorado School Shooting Victim in 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' - ABC News

And there you have it....all of the significant details of the case.
Sort of.

The truth, and the political Right are also victims when this sort of reporting is ubiquitous.
Main stream commits a lie of omission when it chooses to ignore the following two items as though not news-worthy:

2. "Student On Arapahoe School Shooter: "Very Proud Of Being A Socialist""He was friendly enough. Very proud of being a socialist. He was very outspoken on his political views," student Angie Mock said. "To him, it just meant economic -- more economic equality." Student On Arapahoe School Shooter: "Very Proud Of Being A Socialist" | Video | RealClearPolitics

3. "……Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist. “He was exuberant I guess,” Conrad told The Denver Post." Arapahoe School Shooter ?Very Proud of Being a Socialist? | The Foxhole

Perhaps not a factor in the shootings....but the reporting is very different when the media can blame the Right.

4. There was ABC's original report: "ABC draws possible Tea Party connection with alleged Aurora shooter...ABC News has suggested that James Holmes -- the suspect in today's shooting in Aurora, Colorado -- may have a connection to the Tea Party."
Colorado shooting: ABC News draws possible James Holmes tea party connection -

5. And when there was an attempted bombing, Mayor Blumberg of NYC suggest culprit might be a right-winger..." Mayor Bloomberg: NYC Bomb Suspect Could Be Someone Who “Didn’t Like Health Bill”
Bloomberg - Car Bomb - Health Care | Mediaite

6. When Jared Loughner opened fire on Rep. Gabrielle and killing six other people, where were the headlines screaming that he had been educated in a school funded by Barack Obama?

a. In 1991, Maoist Michael Klonsky and Bill Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW), premised on the notion that if high schools were to limit their enrollment to no more than 400 students (and optimally to fewer than 200), the learning atmosphere on campus would be improved. Klonsky has served as SSW's director since 1993.
Michael Klonsky - Discover the Networks

b. In 1995, with Barack Obama as its chairman, the newly formed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC, a school reform organization, gave the Workshop a grant of $175,000. The CAC provided another $482,662 to the Workshop over the next few years. AZ Shooter?s High School Used Curriculum Founded by Commie Bill Ayers | Weasel Zippers

c. The concept may be called small schools, but Klonsky and Ayers uniquely grasp the force-multiplier effect. In a small class, the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

d. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…Shooting-suspect?s-nihilism-rose-with-isolation - Joliet Herald News

The media:

Right wing associations with violence, implied.

Left wing actual ties to violence, hidden.
lets add one other important fact. The gun was purchased legally in colorado at a gun store. Colorado has mandatory background checks for gun purchases. The law gun grabbers have been telling us is necessary to end gun violence. It did not work. Colorado's new anti gun laws passed last year, did not work.
lets add one other important fact. The gun was purchased legally in colorado at a gun store. Colorado has mandatory background checks for gun purchases. The law gun grabbers have been telling us is necessary to end gun violence. It did not work. Colorado's new anti gun laws passed last year, did not work.

Although I like to post in opposition to the Left's attempts to eviscerate the second I'm simply incensed by the dishonesty of the media.

They shield the Left incessantly.

The schools, the media.....all from the same perspective.

I'll bet most folks know that every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.
Liberals/Progressives tend to be the most dishonest people on the planet.

Lefties view lying as a virtue when it furthers their agenda.

And they never meet a lie they couldn't twist into a bizarre form of reality. ... :cool:
Liberals/Progressives tend to be the most dishonest people on the planet.

Lefties view lying as a virtue when it furthers their agenda.

And they never meet a lie they couldn't twist into a bizarre form of reality. ... :cool:

Even more so when it comes from the progressives on the right.
Kind of obvious, it's a hoax. Oh, the poor characters in the story, what kind of crazy fool would not gush out in bleeding heart sympathy for them, and how dare you suggest it's just a soap opera. Don't question the media, they are the supreme authority on all reality, no? Good grief, America.
Keep the guns and the drugs, ban humans.


What the heck does this have to do with the OP???

The media works hard to fulfill their primary function: to make certain that the only "news" available to the public supports the Leftists/Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

Let's see you do something with that.
"Denver Post Editor Offers Lame, Insulting Defense For Removing 'Socialist' From Description of Accused Colo. High School Shooter

"We decided not to have another student apply a label to the shooter- a label the student likely even didn't understand"

Colacioppo's defense indicates that her paper would rather insult students, their high school, and Post readers' intelligence rather than have the S-word (and, presumably, communism, as will be seen shortly) appear to be associated with violent and deadly acts.

What's the point in subscribing to a publication such as this?

Several outlets, including CNN, CBS, and the Wall Street Journal, have also indicated that Pierson's "held communist views," "alienated peers with rants about communism," and "once wore a shirt emblazoned with the letters U.S.S.R. and described himself as a communist."

Denver Post Editor Offers Lame, Insulting Defense For Removing 'Socialist' From Description of Accused Colo. High School Shooter | NewsBusters
Newsbusters? :lmao:

Funny that you posted that, coincidental that you posted at all, as I was just about to respond to your earlier post.

In the first, you simply posted 'conspiracy,' as though that explained or obviated the OP.

It does neither.

Don't be afraid to lay out your problem with the OP.....which is clearly documented and linked to a number of sources which support my thesis.

Now, in this one, you suggest that there is something wrong with Newsbusters as a site....
...when in reality you do that because you object to the content, but have no way of arguing against same.
Everything in the Newsbusters article is factual.

In both posts you really don't articulate a position in an adult fashion.

Be brave......step up to the plate and take a swing: do you deny that the main stream media is no more than the lap dog of the Leftist political machine?

Let's see ya' make the argument.
Last edited:
"Denver Post Editor Offers Lame, Insulting Defense For Removing 'Socialist' From Description of Accused Colo. High School Shooter

"We decided not to have another student apply a label to the shooter- a label the student likely even didn't understand"

Colacioppo's defense indicates that her paper would rather insult students, their high school, and Post readers' intelligence rather than have the S-word (and, presumably, communism, as will be seen shortly) appear to be associated with violent and deadly acts.

What's the point in subscribing to a publication such as this?

Several outlets, including CNN, CBS, and the Wall Street Journal, have also indicated that Pierson's "held communist views," "alienated peers with rants about communism," and "once wore a shirt emblazoned with the letters U.S.S.R. and described himself as a communist."

Denver Post Editor Offers Lame, Insulting Defense For Removing 'Socialist' From Description of Accused Colo. High School Shooter | NewsBusters

The rw's on this board don't even know what it means. They toss this shit around all day and never ever bother to find out what any of their favorite labels mean.

This op - typical of this poster's usual hysterical pap.

Awfully early for you to be out from under your bed.
"Denver Post Editor Offers Lame, Insulting Defense For Removing 'Socialist' From Description of Accused Colo. High School Shooter

"We decided not to have another student apply a label to the shooter- a label the student likely even didn't understand"

Colacioppo's defense indicates that her paper would rather insult students, their high school, and Post readers' intelligence rather than have the S-word (and, presumably, communism, as will be seen shortly) appear to be associated with violent and deadly acts.

What's the point in subscribing to a publication such as this?

Several outlets, including CNN, CBS, and the Wall Street Journal, have also indicated that Pierson's "held communist views," "alienated peers with rants about communism," and "once wore a shirt emblazoned with the letters U.S.S.R. and described himself as a communist."

Denver Post Editor Offers Lame, Insulting Defense For Removing 'Socialist' From Description of Accused Colo. High School Shooter | NewsBusters

The rw's on this board don't even know what it means. They toss this shit around all day and never ever bother to find out what any of their favorite labels mean.

This op - typical of this poster's usual hysterical pap.

Awfully early for you to be out from under your bed.

"I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said." William F. Buckley
Another hideous attack on innocent citizens....and the media either assigns the blame to the political Right.....

....or hides the provenance if it is related to the side historically associated with violence and mayhem: the Left.

For example.....
1. "Karl Halversen Pierson, 18, barged into Arapahoe High School in Centennial with a shotgun on Friday, set off an explosive device, shot one student in the head, then killed himself. ..."This shooting was the result of revenge on the part of the shooter because of a confrontation or a disagreement between the shooter and the teacher that the shooter was looking for when he entered the school just before 12:33," Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson told KMGH."
Colorado School Shooting Victim in 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' - ABC News

And there you have it....all of the significant details of the case.
Sort of.

The truth, and the political Right are also victims when this sort of reporting is ubiquitous.
Main stream commits a lie of omission when it chooses to ignore the following two items as though not news-worthy:

2. "Student On Arapahoe School Shooter: "Very Proud Of Being A Socialist""He was friendly enough. Very proud of being a socialist. He was very outspoken on his political views," student Angie Mock said. "To him, it just meant economic -- more economic equality." Student On Arapahoe School Shooter: "Very Proud Of Being A Socialist" | Video | RealClearPolitics

3. "……Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist. “He was exuberant I guess,” Conrad told The Denver Post." Arapahoe School Shooter ?Very Proud of Being a Socialist? | The Foxhole

Perhaps not a factor in the shootings....but the reporting is very different when the media can blame the Right.

4. There was ABC's original report: "ABC draws possible Tea Party connection with alleged Aurora shooter...ABC News has suggested that James Holmes -- the suspect in today's shooting in Aurora, Colorado -- may have a connection to the Tea Party."
Colorado shooting: ABC News draws possible James Holmes tea party connection -

5. And when there was an attempted bombing, Mayor Blumberg of NYC suggest culprit might be a right-winger..." Mayor Bloomberg: NYC Bomb Suspect Could Be Someone Who “Didn’t Like Health Bill”
Bloomberg - Car Bomb - Health Care | Mediaite

6. When Jared Loughner opened fire on Rep. Gabrielle and killing six other people, where were the headlines screaming that he had been educated in a school funded by Barack Obama?

a. In 1991, Maoist Michael Klonsky and Bill Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW), premised on the notion that if high schools were to limit their enrollment to no more than 400 students (and optimally to fewer than 200), the learning atmosphere on campus would be improved. Klonsky has served as SSW's director since 1993.
Michael Klonsky - Discover the Networks

b. In 1995, with Barack Obama as its chairman, the newly formed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC, a school reform organization, gave the Workshop a grant of $175,000. The CAC provided another $482,662 to the Workshop over the next few years. AZ Shooter?s High School Used Curriculum Founded by Commie Bill Ayers | Weasel Zippers

c. The concept may be called small schools, but Klonsky and Ayers uniquely grasp the force-multiplier effect. In a small class, the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

d. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…Shooting-suspect?s-nihilism-rose-with-isolation - Joliet Herald News

The media:

Right wing associations with violence, implied.

Left wing actual ties to violence, hidden.

All these shooters have the same mental illness in common. It's called "liberalism".
Another hideous attack on innocent citizens....and the media either assigns the blame to the political Right.....

....or hides the provenance if it is related to the side historically associated with violence and mayhem: the Left.

For example.....
1. "Karl Halversen Pierson, 18, barged into Arapahoe High School in Centennial with a shotgun on Friday, set off an explosive device, shot one student in the head, then killed himself. ..."This shooting was the result of revenge on the part of the shooter because of a confrontation or a disagreement between the shooter and the teacher that the shooter was looking for when he entered the school just before 12:33," Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson told KMGH."
Colorado School Shooting Victim in 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' - ABC News

And there you have it....all of the significant details of the case.
Sort of.

The truth, and the political Right are also victims when this sort of reporting is ubiquitous.
Main stream commits a lie of omission when it chooses to ignore the following two items as though not news-worthy:

2. "Student On Arapahoe School Shooter: "Very Proud Of Being A Socialist""He was friendly enough. Very proud of being a socialist. He was very outspoken on his political views," student Angie Mock said. "To him, it just meant economic -- more economic equality." Student On Arapahoe School Shooter: "Very Proud Of Being A Socialist" | Video | RealClearPolitics

3. "……Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman, described him as a very opinionated Socialist. “He was exuberant I guess,” Conrad told The Denver Post." Arapahoe School Shooter ?Very Proud of Being a Socialist? | The Foxhole

Perhaps not a factor in the shootings....but the reporting is very different when the media can blame the Right.

4. There was ABC's original report: "ABC draws possible Tea Party connection with alleged Aurora shooter...ABC News has suggested that James Holmes -- the suspect in today's shooting in Aurora, Colorado -- may have a connection to the Tea Party."
Colorado shooting: ABC News draws possible James Holmes tea party connection -

5. And when there was an attempted bombing, Mayor Blumberg of NYC suggest culprit might be a right-winger..." Mayor Bloomberg: NYC Bomb Suspect Could Be Someone Who “Didn’t Like Health Bill”
Bloomberg - Car Bomb - Health Care | Mediaite

6. When Jared Loughner opened fire on Rep. Gabrielle and killing six other people, where were the headlines screaming that he had been educated in a school funded by Barack Obama?

a. In 1991, Maoist Michael Klonsky and Bill Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW), premised on the notion that if high schools were to limit their enrollment to no more than 400 students (and optimally to fewer than 200), the learning atmosphere on campus would be improved. Klonsky has served as SSW's director since 1993.
Michael Klonsky - Discover the Networks

b. In 1995, with Barack Obama as its chairman, the newly formed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC, a school reform organization, gave the Workshop a grant of $175,000. The CAC provided another $482,662 to the Workshop over the next few years. AZ Shooter?s High School Used Curriculum Founded by Commie Bill Ayers | Weasel Zippers

c. The concept may be called small schools, but Klonsky and Ayers uniquely grasp the force-multiplier effect. In a small class, the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

d. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama…Shooting-suspect?s-nihilism-rose-with-isolation - Joliet Herald News

The media:

Right wing associations with violence, implied.

Left wing actual ties to violence, hidden.

All these shooters have the same mental illness in common. It's called "liberalism".

If I can modify that slightly....or, perhaps continue on with your idea.....

1. Both the education establishment, and the psychologist profession are wholly owned subsidiaries of 'Liberalism, Inc.'

2. All sorts of behaviors are dealt with by the above groups with psychotropic drugs.

3. At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. It is important to note the following lists cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatrist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”. Also note that all these mass shootings didn’t just occur in the United States.
Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

1. Huntsville, Alabama – February 5, 2010: 15-year-old Hammad Memon shot and killed another Discover Middle School student Todd Brown. Memon had a history for being treated for ADHD and depression. He was taking the antidepressant Zoloft and “other drugs for the conditions.” He had been seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist.
2. Kauhajoki, Finland – September 23, 2008: 22-year-old culinary student Matti Saari shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine. He was also seeing a psychologist.
3. Dekalb, Illinois – February 14, 2008: 27-year-old Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amount of Xanax in his system. He had been seeing a psychiatrist.
4. Jokela, Finland – November 7, 2007: 18-year-old Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School in southern Finland, then committed suicide.
5. Cleveland, Ohio – October 10, 2007: 14-year-old Asa Coon stormed through his school with a gun in each hand, shooting and wounding four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon had been placed on the antidepressant Trazodone.
6. Red Lake, Minnesota – March 2005: 16-year-old Jeff Weise, on Prozac, shot and killed his grandparents, then went to his school on the Red Lake Indian Reservation where he shot dead 7 students and a teacher, and wounded 7 before killing himself.
7. Greenbush, New York – February 2004: 16-year-old Jon Romano strolled into his high school in east Greenbush and opened fire with a shotgun. Special education teacher Michael Bennett was hit in the leg. Romano had been taking “medication for depression”. He had previously seen a psychiatrist.
8. Wahluke, Washington – April 10, 2001: Sixteen-year-old Cory Baadsgaard took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates and a teacher hostage. He had been taking the antidepressant Effexor.
9. El Cajon, California – March 22, 2001: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman, on the antidepressants Celexa and Effexor, opened fire on his classmates, wounding three students and two teachers at Granite Hills High School. He had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting.
10. Williamsport, Pennsylvania – March 7, 2001: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was taking the antidepressant Prozac when she shot at fellow students, wounding one.
11. Conyers, Georgia – May 20, 1999: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with the stimulant Ritalin when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates.
12. Columbine, Colorado – April 20, 1999: 18-year-old Eric Harris and his accomplice, Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves. Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox. Klebold’s medical records remain sealed. Both shooters had been in anger-management classes and had undergone counseling. Harris had been seeing a psychiatrist before the shooting.
13. Notus, Idaho – April 16, 1999: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school, narrowly missing students. He was taking a prescribed SSRI antidepressant and Ritalin.
14. Springfield, Oregon – May 21, 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and then proceeded to school where he opened fire on students in the cafeteria, killing two and wounding 25. Kinkel had been taking the antidepressant Prozac. Kinkel had been attending “anger control classes” and was under the care of a psychologist.
Note: Psychiatric Drugs Can Also Cause Severe Withdrawal Symptoms— Violent and Suicidal Thoughts – Watch This 2 Minute Video

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.

Columbine | CCHR International
Question for Luddite: Do you feel that a school without any armed guards is just as safe as a school with an armed guard? If yes, do you feel the same way about banks?
Question for Luddite: Do you feel that a school without any armed guards is just as safe as a school with an armed guard? If yes, do you feel the same way about banks?

Of course he long as the bank has a clearly printed "GUN-FREE ZONE" sign....

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