You'll Be Taxed For Ten Years After Leaving California


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
I always wonder just how loopy the Democrats really are, and then they set the bar lower.

"If you move in Year One, 90% of the tax bill applies..." he said, adding that the following year it drops to 80% and so on until it is phased out to zero.

Cavuto questioned whether such a move was legally feasible.

"For ten years, the wealth was accumulated during their time in California ... and that is what we're proposing in our bill. We believe we can do that, certainly we're open to dialogue and discussion as we move the bill forward, but we think it’s a sound approach and has a strong legal foundation," said Bonta.

Cavuto presses California assemblyman over wealth tax plan amid millionaire 'jailbreak' from Golden State
You know, I've come to the conclusion that California and Ontario have a great number of similar problems. Both highly in debt (Ontario FAR worse than Cali with a far weaker economy). Some in our governments have tried to push for university grads to be forced to stay in Ontario rather than leave for opportunities elsewhere (sort of like living in East Berlin and being unable to jump the wall).

Now Cali is trying to punish people for making money and leaving? I can't see how a state law could even be enforced if they don't re-enter the state. If they leave for good, how can you punish them in future years?
You elect idiot Democrats to be your representatives and this is the kind of shit you get.

Elections have consequences.

Back in the 1990s I worked on an Engineering proposal. We were teamed with Fluor Daniels out of Irvine California. I went out there and stayed for about three months working the project. My home office was in Florida.

A couple of months after I got back I received a letter from California saying that I owed them three months of state income tax.

I took the letter to the corporate lawyer. He told me that California had no legal recourse to get the money. If I didn't pay them there was nothing they could do.

I wrote back and told them to shove it where the sun don't shine. Never heard back from them.

I may be arrested if I ever go back there but nowadays nobody in their right mind would want to go to that cesspool of a state. Beautiful state but the Liberals have screwed it up bad. Really bad.
You know, I've come to the conclusion that California and Ontario have a great number of similar problems. Both highly in debt (Ontario FAR worse than Cali with a far weaker economy). Some in our governments have tried to push for university grads to be forced to stay in Ontario rather than leave for opportunities elsewhere (sort of like living in East Berlin and being unable to jump the wall).

Now Cali is trying to punish people for making money and leaving? I can't see how a state law could even be enforced if they don't re-enter the state. If they leave for good, how can you punish them in future years?
there are a lot of Canadians who live in Cal.........
You know, I've come to the conclusion that California and Ontario have a great number of similar problems. Both highly in debt (Ontario FAR worse than Cali with a far weaker economy). Some in our governments have tried to push for university grads to be forced to stay in Ontario rather than leave for opportunities elsewhere (sort of like living in East Berlin and being unable to jump the wall).

Now Cali is trying to punish people for making money and leaving? I can't see how a state law could even be enforced if they don't re-enter the state. If they leave for good, how can you punish them in future years?
there are a lot of Canadians who live in Cal.........

I know, someone tried to recruit me years ago in my younger days for a sales position. I would have made him millions I'm sure (a bit for myself too I hope), and I'd probably be bouncing on the waves in my motorboat right now, wind blowing through my hair, looking over yonder as the sun rose.

Or, if my Canadian "friends" had their way, I'd be lying at the bottom of that same water (the dangers of living in a nation without being a citizen)...
...and the welfare queens see elections as a way to use the government to steal other people's money.
I don't think they're intelligent enough to think that deep. Seriously.

Probably not, but they know who they have been told to vote for. The candidate with the D beside their name. They are just another subset of useful idiots(ignorant) that the Democrats need to win elections.
Probably not, but they know who they have been told to vote for. The candidate with the D beside their name. They are just another subset of useful idiots(ignorant) that the Democrats need to win elections.
Similar to dumb ass rednecks who are told to vote for an R- because they r an R-

"welfare queens" come in black and white and many are males, BTW.

The "subset" class attended the same schools, for the most part, and all they do is look around at who has *stuff* and believe they too are *entitled*- they aren't, as "entitled" implies earned- that, fellow posters, is improper education, which BOTH sides subscribe to the unconstitutional action of forced Public Education.
Do Democrats take more (better) advantage of it than Republicans?

NO problem can be solved without getting to the root of the problem. Improper education is the root of most of our problems. Most Republican voters agree that schools are centers for indoctrination- yet they clamor for the schools to re-open- why?! If they need a baby sitter, hire one. Isn't that being self sufficient? If you don't like your baby sitter get a different one. Public Schools are just glorified baby sitters that pass on some knowledge and get the benefit of public funding. But, at the end of the day, public schools are just baby sitters who get ragged on because the knowledge they pass on is mandated by outsiders (the alleged elitist).

There is no immediate fix to our situation. Denigrating others solves nothing. The root of the problem has to be "fixed". A band aid on an artery is temporary, at best. Tweaking a "system" doesn't fix the system. ALL systems will fail eventually because there is always a weak link in any chain. The best system still has human involvement- D or R, both are human. BOTH pretend they're smarter than the average bear and their tweaking will fix the broke part. No. It won't. In a mechanical failure the broke part is replaced and in failure analysis of mechanical systems ALL the evidence is studied and taken into consideration. The failure is D and R tweaking the system. Of course neither side will take repsonsibility. They too went through the education "system" and learned it's easier to point a finger at somebody else. Failing to be taught that there are three fingers pointing back at the pointer. They, the D and R believe they are entitled to their beliefs being forced on others. Where did they get that belief?
I always wonder just how loopy the Democrats really are, and then they set the bar lower.

"If you move in Year One, 90% of the tax bill applies..." he said, adding that the following year it drops to 80% and so on until it is phased out to zero.

Cavuto questioned whether such a move was legally feasible.

"For ten years, the wealth was accumulated during their time in California ... and that is what we're proposing in our bill. We believe we can do that, certainly we're open to dialogue and discussion as we move the bill forward, but we think it’s a sound approach and has a strong legal foundation," said Bonta.

Cavuto presses California assemblyman over wealth tax plan amid millionaire 'jailbreak' from Golden State
What if you lost money the last year? Business closures due to the Chinese Ick, rioting and looting costs etc.

Do those people get to collect benefits for the next ten years?

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