You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
I just watched the following video and according to Zack of Wolves and Finance, he says the burden of proof in tax court is on the individual and not on the state. In other words, if you are taken to tax court, you have to prove your innocence otherwise you are presumed guilty. They want to hire 87,000 more IRS agents and they are weaponizing these agents to come after us. They could accuse anyone of a tax violation whether it be true or not and we would have to prove that we are innocent or we would be found guilty. They can come after your property to make good on your tax liability. Maybe this is the globalist scheme to rid many in America of their property so that we will own nothing and be happy. Just a scary thought that I had.

Perhaps this along with Maui type fires will displace million.
I just watched the following video and according to Zack of Wolves and Finance, he says the burden of proof in tax court is on the individual and not on the state. In other words, if you are taken to tax court, you have to prove your innocence otherwise you are presumed guilty. They want to hire 87,000 more IRS agents and they are weaponizing these agents to come after us. They could accuse anyone of a tax violation whether it be true or not and we would have to prove that we are innocent or we would be found guilty. They can come after your property to make good on your tax liability. Maybe this is the globalist scheme to rid many in America of their property so that we will own nothing and be happy. Just a scary thought that I had.

Perhaps this along with Maui type fires will displace million.

^^^ never doubt that millions of Americans are willing to die for wealth to continue being redistributed to the most powerful and wealthy
I just watched the following video and according to Zack of Wolves and Finance, he says the burden of proof in tax court is on the individual and not on the state. In other words, if you are taken to tax court, you have to prove your innocence otherwise you are presumed guilty. They want to hire 87,000 more IRS agents and they are weaponizing these agents to come after us. They could accuse anyone of a tax violation whether it be true or not and we would have to prove that we are innocent or we would be found guilty. They can come after your property to make good on your tax liability. Maybe this is the globalist scheme to rid many in America of their property so that we will own nothing and be happy. Just a scary thought that I had.

Perhaps this along with Maui type fires will displace million.

You just watched a POS video on You Tube which is full of lies and false information.

Don't get your news or politics from YouTube.
To gain more and more control of a population this is needed. There is more than just IRS to this. Eventually "buy and sell" will be authorized only to those who comply to government-controlled dictums.
I have never had any problems with the IRS and I filed as self employed for thirty years.

You always have an anecdotal quip that you seem to think somehow negates an overall point.

But here's the thing: You're always wrong.
You just watched a POS video on You Tube which is full of lies and false information.

Don't get your news or politics from YouTube.

Which venerable organization do you recommend?

It will be funny when you name someone who lied about the President being a Russian asset, along with a million other examples.

And BTW: YouTube isn't a news organization. You can get CNN and MSDNC clips on YouTube, they are simply a delivery mechanism for all sorts of ideologically diverse sources.

So thanks again for demonstrating you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

Now, go change that litterbox!
I just watched the following video and according to Zack of Wolves and Finance, he says the burden of proof in tax court is on the individual and not on the state. In other words, if you are taken to tax court, you have to prove your innocence otherwise you are presumed guilty.

Yep. This is something Ron Paul brought up repeatedly when he was in Congress. The burden should be on the IRS to prove you owe this money, not on you to prove that you don't.
Which venerable organization do you recommend?

It will be funny when you name someone who lied about the President being a Russian asset, along with a million other examples.

And BTW: YouTube isn't a news organization. You can get CNN and MSDNC clips on YouTube, they are simply a delivery mechanism for all sorts of ideologically diverse sources.

So thanks again for demonstrating you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

Now, go change that litterbox!

Someone has an overinflated sense of his own importance, and an equally inflated notion of his own intelligence.

Trump fractured NATO, abandoned your allies in Syria leading to the release of 10,000 ISIS prisoners, abandoned Syria to Russia, tore up the Stratigic Arms Limitation Treaty with Russia, and the Nuclear Weapons Treaty with Iran, giving Putin a free hand with Iran, and withheld American missiles approved by Congress from the Ukraine for nearly 9 months, and then urged Zelensky to "settle with Putin". He gave classified information to the Russian Ambassador in the presence of members of the Russian Press, in a meeting the American Press were barred from. Oh and he told the world he trusts Putin more than his own CIA.

How much more would Trump have to say or do for Putin before you'd consider him to be a Russian asset? Would his promise to "end all aid to the Ukraine overnight" if he's re-elected, not be further proof of his alliegance to Putin?

I know what YouTube is. I've posted videos to YouTube. Anybody can post to YouTube, including liars, foreign governments looking to spread disinformation, and idiots. Unless the video comes from a legitimate news source subscribing to established journalistic standards of verification and fact checking, they are not a source that anyone will take as credible..

Those are outdoor cats. Outdoor cats go outdoors.
Hey, don't beat yourself up.

No one's perfect.

I never do. Your reading comprehension could really use some work too, Evgeny. Perhaps your just trying to get some exercise jumping to conclusions, or maybe it's because English is not your first language, but the word "his" in indicative that the subject is male.

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