The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.


Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

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If you want to go deeper in to the rabbit hole consider the following:
This may interest Bible Believers and students of prophecy. I did not write this post to discuss this, but thought it worth mentioning.

It is an interesting coincidence is it not that when it states that AntiChrist is given a Crown to conquer that the Greek word used there is Corona. Corona Virus means Crown like virus.

When it is stated that he is given a Bow, the word there is Taxon where we derive our word Toxin from. A Virus btw is considered a toxin and so are vaccines. The way a virus kills is to destroy cells and release toxins in to the blood stream until more and more of our systems are compromised.

The reason you get immunized is to expose your body to a weakened or dead virus to teach your body how to kill it and deal with the toxins released as the result of an infection.
The Democrats would prefer the masks were muzzles.
They may as well be when they added in business restrictions, lock down orders, shutting down churches, restricting our movements, censoring free speech, segregating and discriminating against people based on vaccinations or mask wearing, and on and on and on.

What they are doing to little children though is the worst imo.
I suspect that The Democrat Party and other Globally minded individuals in power will continue to lengthen the mythological "two weeks to flatten" the curve in to two years. We are past 400 days of this hoax now. I suspect they will want to lengthen the duration of this tyranny to attempt to impact the 2022 midterms and continue on with their Fraud Apparatus.

Mail in ballots should be banned forever, and so should Dominion voting machines, and officials should go to jail if they deny observers the right to observe vote counts, and ballots being opened.
To Rid our nation of Marxism is to Rid ourselves of The Marxist Mask. If we do not start saying no to the Marxist Globalist's fear and propaganda, we will not be able to say no to their oppressive mandates and tyrannical rule.
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
I'm free, what are you? A slave spouting off slave language, and slave doctrine. Like the sheep you are, you will be lead by the nose, by your masters wherever they desire, and you will never resist or protest even for a second, will you, useful idiot?
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
I'm free, what are you? A slave spouting off slave language, and slave doctrine. Like the sheep you are, you will be lead by the nose, by your masters wherever they desire, and you will never resist or protest even for a second, will you, useful idiot?
You are the slave! I do what is safe and practical. I do protest many things and have a very broad history of protesting. I doubt you ever protested anything but your life.
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
I'm free, what are you? A slave spouting off slave language, and slave doctrine. Like the sheep you are, you will be lead by the nose, by your masters wherever they desire, and you will never resist or protest even for a second, will you, useful idiot?
You are the slave! I do what is safe and practical. I do protest many things and have a very broad history of protesting. I doubt you ever protested anything but your life.
I was at the Million Man March Dupe. The only thing you protest is anything that fails to advance your party's and your comrades march towards Godlessness and Globalism.
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
I'm free, what are you? A slave spouting off slave language, and slave doctrine. Like the sheep you are, you will be lead by the nose, by your masters wherever they desire, and you will never resist or protest even for a second, will you, useful idiot?
You are the slave! I do what is safe and practical. I do protest many things and have a very broad history of protesting. I doubt you ever protested anything but your life.
I was at the Million Man March Dupe. The only thing you protest is anything that fails to advance your party's and your comrades march towards Godlessness and Globalism.
I guess the viet nam protests and such were before your time.
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
I'm free, what are you? A slave spouting off slave language, and slave doctrine. Like the sheep you are, you will be lead by the nose, by your masters wherever they desire, and you will never resist or protest even for a second, will you, useful idiot?
You are the slave! I do what is safe and practical. I do protest many things and have a very broad history of protesting. I doubt you ever protested anything but your life.
I was at the Million Man March Dupe. The only thing you protest is anything that fails to advance your party's and your comrades march towards Godlessness and Globalism.
I guess the viet nam protests and such were before your time.
So you spit on soldiers that were trying to stop Chinese Communists from invading Vietnam and doing things like torturing them, and burning them alive if they would not renounce God?

Already pegged you for one of those in the last post, so why bother repeating yourself and showing what a Godless heathen you are?
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

You are a perfect candidate for the Piss and Moan Club.
I'm free, what are you? A slave spouting off slave language, and slave doctrine. Like the sheep you are, you will be lead by the nose, by your masters wherever they desire, and you will never resist or protest even for a second, will you, useful idiot?
You are the slave! I do what is safe and practical. I do protest many things and have a very broad history of protesting. I doubt you ever protested anything but your life.
I was at the Million Man March Dupe. The only thing you protest is anything that fails to advance your party's and your comrades march towards Godlessness and Globalism.
I guess the viet nam protests and such were before your time.
So you spit on soldiers that were trying to stop Chinese Communists from invading Vietnam and doing things like torturing them, and burning them alive if they would not renounce God?

Already pegged you for one of those in the last post, so why bother repeating yourself and showing what a Godless heathen you are?
Well you show how little you know about Ikes advisors involvement in south Viet Nam. Way back in the 50's north and south viet nam were fighting each other and France was helping the south fight the north. It was the us soldiers who were decapitating the north soldiers and taking photos of them holding the head over the decapitated body.
Our freedoms are being crushed and without representation or our consent. We fought the British over such things as quartering us in our own homes, and restricting our movements, curfews, oppressive taxes and business restrictions.

If you do not want to read what I have to say, and are merely interested in the article that inspired this post, here is the link for that and you need read no more.

The first lie was that this flu came from bats to humans and was easily transmitted from animal to human. Where are mask mandates for our dogs, cats and farm animals? Aren't they are risk from us? Aren't we at risk from them?

The second lie was that it was so deadly that we had to agree to forfeit our Constitutional Rights to freedom of commerce, freedom of movement and association, freedom of religion, and the right to protest etc. etc. to combat an invisible boogie man. Take Ohio for instance and the fact that the per capita mortality rate is 1% of 1% or 1-100th of a percent. Why destroy The Economy and force millions out of jobs not just in Ohio but across the entire country and Globe, over what can only be called The Wuhan Flu and which primarily affects The Elderly over 70 and people in nursing homes?

The 3rd lie was "2 weeks to flatten the curve"! The Curve was kinda flat from the beginning. Only for profit health care providers were keeping the numbers higher by falsifying death records so they could get federal funds, and unreliable tests that nearly always tested positive aided the fraud. Even with padded numbers this was not a pandemic. Evidence of the fraud is illustrated in the fact that the flu is essentially extinct. Corona is no more virulent than the flu virus, and not hard to kill on surfaces etc. Yet we are supposed to believe in a country that usually experiences 20 Million cases of flu a year that this Virus has totally disappeared while Corona still lingers around.

Now were are being forced to submit to even more indignities as the powers that be attempt break our will and submit to more government intrusion in our lives. In PA (the home of Fraudulent Elections) they are telling the citizens of PA that their Tyrannical Government will continue to punish it's citizens with Illegal Mandates and Restrictions on their freedoms until 70% of it's populace submits to medical experimentation in the form of being vaccinated by The Government. In Ohio, Little Hitler, Mike Dewine, has said, He will not release The Imprisoned People of Ohio from their Oppression until there is only 50 cases detected per 100,000 people.

Friends and Patriots, that is 0.0005% of the population. This is a goal intentionally set so low that it will never be reached, and Mike DeWine knows it. This is about Tyrannical control over your schools, your local government, your church, your healthcare, your freedom.

If you live in Ohio, PA, or anywhere else where The Marxist Globalist DemNazis are in control, you do not live in America anymore. I suggest we move to a Sanctuary State like Florida or Texas where The Constitution still upholds our rights.

You may ask, why is government so fixated on forcing you to wear a mask?

Do you remember a statement Hillary Clinton made during a speech to some of her globalist minded investors, and supporters?

"We desire to create a more docile and compliant citizen"
Hillary Clinton 2016

Now why would she even bother making such a weird statement? Well, let me tell you. Agenda 2030, was Agenda 21 before Trump through a monkey wrench in The Globalist Push for One World Government.

But why a mask? Did you know that during the Slave Trade era, that when slaves were captured who were still combative even though they were in chains, they gave them a choice of wearing a mask or being gagged, and if they were still combative, they placed an iron muzzle or cage on their faces.

This had the effect of breaking their will, silencing them, and making them more docile and compliant if they wanted the Muzzle or Gag removed. They did whatever they were told to do, or they got The Muzzle or The Whip or they stayed in chains.

And now you know why you are enduring never ending chains of oppression and suffering under the abrogation of your Constitutional Rights.

Mods: I will remove these images if you feel they are inappropriately posted in the historical context they were published.

View attachment 487668View attachment 487669

Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”

Isaiah 10:1-2 (MSG)

“Doom to you who legislate evil, who make laws that make victims—Laws that make misery for the poor, that rob my destitute people of dignity, exploiting defenseless widows, taking advantage of homeless children.


“Woe (judgment is coming) to those [judges] who issue evil statutes, and to those [magistrates] who constantly record unjust and oppressive decisions, so as to deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of My people of rightful claims, so that widows may be their spoil and that they may plunder the fatherless.” -AMPLIFIED

1. None of your supposed lies were ever said. No one said it was easily transferrable between ALL animals, only that this particular virus had jumped from jungle animals in wet markets to humans, and spread throughout the world. There are cases of cats getting the virus, but they get it from their humans, not the other way around.

2. No one said it was the deadliest virus ever. It was said it was a highly contagious and dangerous virus with a much higher death rate than the flu, no known treatments, and little was know about it other than it overwhelmed the medical system in Italy and killed a very large number of their most elderly citizens.

3. They did say two weeks to flatten the curve. But that never really happened. Some places shut down, some places didn't. Nobody took it seriously early on and little was done to stop the spread. The "curve" didn't flatten at all throughout Trump's term.

The spread only slowed after Joe Biden came in and vaccinated half the country in his first 100 days.

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