You Tone It Down Mr. President


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I'm getting a little tired of seeing Obama lecturing us about how we're supposed to act. In one sentence he told his critics to tone it down and then the next proceeded to tell them to bring it on. This is the problem with this guy. He is constantly sending mixed messages.

Earlier this week he was talking in front of a large crowd of people telling everyone to tone it down...tone down the vitriol and in the same breath he studdered out a bring it on [motherfucker].

What is this guy....a President or a professional wrestler? Is he a punk or a POTUS?

Sometimes I get the feeling he's a standup comedian. Problem is his jokes aren't all that funny especially when people are getting layed off because of the fear this guy is generating in this country.

How many of you feel that what he's doing is something to laugh about? Do you think it's funny when he calls many of you "Tea-Baggers"?

When he whines about his critics saying that health care would bring Armageddon and here we are one week into it and nothing has this something a President should be saying? Forget the fact that little of this bill is going to be implemented till 2014....don't you feel it a bit unseemly for a sitting President to be taking pot-shots at effect millions of Americans that are just tired of the spending and tired of the corruption?

Mr President....grow the fuck up!!!!:anj_stfu:

Learn to lead by example. If you don't want people to be critical of you then you'd better learn to be less critical of them. And most of all when you win....stop rubbing it in...then you wouldn't make as many enemies. Stop pouring salt in the wound Mr. President. Be a Uniter not a Divider.

Think he'll listen to me?
Get used to that number ten can, its open and there is more on the shelf.
I recall Bush being a real arrogant son of a bitch many times he spoke.

Remember the ANGRY "I'm the Desider" crap?

They thought it was cute when Bush talked tuff but now they dont think its so cute when the President talks tuff.


I'm getting a little tired of seeing Obama lecturing us about how we're supposed to act. In one sentence he told his critics to tone it down and then the next proceeded to tell them to bring it on. This is the problem with this guy. He is constantly sending mixed messages.

Earlier this week he was talking in front of a large crowd of people telling everyone to tone it down...tone down the vitriol and in the same breath he studdered out a bring it on [motherfucker].

What is this guy....a President or a professional wrestler? Is he a punk or a POTUS?

Sometimes I get the feeling he's a standup comedian. Problem is his jokes aren't all that funny especially when people are getting layed off because of the fear this guy is generating in this country.

How many of you feel that what he's doing is something to laugh about? Do you think it's funny when he calls many of you "Tea-Baggers"?

When he whines about his critics saying that health care would bring Armageddon and here we are one week into it and nothing has this something a President should be saying? Forget the fact that little of this bill is going to be implemented till 2014....don't you feel it a bit unseemly for a sitting President to be taking pot-shots at effect millions of Americans that are just tired of the spending and tired of the corruption?

Mr President....grow the fuck up!!!!:anj_stfu:

Learn to lead by example. If you don't want people to be critical of you then you'd better learn to be less critical of them. And most of all when you win....stop rubbing it in...then you wouldn't make as many enemies. Stop pouring salt in the wound Mr. President. Be a Uniter not a Divider.

Think he'll listen to me?

You can take the thug out of Chicago......
so a president serves only to serve his constituency? Wow! I'm learning this for the first time.. I must file this somewhere.
Then I also remeber the FEAR in Bush's eyes when he had to stand in front of the country and tell them we HAD to bail out the banks.

He looked like a teen who had to tell Dad he crashed the car.
Rham is going to poison the President's mind with the far left agenda so bad, even the Democrats will disown him by November.
Can you imagine how quickly Obama would have turned this country into Cuba if we didn't have a Constitution with First and Second Amendments?
Rham is going to poison the President's mind with the far left agenda so bad, even the Democrats will disown him by November.
When Hillary resigns as SoS shortly after the November elections debacle, then throws her hat in about a year later for the Dem nomination for POTUS, watch out! Gonna be a rough primary fight, which Hill will win this time.

THAT would be making history -- Obama the only sitting President to LOSE his own party's nomination for a second term.
Yeah pretty much how he treated half the American people and the troops in Iraq and Afganistan
Love the new Obama

He is giving up on his attempts to compromise with the Rebublicans to get bipartisan support

He is giving up ignoring the taunts and lies from his opposition

Way to kick some ass Mr President
so a president serves only to serve his constituency? Wow! I'm learning this for the first time.. I must file this somewhere.

well that's been evident from the first day he took office.

I wouldn't expect much more from the Thug in Chief.

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