You snow-flakes! You have no idea what a health care panic is!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many of you really unaware people are panicked about the so-called "coronavirus"!

The new coronavirus could wind up following the path of the H1N1 swine flu, which caused a pandemic in 2009. That outbreak subsided in 2010, but the virus continues to circulate as one of the primary strains of the seasonal flu.
What is a pandemic? Does the coronavirus qualify?

Now let me tell you about a REAL panic causing "PANDEMIC!!!

Mention polio to anyone born before 1955, and they instantly recall the reign of horror that held the country hostage for over a decade. Thousands of children and adults who had full, active and healthy lives were almost instantly crippled by the horrible disease known as polio.

Small polio epidemics actually began in the early 1900s, but it wasn’t until the late 1940s and early 1950s that the disease reached epidemic proportions. In fact, the polio outbreak in 1952 became the worst epidemic in our nation’s history. 58,000 cases were reported that year. Of those, 3,200 died and 21,000 were left with mild to disabling paralysis.
One of the most startling statistics associated with non-paralytic polio is that up to 95 percent of polio cases had no symptoms at all! The vast majority of people who contracted the disease didn’t even know they had it!
The iron lung, also called the “Drinker Respirator” (invented by Dr. Philip Drinker in 1929) was employed to help the patient breathe. The iron lung was a large, tubular tank that provided artificial respiration until the patient could breathe independently. Many patients were placed in the iron lung for only a week or two, then were able to breathe on their own. Others weren’t so fortunate.
Remembering the polio epidemic of the 1950s: Part I

Personally I'll always remember my Mom warning..."don't walk around that house because one of their kids has polio"! Nor were we allowed to go swimming in any public pool. And this was in the Midwest...low populations, etc.

So come on! Grow a pair you flakes!
The Facts as of today:

Health officials monitoring the coronavirus in the U.S. said there are currently
  • As of 24 February, there are almost 80,000 confired cases of COVID-19.
  • Johns Hopkins has tracked more than 2,600 deaths caused by the virus.
  • Numbers spiked on 13 February after a change in the diagnosis methodology.
  • How many confirmed cases of coronavirus are there?
I am "concerned" about it as every smart American should be.
Perhaps your criticism should be aimed at the wall street executives who are wrecking regular folks retirements with their "panic"
The rest of America has no impact on you as an individual as it pertains to this outbreak
I am "concerned" about it as every smart American should be.
Perhaps your criticism should be aimed at the wall street executives who are wrecking regular folks retirements with their "panic"
The rest of America has no impact on you as an individual as it pertains to this outbreak
I am "concerned" about it as every smart American should be.
Perhaps your criticism should be aimed at the wall street executives who are wrecking regular folks retirements with their "panic"
The rest of America has no impact on you as an individual as it pertains to this outbreak

And you truly show your ignorance of the cause of today's decline!
Gas prices in my area are now at $1.70/gal AND it is because of Saudi Arabia and Russia flooding the market.
But idiots like you blaming Trump etc because THAT's what the MSM seems to concentrate on!
Yet as I pointed out I lived through the polio crisis as a kid and KNOW full well how much angst it caused even in my small town and this was before
the Internet Tweets, cable news etc. had a chance to blow out of proportion and idiots like you get your panties in wad over what less then 2,600 deaths world wide when in the USA alone last year 20,000 to 52,000 people DIED from the regular flu!
Idiots like you should get a little more Internet Savvy before complaining about something YOU have nothing it appears involved in... i.e. the stock market or else you would be more knowledgeable about this decline!
Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates
Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 6.18.48 PM.png
Grow a pair you flakes!

you truly show your ignorance

But idiots like you

idiots like you get your panties in wad

sing along.....?

"Fema Prison Blues"

I hear the train a comin'
It's rolling round the bend
Ain't seen no anti-vaxer since I don't know when
I'm stuck in Fema prison, and time keeps draggin' on
But that train keeps a rollin' on down to camp Antone

When I was first infected my doctor told me son
"Always wash yer hands boy, to pass this on ain’t fun"
But I spat on a man in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry

I bet there's sick folks shackled inside them fema cars
They're probably rethinking of hangin’ cheesy bars
Well you know they had it coming, got no insurance fee
But those people keep a croakin'
And that's what we can’t see

Well if they freed me from fema prison
If that fema train was mine
I’d keep ‘em all up dancing, serve corona with a lime
Far from Fema prison, that's where we want to play
And I'd let that fema whistle blow my blues away

I am "concerned" about it as every smart American should be.
Perhaps your criticism should be aimed at the wall street executives who are wrecking regular folks retirements with their "panic"
The rest of America has no impact on you as an individual as it pertains to this outbreak

And you truly show your ignorance of the cause of today's decline!
Gas prices in my area are now at $1.70/gal AND it is because of Saudi Arabia and Russia flooding the market.
But idiots like you blaming Trump etc because THAT's what the MSM seems to concentrate on!
Yet as I pointed out I lived through the polio crisis as a kid and KNOW full well how much angst it caused even in my small town and this was before
the Internet Tweets, cable news etc. had a chance to blow out of proportion and idiots like you get your panties in wad over what less then 2,600 deaths world wide when in the USA alone last year 20,000 to 52,000 people DIED from the regular flu!
Idiots like you should get a little more Internet Savvy before complaining about something YOU have nothing it appears involved in... i.e. the stock market or else you would be more knowledgeable about this decline!
Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates
View attachment 311381
Did you just quote and argue with yourself after quoting me and saying NOTHING in response to my thoughts? Then for no reason started ranting about gas prices in a medical thread?

I am "concerned" about it as every smart American should be.
Perhaps your criticism should be aimed at the wall street executives who are wrecking regular folks retirements with their "panic"
The rest of America has no impact on you as an individual as it pertains to this outbreak

And you truly show your ignorance of the cause of today's decline!
Gas prices in my area are now at $1.70/gal AND it is because of Saudi Arabia and Russia flooding the market.
But idiots like you blaming Trump etc because THAT's what the MSM seems to concentrate on!
Yet as I pointed out I lived through the polio crisis as a kid and KNOW full well how much angst it caused even in my small town and this was before
the Internet Tweets, cable news etc. had a chance to blow out of proportion and idiots like you get your panties in wad over what less then 2,600 deaths world wide when in the USA alone last year 20,000 to 52,000 people DIED from the regular flu!
Idiots like you should get a little more Internet Savvy before complaining about something YOU have nothing it appears involved in... i.e. the stock market or else you would be more knowledgeable about this decline!
Preliminary In-Season 2019-2020 Flu Burden Estimates
View attachment 311381
Did you just quote and argue with yourself after quoting me and saying NOTHING in response to my thoughts? Then for no reason started ranting about gas prices in a medical thread?


WOW! No wonder they call you "Grampa"...touch of Alzheimer Gramps?
You CRITICIZED wall street for the drop today due to coronavirus panic. HAD very little to do with coronavirus but everything to do with OIL.
Perhaps you should have your temperature checked because you made NO mention of their panic connected to oil prices. That was my point!
I'm going to repeat this chart because I can't believe how the MSM continues to pump this coronavirus up!
REMEMBER!!! 20,000 to 52,000 DEATHS just from the common every year FLU!
Folks you are being hyped by the MSM as it sells advertising! Pumped up. All concerned and about WHAT???
Total deaths in USA to date: 19!!!!
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.

"Nothing to see here. Move along."

I'm planning a dinner a couple of months. You're invited. How do you like you crow?

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