You probably don't know who Harrison Brown is.


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Harrison was one of four victims of a stabbing on the University of Texas campus in Austin yesterday. He is the only one who died. The stabber was a 21-year-old black male biology student. All four victims were male. All were white except one, who was Asian. One witness said she was a few feet away when she saw the stabber, Kendrex J. White, walk up to a white male student from behind, grab him around the neck with one arm, and plunge a large hunting knife into his back "all the way".

Here is Harrison:

As the nineteen year old freshman.lay dying, he handed his phone to "a random girl" and asked her to call his Mom and tell her good-bye.

Was the attack racially motivated? One in five students at the Univ of Texas is a white male. If White were selecting students at random, the chance of stabbing three white males would be (.2)^3 --less than one percent. And if the Asian student were mistaken for white, the chance that these students were not chosen for their race would be a little over one-tenth of one percent.

In other words, it is a near certainty that this was a racial attack--yet another racial attack on white males.

It is necessary to take steps to end these attacks. I can think of two ways to do that: a blunt force way, and a deft scalpel way.

The blunt force way would be an announcement that, in order to nip these stirrings of racial genocide in the bud (Kendrex White once reenacted the slaughter of whites that occurred in Haiti at the end of slavery), every Kendrex White is executed Chinese style--which is to say immediately--after he watches as his siblings, half-siblings, parents, and children are executed first right in front of him--the whole thing broadcast live. Anyone feel a riot percolating up in their souls, cops have orders to shoot to kill. Genocide averted. Attacks cease. Many lives saved.

But it will likely be years before the blunt force way is adopted.

The deft scalpel way would seek to identify and eliminate the root causes of these attacks.

I'll give three sources of anti-white racial hatred, and then see whether there is a common thread in these sources, and then what if anything, can be done about it.

  1. Hollywood. For years, Hollywood has produced a steady stream of movies that can only be described as naked incitement to hatred of whites, particularly white males, and a particularly venomous strain of these movies center around the institution of slavery in the US. These movies are propagandistic, grossly one-sided by magnifying white evil and placing whites in roles designed to provoke the hatred of blacks. A more accurate and non-inflammatory treatment of slavery would mention once every hundred years or so that slavery has been a normal and expected part of human existence throughout history and across all cultures and it wasn't until the late Eighteenth Century, while Jews were still happily financing the slave trade, when white Christian males in England and North America began arguing that slavery was IMMORAL that the world's first laws abolishing slavery were passed. For Hollywood now to hang all the evils of slavery on white Christian males is as socially poisonous as it is galling and deceitful.

  2. George Soros. Among the many reasons George Soros should be tried and executed is his funding of the odious #blacklivesmatters

  3. The Media Taking the New York Times as the prime example of how toxic and subversive the MSM is, consider the Times' reporting on the Ferguson, MO imbroglio. As the story was gaining national attention (helped greatly by the Times), the Times reported black rioting as justified. No justice, no peace. The "local white power structure" had been oppressing local blacks for years, the Times reported. And what evidence did the Times produce? The evidence consisted of disproportionate traffic stops of blacks compared to their percent of the population (of course, maybe blacks speed more?). The Times cited Missouri Dept of Motor Vehicle data to back up their claim. But if you actually go in and look at the data the story tells a much different tale. While blacks were indeed stopped at a higher rate than whites, whites were stopped at a higher rate than yellows, reds, or browns. In other words, if disproportionate traffic stops are evidence of racist cops, the white racist cops were racist against themselves in four out of five non-white categories. Did the Times miss that? Of course not. The NYT intentionally misreported that Ferguson data specifically to whip up racial hatred against whites. THERE CAN BE NO OTHER EXPLANATION. There is more to that story, here, but my point is made.

What do the three examples I provided have in common. That's right, you guessed it: Jews. Jews own the top ten Hollywood movie studios, they own the New York Times, and George Soros is a Jew. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Jews on this board will "argue" I am wrong by calling me a Nazi. Who cares? I am indifferent, which gives me a special status and you should listen to what I'm saying, even if all your life you've been taught that to mention the Jews in any but the most reverent tones is the gravest of sins and might get you called mean names, listen anyway. Take advantage of my truth-telling.

But isn't talk of a looming genocide--a war on whites--just irresponsible hyperbole? I suppose that if we were to visit the long parade of human genocide victims that history has produced, and asked them just before the genocide began if they should be worried about genocide, they would mostly pooh-pooh. I doubt genocide announces itself beforehand. The largest genocide in terms of victims was the genocide inflicted on white Christian Russians by the Bolsheviks. Sixty-six million Russian Christians died at the hands of the Bolsheviks. Between 1917 - 1928, the beginning of the Communist regime, the Bolsheviks were essentially a Jewish movement. Jews did the executing, Jews pulled the triggers that killed Tsar Nicholas and his family and children. That was only a hundred years ago this year.

It is clear to me that continuing the status quo will eventually lead to a similar systematic effort to exterminate. I might be wrong, but I might be right. It's clear to me that the Jewish monopolies on the media, Hollywood, etc. need to be broken up or we risk annihilation. We can't allow any more Harrison Browns to die as he did.

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