You Gotta Bee Kidding Me

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I can think of something worse. Someone bought a house about 20 miles from my location infested with snakes in the walls and attic. The owner knew about it and didn't disclose it and the buyer either didn't do an inspection or it wasn't found during the inspection (not sure how you miss that in an inspection so my guess is they waved it). It went to the courts since the buyer sued and the owner was held responsible.
Plaster lath indicates nice walls on the inside. The heating bill must be horrendous though. Smart then to remove the outer wall, get rid of that asbestos tile, add insulation (which generally repels honey bees), Tyvek, sheathing, and siding or whatever. No real loss. Needed to be done anyway.
I can think of something worse. Someone bought a house about 20 miles from my location infested with snakes in the walls and attic. The owner knew about it and didn't disclose it and the buyer either didn't do an inspection or it wasn't found during the inspection (not sure how you miss that in an inspection so my guess is they waved it). It went to the courts since the buyer sued and the owner was held responsible.

I can't stand snakes lol

To me, the previous owner should be the one who foots the bill should the extermination move be sufficient enough.

God bless you always!!!


True, but at the same time bees are going extinct and that's really a problem.

What a sweet deal. All the free honey you could ever want and at night when you go to bed that soft hum to lull you to sleep. :smoke:

Lol first of all I don't want to get stung and second of all surprisingly I'm not a big fan of honey.
Lol first of all I don't want to get stung and second of all surprisingly I'm not a big fan of honey.

Bees don't sting you if you just leave them alone. All they are interested in is the nearest flower. And you could always SELL the honey. Besides, what a great way to repel other pests and invaders! Imagine breaking into a house to rob it and finding 400,000 bees instead.

Don't be a sissy girl. Embrace the bee. :smiliehug:
Bees don't sting you if you just leave them alone. All they are interested in is the nearest flower. And you could always SELL the honey. Besides, what a great way to repel other pests and invaders! Imagine breaking into a house to rob it and finding 400,000 bees instead.

Don't be a sissy girl. Embrace the bee. :smiliehug:

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Lol yeah well bees have a whole different definition of what they call threatening behavior versus how we define threatening behavior.

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