You don't have a right to own a cow or drink its milk


Feb 14, 2011
"Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice"

You don't have the right to own a cow and drink its milk.
You don't have the right to grow a tomato and eat it.


What country are we in again?

Judge Zinniker of Wisconsin to dairy cow owners:
1) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;

2) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;

3) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;

4) no, the Zinniker Plaintiffs’ private contract does not fall outside the scope of the State’s police power;

5) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice;

A coupla links. Haven't found an MSM link on it yet.

WI Judge to Zinniker, FTCLDF: No "Fundamental Right" to Own a Cow, or Consume Its Milk...Am I Making Myself*Clear? - Journal - The Complete Patient - The Business of Your Health

» Wisconsin: No Right to Produce or Eat Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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This has been going on for months hasn't it? What? Has Fox & Friends been talking about it again :eusa_wall:

Have they?

I learned about it from Jerry Bader.

The raw milk debate has been going on here in Wisconsin for more than months. I just learned about this development. The "clarification" was issued in September, if I understand correctly. This goes way beyond the raw milk debate.
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*psst* This type of legislation is bought by big Agra. You can blame the lobbyists for Monsanto and Cargill for this. They would like nothing more than to outlaw the local food movement including farmers markets, CSA's and small sustainable farms that sell direct to the customer. Cuts into their profits, and they want to someday profit from every morsel of food you put in your mouth and every seed planted in this country.

Organic v. Monsanto
*psst* This type of legislation is bought by big Agra. You can blame the lobbyists for Monsanto and Cargill for this. They would like nothing more than to outlaw the local food movement including farmers markets, CSA's and small sustainable farms that sell direct to the customer. Cuts into their profits, and they want to someday profit from every morsel of food you put in your mouth and every seed planted in this country.

Organic v. Monsanto

If this disturbs you, sign the petition for a Constitutional Amendment to get the money out of politics.

Get Money Out
"Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice"

You don't have the right to own a cow and drink its milk.
You don't have the right to grow a tomato and eat it.


What country are we in again?

Judge Zinniker of Wisconsin to dairy cow owners:
1) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;

2) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;

3) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;

4) no, the Zinniker Plaintiffs’ private contract does not fall outside the scope of the State’s police power;

5) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice;

A coupla links. Haven't found an MSM link on it yet.

WI Judge to Zinniker, FTCLDF: No "Fundamental Right" to Own a Cow, or Consume Its Milk...Am I Making Myself*Clear? - Journal - The Complete Patient - The Business of Your Health

» Wisconsin: No Right to Produce or Eat Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

So, if I continue to drink the milk right out of the bulk tank, and get two free gallons a week, then am I an outlaw ? And if so, will it make me sexy to the gals in that "James Dean" outlaw, bad boy way ?

As Paul Harvey would have said and now for the rest of the story (well at least another side)...

Wisconsin Law (
(2) Requirements for milk and fluid milk products; grade A requirement.
97.24(2)(a)(a) No person may sell or distribute any milk unless that milk is produced, processed and distributed in compliance with standards established by the department by rule under this chapter.
97.24(2)(b) (b) No person may sell or distribute any milk or fluid milk products which are not grade A milk or grade A milk products to consumers, or to any restaurant, institution or retailer for consumption or resale to consumers. Grade A milk and grade A milk products shall be effectively pasteurized, and shall be produced, processed and distributed in compliance with standards established by the department by rule under this chapter.
97.24(2)(c) (c) No person may sell or distribute milk or fluid milk products which are labeled or otherwise represented as grade A milk or grade A milk products unless the milk and fluid milk products comply with this chapter and with standards established by the department by rule under this chapter.
97.24(2)(d) (d) This section does not prohibit:
97.24(2)(d)1. 1. The sale of milk or fluid milk products which are heat sterilized in hermetically sealed containers.
97.24(2)(d)2. 2. Incidental sales of milk directly to consumers at the dairy farm where the milk is produced.
97.24(2)(d)3. 3. Incidental sales of pasteurized milk at a dairy plant licensed under s. 97.20.
97.24(2)(d)4. 4. The sale of grade A milk or grade A milk products which are produced and processed under equivalent laws or rules of another state or a local governmental unit, as provided under sub.​

National Review: On the ‘Right to Drink Milk’ Case

"Further, the media line about how you can’t “drink your own cow’s milk” in Wisconsin is a bit of a stretch. The text of the law that authorities are using to crack down on unpasteurized milk says “sell or distribute,” not “consume”; Wisconsin has traditionally interpreted the law to mean that people who own cows can drink the milk without pasteurization. At issue here is a farm that set up a “membership” program through which people could partly “own” the farm and therefore consume the milk — a questionable move that skirts the law."​

So the OP Title and Text that you can't own cow and drink its milk is false. You can. The nice emotional tug of you can raise a cow and drink it's milk or grow a tomato and eat it is incorrect.

What you can't do is sell unpasteurized milk to others and/or try to evade health standards under the law applicable to the commercial sale of milk.

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The people bought their own cows so that they could drink the milk of their choice.

The judge said they don't have the right to buy their own cows to drink the milk of their choice.

And he framed it in a unnecessarily sweeping way which if not appealed and overturned could have devastating ramifications on our liberties.
The people bought their own cows so that they could drink the milk of their choice.

The judge said they don't have the right to buy their own cows to drink the milk of their choice.

And he framed it in a unnecessarily sweeping way which if not appealed and overturned could have devastating ramifications on our liberties.

I won't disagree that there are some broad statements that the Judge made which might be out of line.

I was providing a counterpoint that you can't raise a cow and drink it's raw milk, for yourself you can. For the consumption of others, no. Clearly outlawed under the Wisconsin statutes, what we appear to have is an attempt to evade the law by a commercial enterprise.

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I think the Founding Fathers would have put a protection against this kind of move in the Bill of Rights if they had ever imagined it possible that a court would ever have made a broad claim like, "Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice."

But it's pretty nearly unimaginable. I'm still having trouble believing it was said even in this century.

I hope that the plaintiffs have deep enough pockets or friends with deep enough pockets that they will appeal this. That kind of language can't be allowed to stand.

I hope.

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