"You didn't get there on your own"

You noticed that as soon as you comply with one government regulation, they find another one.

That's what I found out too and why I just closed the damn business.

The regulations weren't so much the onerous part of our business, but the sheer volume of paperwork required by government can crush a small business. And because we were dependent on the success of others for our success, the crushing regulations that affected other small businesses also affected us. As the economy compressed and collapsed on some fronts, our bottom line was also affected. When Obama policies continued to make it almost impossible for a steady recovery to happen, it was no longer fun. And because it just wasn't profitable enough to continue our business when it wasn't fun, we suspended all operations and have effectively retired.

So how about that Mr. President? If you want the credit for us starting up our business, do you also accept the credit for us closing it down?

Given the amount of paperwork and regulations that affect your small business, how would you feel about a progressive regulatory scale on regulations such as

The smaller the company, the less regulations that should be placed on it??

(This is only a theoretical question on governmental policies. A mere hypothetical that could, if applied, help allow small business to flourish in our economy.)

In the past I have had employees who refused a small raise because it would put them just over the line into the next graduated tax bracket and cost them more in taxes than the amount of their raise. They preferred to wait until they would be eligible for a larger raise and therefore would enjoy increased income.

It is the same with government regulaltion. I have run into employers who have 40 or more employees but fewer than 50 who are not now willing to hire that 50th employee for fear of falling under Obamacare requirements for employers with 50 or more employees. That limits the employer's willingness to grow and no doubt is preventing some people from having jobs.

Unless the rules, regs, and taxes are reasonable and even across the board, there will be incentives for some NOT to grow, not to expand, not to prosper beyond a given level.

CNN's Acosta Tries to Put Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In Context

By Matt Hadro
August 28, 2012

CNN's Jim Acosta tried to add some context to President Obama's infamous "you didn't build that" comment, during Tuesday's GOP convention coverage.

"But wasn't he talking about you need roads, you need bridges, get the supplies to your business," Acosta pressed Newt Gingrich, who scoffed at the Obama campaign's explanation as "total baloney." [Video below the break.]

Acosta had first asked about Tuesday night's GOP Convention theme of "We Built It," giving the Obama campaign's response.

"The theme tonight is 'We Built It.' There's a sign behind you that says it, it's on the walls here. The Obama campaign says 'Hey wait a minute, you took that out of context. That's taken out of context'," Acosta pressed Gingrich. "I think that's such total baloney," sounded Gingrich.

A transcript of the exchange, which aired during CNN's Republican National Convention coverage on August 28 at 8:42 p.m. EDT, is as follows:


Read more: CNN's Acosta Tries to Put Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In Context | NewsBusters.org


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If people truly dont need ANYONE to aid or help them.........then why is the GOP trying so hard to convince us how much we need them?
CNN's Acosta Tries to Put Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In Context

By Matt Hadro
August 28, 2012

CNN's Jim Acosta tried to add some context to President Obama's infamous "you didn't build that" comment, during Tuesday's GOP convention coverage.

"But wasn't he talking about you need roads, you need bridges, get the supplies to your business," Acosta pressed Newt Gingrich, who scoffed at the Obama campaign's explanation as "total baloney." [Video below the break.]

Acosta had first asked about Tuesday night's GOP Convention theme of "We Built It," giving the Obama campaign's response.

"The theme tonight is 'We Built It.' There's a sign behind you that says it, it's on the walls here. The Obama campaign says 'Hey wait a minute, you took that out of context. That's taken out of context'," Acosta pressed Gingrich. "I think that's such total baloney," sounded Gingrich.

A transcript of the exchange, which aired during CNN's Republican National Convention coverage on August 28 at 8:42 p.m. EDT, is as follows:


Read more: CNN's Acosta Tries to Put Obama's 'You Didn't Build That' In Context | NewsBusters.org
The more the Obama supporters try to spin this, the worse it gets for Obama.
After two nights of the GOP convention in which speech after speech after speech is peppered with "And yes, Mr. President, he/she/I DID build that!!!", I'm guessing that President Obama is sore from kicking himself for giving the GOP that line. :)
After two nights of the GOP convention in which speech after speech after speech is peppered with "And yes, Mr. President, he/she/I DID build that!!!", I'm guessing that President Obama is sore from kicking himself for giving the GOP that line. :)
Every time the GOP tells that lie it shows the American people just how little Willard Mitt THE Twit thinks they are able to see through his lies.
And it only resonates with the people who never had exposure to American free enterprise, the ones who embrace this are the losers, the slackers, the Mommy's basement resident, the feeble-minded who are convinced that they failed because America is so darn mean-spirited. It's not just an unAmerican attitude, it's anti-American

Dems are the American't Party

What exactly is un-American about saying the system which is certainly funded by the government plays a part in success.

I know a man who runs an $80m company. He immigrated here from Taiwan and got his Masters degree in EE from Long Beach State (just the kind of person we send home today). When we talked about taxes and estate planning his comment to me I will never forget. He said, " I have no problem paying taxes. I could never have done this in Taiwan. I am happy to pay the money so the next poor kid has the same chance."
And it only resonates with the people who never had exposure to American free enterprise, the ones who embrace this are the losers, the slackers, the Mommy's basement resident, the feeble-minded who are convinced that they failed because America is so darn mean-spirited. It's not just an unAmerican attitude, it's anti-American

Dems are the American't Party

What exactly is un-American about saying the system which is certainly funded by the government plays a part in success.

I know a man who runs an $80m company. He immigrated here from Taiwan and got his Masters degree in EE from Long Beach State (just the kind of person we send home today). When we talked about taxes and estate planning his comment to me I will never forget. He said, " I have no problem paying taxes. I could never have done this in Taiwan. I am happy to pay the money so the next poor kid has the same chance."

Several speakers did address that. And pointed out that government infrastructure exists because private enterprise is successful. and pays for that infrastructure. It simply does not happen the other way around.
And it only resonates with the people who never had exposure to American free enterprise, the ones who embrace this are the losers, the slackers, the Mommy's basement resident, the feeble-minded who are convinced that they failed because America is so darn mean-spirited. It's not just an unAmerican attitude, it's anti-American

Dems are the American't Party

What exactly is un-American about saying the system which is certainly funded by the government plays a part in success.

I know a man who runs an $80m company. He immigrated here from Taiwan and got his Masters degree in EE from Long Beach State (just the kind of person we send home today). When we talked about taxes and estate planning his comment to me I will never forget. He said, " I have no problem paying taxes. I could never have done this in Taiwan. I am happy to pay the money so the next poor kid has the same chance."

Several speakers did address that. And pointed out that government infrastructure exists because private enterprise is successful. and pays for that infrastructure. It simply does not happen the other way around.
And they said that while speaking in a government funded stadium. :eusa_whistle:
What exactly is un-American about saying the system which is certainly funded by the government plays a part in success.

I know a man who runs an $80m company. He immigrated here from Taiwan and got his Masters degree in EE from Long Beach State (just the kind of person we send home today). When we talked about taxes and estate planning his comment to me I will never forget. He said, " I have no problem paying taxes. I could never have done this in Taiwan. I am happy to pay the money so the next poor kid has the same chance."

Several speakers did address that. And pointed out that government infrastructure exists because private enterprise is successful. and pays for that infrastructure. It simply does not happen the other way around.
And they said that while speaking in a government funded stadium. :eusa_whistle:

A tax payer funded stadium built with taxes by private businesses and the people they employ.
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Several speakers did address that. And pointed out that government infrastructure exists because private enterprise is successful. and pays for that infrastructure. It simply does not happen the other way around.
And they said that while speaking in a government funded stadium. :eusa_whistle:

A tax payer funded stadium built with taxes by private businesses and the people they employ.

Because in previous generations the wealthy realized they had an obligation to pay taxes and sustain and enhance a system for the next generation. Obama is right, none of them did it on their own. All of us stood on the shoulders of generations that came before us and funded a system and infrastructure that allowed us (and my friend) to do what they have done.

Obama is right. This statement shouldn't even be a debate. It discredits those who came before us. We should be acting the same and not pushing to eliminate capital gains taxes completely when we know the gains are coming from overseas portfolios and do benefit the US with jobs at all. The wealthy currently carry the lowest tax burden since 1900.

This debate is as much a referendum of who we want to be. Do we want to be like or forefathers or do we want to be like a Latin American banana republic where the successful look out for themselves and their families and that is where it stops.
And they said that while speaking in a government funded stadium. :eusa_whistle:

A tax payer funded stadium built with taxes by private businesses and the people they employ.

Because in previous generations the wealthy realized they had an obligation to pay taxes and sustain and enhance a system for the next generation. Obama is right, none of them did it on their own. All of us stood on the shoulders of generations that came before us and funded a system and infrastructure that allowed us (and my friend) to do what they have done.

Obama is right. This statement shouldn't even be a debate. It discredits those who came before us. We should be acting the same and not pushing to eliminate capital gains taxes completely when we know the gains are coming from overseas portfolios and do benefit the US with jobs at all. The wealthy currently carry the lowest tax burden since 1900.

This debate is as much a referendum of who we want to be. Do we want to be like or forefathers or do we want to be like a Latin American banana republic where the successful look out for themselves and their families and that is where it stops.

Bull. He made the statement because he believes it. If he is so confident why does he keep running from it. He should say it everytime he gets up and talks. But he won't.

We don't want to be like the failed nations of Europe that are collapsing under their own unwillingness to own up to the fact that they can't sustain 2/3 of the people living on government help.

The only Banana Republic is Chicago....there, it seems like your chances are not so good.
Every time the GOP tells that lie it shows the American people just how little Willard Mitt THE Twit thinks they are able to see through his lies.

Yeah, and we know how Democrats are always giving the voters credit for having the ability to see through pathetic lieas and propaganda!
And it only resonates with the people who never had exposure to American free enterprise, the ones who embrace this are the losers, the slackers, the Mommy's basement resident, the feeble-minded who are convinced that they failed because America is so darn mean-spirited. It's not just an unAmerican attitude, it's anti-American

Dems are the American't Party

What exactly is un-American about saying the system which is certainly funded by the government plays a part in success.

I know a man who runs an $80m company. He immigrated here from Taiwan and got his Masters degree in EE from Long Beach State (just the kind of person we send home today). When we talked about taxes and estate planning his comment to me I will never forget. He said, " I have no problem paying taxes. I could never have done this in Taiwan. I am happy to pay the money so the next poor kid has the same chance."

The problem is that 90% of your taxes are poured down the welfare sewer. They don't help anyone get ahead. People in this country were "getting ahead," long before public universities existed.
Bull. He made the statement because he believes it. If he is so confident why does he keep running from it. He should say it everytime he gets up and talks. But he won't.

We don't want to be like the failed nations of Europe that are collapsing under their own unwillingness to own up to the fact that they can't sustain 2/3 of the people living on government help.

The only Banana Republic is Chicago....there, it seems like your chances are not so good.

Libturds keep saying he didn't say it, and then they defend the statement!

The fact is they all believe the statement exactly as Obama's critics have interpreted it.
And it only resonates with the people who never had exposure to American free enterprise, the ones who embrace this are the losers, the slackers, the Mommy's basement resident, the feeble-minded who are convinced that they failed because America is so darn mean-spirited. It's not just an unAmerican attitude, it's anti-American

Dems are the American't Party

What exactly is un-American about saying the system which is certainly funded by the government plays a part in success.

I know a man who runs an $80m company. He immigrated here from Taiwan and got his Masters degree in EE from Long Beach State (just the kind of person we send home today). When we talked about taxes and estate planning his comment to me I will never forget. He said, " I have no problem paying taxes. I could never have done this in Taiwan. I am happy to pay the money so the next poor kid has the same chance."

The problem is that 90% of your taxes are poured down the welfare sewer. They don't help anyone get ahead. People in this country were "getting ahead," long before public universities existed.

WTF. These are the misstatements and the misinformation that produce meat heads like you.

As of 2000, 24% of the welfare state funds education, and 47% pays for Social Security, 22% finances Medicare, 11% supports public employee retirement, 8% accounts for what is spent for workers compensation, and 3% provides for unemployment insurance.(156) Means tested cash welfare benefits remain the most criticized and resented, even though needs tested welfare only made up 17% of the welfare state, and only 1.7% of the national budget. (157)

156 Gilens, Martin, Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy, figures 1.1, 16 157 Gilens, Martin, Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy, figures 1.1, 16

more recently:

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Several speakers did address that. And pointed out that government infrastructure exists because private enterprise is successful. and pays for that infrastructure. It simply does not happen the other way around.
And they said that while speaking in a government funded stadium. :eusa_whistle:

A tax payer funded stadium built with taxes by private businesses and the people they employ.
But CON$ habitually say that businesses do not pay taxes, they pass them on to their customers in the price they charge for their goods and services!
After two nights of the GOP convention in which speech after speech after speech is peppered with "And yes, Mr. President, he/she/I DID build that!!!", I'm guessing that President Obama is sore from kicking himself for giving the GOP that line. :)

The Obamatons continue to ignore the facts and have circled the wagons.
Obama:..."You didn't build that"..
Obamatons: "He didn't say that"

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