Yes, they are the enemy.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
This is what is being pandered to children by leftists...

There is no possible way to deny the demonic element of that video..nor the intent.

Which is to desensitize children to demonic appearances..but also to advise them that sex is child friendly.
Maybe Sessions’ Religious Liberty Task Force should look into this problem.
Substituting the concepts is just one of the propaganda main rules.

Deep State wants the kids brainwashed while their minds are still very fragile and unable to differ Good from Evil. When they grow up, they are meant to be a lot easier to manipulate. I consider that to be a crime.
This is what is being pandered to children by leftists...

There is no possible way to deny the demonic element of that video..nor the intent.

Which is to desensitize children to demonic appearances..but also to advise them that sex is child friendly.

Yes. The most radical Leftist freak show culture warriors are the enemy. Some saw them coming years out. Most of us never imagined it would go this far, or would be poised to go even further. A vote for that thing's right to brainwash and indoctrinate our children is a vote for Hell itself. I face a dilemma with a close friend, a Democrat and great person, who when asked how she could vote for a party in support of this insanity, always avoids the sickening reality you've put on display here. Complicity with Hell, unfortunately, we all know what that road is paved with.

I would indeed do whatever necessary to prevent my nieces and nephew from ever meeting that thing, and I suspect most Americans would do the same and think nothing of it. To say the Left has bit off more than it could ever chew is ridiculous understatement. Imagine being a member of a party whose morality has sunk to the bottom of the deepest sea. And yet, the Left somehow attempts to preach down our President from some fabricated, never-will-float moral island. What's worse: millions of Americans buy into it. Sick. Brainsick.
So make sure to spend your time scouring the internet looking for crap like this so you can tell the kids where not to go on the internet.
The host(ess/er/ee) of that stupid Queer Kids Show i guarantee is either an educator, or a child psych major.

She looks exactly like the child welfare worker they've stuck out here..only our dyke has blue hair.

Our schools are thick with these freaks. Our schools create them.
I spoke with a kid (a junkie) the other day. He lives with his girlfriend and his girlfriend's mother...both receive SSI. His gf is a *pansexual*. He said they both have a long history of abuse. He also said they are abusive.
So make sure to spend your time scouring the internet looking for crap like this so you can tell the kids where not to go on the internet.
Thanks for telling us all you support this sickness.

Because kids will never do what they're told not to do.
Your support duly noted. When I was a kid no one told me or any of us I knew not to be a perverse faggot! It was normal for the males to seek females and vice versa. It's NORMAL! What you support is not NORMAL!
A few minutes ago the comments were available showing most people outraged over this now, for some reason, the comments are unavailable. Hmmm....pedophiles not wanting to hear the truth I guess.
A few minutes ago the comments were available showing most people outraged over this now, for some reason, the comments are unavailable. Hmmm....pedophiles not wanting to hear the truth I guess.
No they're protected. When they post things that are too over the top, the posts are removed to prevent the evidence from lingering.
I suppose it just tries to "normalize" the LGBTQ community for the kids and help the kids be less judgmental. Kids commit suicide over bigotry, you know.
So make sure to spend your time scouring the internet looking for crap like this so you can tell the kids where not to go on the internet.
Thanks for telling us all you support this sickness.

Because kids will never do what they're told not to do.
Because telling kids "gay means happy" is fucking perversion.
That's what the word used to mean, sorta, until fags commandeered it and destroyed it.
So make sure to spend your time scouring the internet looking for crap like this so you can tell the kids where not to go on the internet.
Thanks for telling us all you support this sickness.

Because kids will never do what they're told not to do.
Because telling kids "gay means happy" is fucking perversion.
That's what the word used to mean, sorta, until fags commandeered it and destroyed it.
Yes I get it ,and they think it's funny to pun it now. But obviously, they are conflating two separate terms into one in order to equate perversion with joyful delight and lifelong happiness.

And at the same time they are de-sensitizing children to the palpable threat that such creatures pose to children. I mean look at that freak! He obviously is channeling Satan, can anybody seriously contest that? But speaking like june cleaver to children in order to trick them into shelving their natural alarm.

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