Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights

you can't divest people of their due process and you can't discriminate based on religion.

great country america. pity you scum want to reshape it into a white christian supremacist haven.

This is one of many reasons why we need to properly enforce immigration laws. This is repulsive - and had I been on that flight those muslims would have lost teeth, found themselves on the tarmac, and this lady would have flown in her original seat...

Tragic that you jillian are fighting for this kind of discrimination instead of against it... But not all that surprising. Dumbocrats long history of hating women and treating them as nothing more than sexual objects is only surpassed by their long history of ugly racism.

The 2nd Amendment is "pretty settled law" but that doesn't stop you Dumbocrats from attempting to overturn it every single day.

Well, using THEIR LOGIC... the mandatory waiting period required for ALL gun purchases amounts to a BAN ON GUNS!
great country america. pity you scum want to reshape it into a white christian supremacist haven.
Great country - America. Pity you Dumbocrats desire to turn it into a lawless shit-hole.

We have laws in this country jillian - we are going to enforce them whether you like it or not. I realize you got used to 8 years of lawlessness under Marxist Obama but that's over now sweetie. Deal with it.

Your grandfather - who you just quoted - and who came here legally, would be disgusted by your support of lawless, criminal activity like illegal aliens. He was an honorable man who obeyed the law. You dishonor his good name.

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