Yes, America Is A Racist Country, And Republicans Want To Keep It That Way

Earth to MAGA MAGGOT. We need to teach real American History, including racism in America. You're still avoiding the questions. Racism did exist and still exists in this country. Denying that fact does not change that fact. You asked me if I been watching PBS, no I lived it.
True racism doesn't exist. What is called racism is the rise of fed up and exhaustion of listening to the plaintive wailing of a people that have become a social construct of barbarism, savagery and criminality. You don't like it, you racist you.
It wasn't stolen. That is why he lost all the court cases, including supreme court.
And, like I tell the others on here, complaining of biden making people poor, I hope you get to doing better real soon.
Surprisingly enough, it always turns out, the posting member is doing and does not know anybody personally poor and miserable. Go figure. USMB posters must be an elite group. Who knew?;)
Trump never lost any of those cases. They weren't heard. They were dismissed on various interpretations of technicalities. This only added to the lingering odor of fakery.
Even so, few Americans would say they are motivated to vote by the prospect of giving this nation’s wealthiest citizens yet another gargantuan tax cut. Probably not too many cast their ballots so that billionaires such as Jeffrey Bezos, for example, can do more back flips in zero gravity or acquire another media outlet. And even fewer likely cast their vote so Koch Industries or its sprawling network of subsidiaries and associated conglomerates can freely pump hazardous chemicals into our air, churn massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or dump toxic waste byproducts near where those voters live.

And yet the country remains about evenly divided politically. Millions of ordinary American voters continue to vote for a party whose entire existence is predicated on satisfying the economic interests and desires of the relatively tiny percentage of this nation’s uber-wealthy. These voters continue to do this even though they personally disapprove of those policies. A substantial portion of those people premise their vote on religious sensibilities, primarily their opposition to abortion. However, there simply aren’t enough of those people to form a national majority, and Republicans know this.

That is why the Republican Party has, for the past 60 years—and now, even more virulently thanks to Trump—turned to crude racism as its chief motivator to get out the Republican vote. Because its actual policy goals of more tax cuts and more deregulation don’t particularly inspire people, Republicans must rely on something that does.

LBJ called it in the 60's. And Republican voters still haven't figured it out yet.
Racism was codified in the Constitution (Three-Fifths Clause) and reaffirmed by the Supreme Court (Dred Scott, Plessy v. Ferguson) and although over the years liberals have successfully fought against racism in the courts and at the ballot box, the racist roots of America remain – nurtured by the fear and hate of Republicans.
are you scared jones?.....are you afraid to go out?.....
It’s classic conservative reactionaryism – the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change, diversity, and inclusion.

For Republicans this fear manifests as white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – the baseless lie that America is being ‘taken away’ from white Americans; a lie used by Republicans to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
you aint scared jones....your horrified......
I struggle with this ... what or who determines if someone is "racist?" ... If you say something negative about various groups .. like Mexican cartel are dangerous and don't mess with them ...

why is "racist" such a generalized word that mostly translates into "you said something I don't like?" All these terms are so generalized.
I admit, it is kin to the pet names trumpers use in some cases, but somewhat organized or strictly organized racists groups and other subversive groups do exist. The majority of the hardcore ones, that could be a danger (in a large way) have been infiltrated. Most sympathizers pose little large scale threat to the public at large, though capable of violence at anytime on an individual basis.
I admit, it is kin to the pet names trumpers use in some cases, but somewhat organized or strictly organized racists groups and other subversive groups do exist. The majority of the hardcore ones, that could be a danger (in a large way) have been infiltrated. Most sympathizers pose little large scale threat to the public at large, though capable of violence at anytime on an individual basis.
What / who are the hardcore groups, and what percentage of Americans do they present? 1%? 5%? 10%? >25%
Even so, few Americans would say they are motivated to vote by the prospect of giving this nation’s wealthiest citizens yet another gargantuan tax cut. Probably not too many cast their ballots so that billionaires such as Jeffrey Bezos, for example, can do more back flips in zero gravity or acquire another media outlet. And even fewer likely cast their vote so Koch Industries or its sprawling network of subsidiaries and associated conglomerates can freely pump hazardous chemicals into our air, churn massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, or dump toxic waste byproducts near where those voters live.

And yet the country remains about evenly divided politically. Millions of ordinary American voters continue to vote for a party whose entire existence is predicated on satisfying the economic interests and desires of the relatively tiny percentage of this nation’s uber-wealthy. These voters continue to do this even though they personally disapprove of those policies. A substantial portion of those people premise their vote on religious sensibilities, primarily their opposition to abortion. However, there simply aren’t enough of those people to form a national majority, and Republicans know this.

That is why the Republican Party has, for the past 60 years—and now, even more virulently thanks to Trump—turned to crude racism as its chief motivator to get out the Republican vote. Because its actual policy goals of more tax cuts and more deregulation don’t particularly inspire people, Republicans must rely on something that does.

LBJ called it in the 60's. And Republican voters still haven't figured it out yet.
LBJ quote: "If you can convine the lowest white man he's better better then the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you".

There's Trump & his party in a nutshell.
I see you mental acuity is at usual low. Young People refers to children in school learning the real history of our country, including slavery. You cannot possibly that dense, but you are a MAGA MAGGOT MEAT HEAD so I figure you are.
oh here we go....yet another dipshit who calls anyone who doesnt agree with fucking party people are pretty pathetic....
oh here we go....yet another dipshit who calls anyone who doesnt agree with fucking party people are pretty pathetic....

No, you asked a question that you knew the answer to, or trying and failing be cute. As often I've been called names by you and other members of this forum calling me a dipshit was akin to 877y88 bpot meets kettle.

Also all I've received are insults for the questions I pose. MAGA hates questions so they either ignore them or insult the person posing the question....just like your doing.
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I have many Republican friends and most are not racist and do actually find republican support for white supremacists and the race baiting, disgusting. It is not white supremacy most support, but the leadership wants the votes of the white supremacist, so treads softly against calling them out and denouncing, in the small tent party.

That's just fucking stupid
There's no Republican support for white supremacists.
No, you asked a question that you knew the answer to, and trying and failing be cute. As often I've been called names by you and other members of this forum calling me a dipshit was akin to pot meets kettle.

Also all I've received are insults for the questions I pose. MAGA hates questions so they either ignore them or insult the person posing the question....just like your doing.
but i didnt lie....most of the posters in this forum are over 40 and many retired...........what young people are you talking about?.....and you have been called names here? poor fucking basturd.....

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